
How can anyone be so autistic?

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Where was he in Ireland?

Didn't even know.

I respect him for feeling the need to stand for Sweden. He's an absolute autist but i respect him regardless.

For guys who have no problem getting girls, gfs are low priority. The Golden One can get any girl he wants whenever he wants, he isn't a beta like you who would give up all his dream just to get a gf.

Fucking beta larpers. Pathetic.

t. beeta leffteests

I'm able to tell he's autistic just by looking at OPs pic. Does he wear fedoras?

Fuck off. You get worried when groups of people walk towards you.

He's 6'3

tell me what will he achieve by staying there and doing nothing? To top it off he is not even going to stay in sweden, he is going to thailand

either he is even more autistic than christian chandler or he got cucked and created a story around it to look like a true viking nationalist. He deleted his most viewed video with 10k calorie challenge months ago. In said video there was a part with him and his gf kissing and elvenking - heaven is a place on earth was playing in the background. Maybe he got cucked and removed this video in anger or something. Second thing is that he hasn't posted any pictures of his gf in very long time and she never posted anything with him in a long time. That's only a little thing i've noticed a while ago.

as he says in the videos he inspires hope in others. That not everyone is apathetic or multiculti. These guys have alot of influence. Especially with young kids today. I was just reading an article yesterday on David Irving and how he gets constant fan mail from 14-16 year olds.

People like him might be silenced and ridiculed but times are changing and they're say is becoming more and more profound. Brexit and Trumps presidencys are both signs of that.

Anyway this has nothing to do with Veeky Forums and i have a party to go to. This will be last post in this thread.

Also it's not unusual for youtubers to not post about their relationships and private life at all online.

What does that have to do with anything?

>you will go to thailand train mma and fuck girls (male) because no gf


wtf lmaooooo is this guy an actual autist???

>girl (man)

The Russian God of gays lives in Thailand too.

have fun autists

>didn't change his whole life for a oneitis like betas do
>didn't fall for the marriage meme
>living independently like a man
>not supporting money leeching useless womyn
>not getting cucked by black dudes while at work
>traveling around the world on his own
>learning to fight in exotic countries
>fucking traps

Is there anyone more alpha?

>you're a fucking white male

I can bet you are one those mindless followers. Fucking americans talking about nationalism. America is a country created by all sorts of different people from around the world.

>People like him might be silenced and ridiculed but times are changing and they're say is becoming more and more profound. Brexit and Trumps presidencys are both signs of that.
Great fucking examples. Sweden is the most cucked country in whole entire world and nothing will change this. It will turn into 100% muslim territory (technically it is already) and hopefully it will get purged by carpet bombing.

>These guys have alot of influence. Especially with young kids today.
young kids are stupid and have no idea what they want from life. Every sane person will agree that latsbrah fuck up his life at this point. He could move to ireland and live a happy life with his gf away from muslims and niggers but instead he decided to dump the girl, stay in country and keep on doing nothing.

How did this dude even end up here in Ireland, how did he meet this young maiden?

what did he mean by this

he means that he is a too big of a coward and wants someone else to actually start doing something. Did he ever killed any muslims? Does he think that flexing his muscles and reading books will scare away all imigrants from his country? Is this man sane?

Nah I never watch his videos. I'm just an average Euro dude. They told me I would grow out of thinking mass immigration is bad too but I never did but 10 years ago there was no voice of descent at all. Times have changed.

Sweden will not become 100% Muslim. It's like you're arguing against yourself. Any descent is better than conceding and appeasement.

Voices like yours don't speak for the rest of us and it's increasingly in doubt wether they speak for anything close to a majority.

I'd consider watching his videos a waste of my time really but there's a lot of despair with young white people im europe this century and wether think it's racist or not guys like this do good work alleviating that.

>illl look for a swedish princess and sire an heir to my genetic lineage

all jokes aside i have never laughed this hard from anything posted on Veeky Forums. jfc im in tears. i cant even get through this whole video lmao.

also hes not actually autistic right? i dont wanna start feeling bad about the keks im having.

wexford i think

>Sweden will not become 100% Muslim
this shit is happening in front of your very eyes. Don't tell me it's not true

>Voices like yours don't speak for the rest
you are 100% right here. I would like them to be dead but majority of swedes are fucking cucks and they keep on sucking that immigrant dick

>I'd consider watching his videos a waste of my time
it is a waste of time since he stopped posting any lifting videos and keeps on blabbering about politics

Actions speak louder than words, but he is a coward so he won't do shit. If he would say anything against immigrants in public he would go straight to prison where he would probably got shanked by immigrants.


this is how i saw him while watching this video

I dunno what you're trying to argue frankly. That he should be Breivik or just give up.

soometimes i realise why i will never leave this shithole

pretty sure he doesn't have the ability to realize how he's presenting himself. Like he doesn't understand social ques and chalks up any kind of criticism as someone that's a "multicultural, letfist, beta". I think that's at least mild aspergers

That or he uses it to get rich Hulse.

