It's leg day

>it's leg day

>It's leg day

mfw it's leg day


Every day is leg day on SS

I do shrugs on leg day because it gives me something to look forward to.


>it's not leg day

>when you break your keto because there's too many carbs in your boyfriend's cum

no homo

get gassed, fool

God I wish she would step on me like that

cum is mostly protein bro

tfw when there is no leg day for me ever since my knee injury...

>it's foot day

I used to be a Veeky Forumsizen like you, 'till I took an arrow to the knee.

>it's a rest day

wow those feet are beautiful and I don't even have a foot fetish

*teleports behind*

If you insist

>it's sick day
I just want to lift but my body is telling me to go fuck myself

same here. I tried running a few days ago, but I almost fainted.

Chaos... CONTROL

>it's leg day
>I'm going country western dancing tonight

>it's leg day

>he doesn't squat everyday

>it's an I didn't sleep the previous night but want to go lift tonight instead of sleep day

>it's an I haven't eaten anything all day and I'm starving but the gym closes soon and if I eat now I'll vomit during my workout day

>it's sphincter day


Not certain what you meant by this

>that pic

Fuck you too bitch, fuck you and your """job""".

>its second leg day this week

who gave you the permission to post my waifu user?

She did. She said to me "user, I want you to post me on Veeky Forums today, because I'm your girlfriend, and it will show your dedication to me."

I fucked ur waifu. And she liked it. Fucking slut.

I too hate my 5x5 squats.


>When it's not leg day but you make it leg day anyway because you like doing leg day

>form is shit because my body isn't flexible
>can't push my arms far back enough to hold the bar properly
>can't keep my feet straight, they turn outward on their own
>if I squat too deep I topple over backwards

I have mass on my calves that half of Veeky Forums would kill for but I can't use it for shit. Feels bad.

Are you fat?

Yeah, somewhat. Not horrendously, but I'm about 25 pounds over where I should be. Which I guess is good since I don't have to spend time bulking.

Breh, you have to strech properly.
Trust me.


>Do squat and leg press on pushday
>Deadlifts on pullday

Nothing is leg day, yet everything is leg day

I will never understand how deadlift is legs day.

I look foward to leg day.

ever since I got over the DOMs in ny second week , its become my fav gym day
> If i can walk the next day I feel like I failed

If you dont feel doms in your hamstrings and part of your glutes day after deadlifts youre not doing it right


Overload your hamstrings before lifting the weight next time.

> leg day after 8 hours of standing at work

I'm shocked at how few footfags there are here. Those are incredible.

Be glad you can do legs faggots
>tfw no gym for at