>man stands up for his beliefs
>lives his life by principles
>gf might be great, but she is not willing to follow her man in his pursuits if they conflict with her wants
>he lost a gf that was not 100% loyal

sounds like he's doing great.


too incisive

>man stands up for his beliefs
>lives his life by principles
>without regard to the world at large and how it works vis-a-vis himself
>living in a world of his own
literal autism


some user months ago said his gf cheated on him with some black guy
maybe they were right

Anyway his channel has kinda sucked lately. hardly no lifting footage or even meals. didn't he become vegan or some shit? Not followed up with that at al

>some user months ago said his gf cheated on him with some black guy
Post pics of gf

>some user months ago said his gf cheated on him with some black guy
It was just a meme im pretty sure

Yes, he should go full Breivik mode. Let's be honest here, he won't do anything besides making youtube videos which don't get as much views anyway, no one is going to do anything for the case becasue it's against the law.

Im just saying that he fucked up big time. He chose to stay in denial while doing nothing instead of leaving this shit hole and living with his gf. Like he can't train or read fucking books in ireland.

But i still think that this case may be a bit deeper and it involves some cuckery but he is too proud to say the truth.

Calm down. Relax.

you don't even know what point you're really trying to make or why you're trying to make it...

I want to know , please tell me. Why are Scandinavians so autistic? I'm truly fascinated by this.


Her last photo with latsbrah, 19th april 2016

also, check this out
kek, he had a chance

It's also why the society has such high social trust and success.

On the contrary, it is you who does not understand the point I was making. Standing up for your beliefs and living your life according to your principles - by themselves - does not equal a great life. If you do that in a bubble, as autistic people tend to live their lives, well then it is not so great.

he also lost sponsoring from myprotein becasue they've told him to tone down with political videos and he decided that making one political video every once in a while is worth losing the sponsoring so he terminated the contract

Wow, i can understand losing the gf for beliefs, but losing the fucking sponsorship?! That's going too far.

ah so this is what /pol/ means by fair maidens

is this his broad?

yeah shes qt


Is it the left or right one?



I'm right wang and even I agree this guy is an autist.

>Fucking americans talking about nationalism
>America is a country created by all sorts of different people from around the world
Good job on saying too sentences in a row that do not have a common theme

>Implying killing muslims wouldn't be counterproductive
C'mon, man. You do at least know the basics tactical knowledge, don't you?

lmao top edge m8

Isn't it funny how he complains about the falling birth rates of whites, yet he dumps his girlfriend because he wants to flex shitless on hills?

its crazy that u felt u were making a coherent point in this post lol

I'm pretty sure you are trolling but just incase you aren't:
How many people do you think Anders Breivik's actions attracted to nationalism compared to how many it repelled?

>Fucking americans talking about nationalism. America is a country created by all sorts of different people from around the world.
The reason why amerikastronk is it doesn't matter where you are from as long as you're with MURKA.
Strength in diversity isn't a meme. It's based on how the Romans were eventually rekt by forestniggers because they couldn't integrate them well enough.

Last time you faggots complained that he is a traitor to his nation for dating an Irish woman...


What part isn't coherent?
Like you do get that nationalism and the ethnic origin of a people is not in relation to one another, right?


Because she was a potatonigger but at least she's still ostensibly """"""""""white"""""""""""

Well damn he just can't do nothing right then can he. But point remains if he believes the birth rate problem needs to be solved why the fuck is he, what, closing up on thirty? Still not a single child.

He needs a blonde Swedish girlfriend to keep Swedish blood alive.

huh? r whites being racist to other whites now? lmaooo

you are not aware how the most autistic /pol/acks classify whiteness

ive been to /pol/ once and saw pics of dead arab kids killed in a bombing and ppl were keking so i immadeately left and never went back.

Lmao! When you fall the pol meme so bad! What exactly is he going to do to uncuck Sweden? He's just making money out of racist autistics through his rant videos.

I'm here to shit on retards too but friendly reminder to not use exclamation marks. It outs you as a newest of the newfags

>my heart is a bit sad
fucking kek, a line like that and you fags still can't see he's a raging autist

That was obviously just one of those rumours that tards who want to believe it will repeat.

I'm a swede, if you're reading this post you will drink nigger cum atleast once before you die

Post instagram of his gf
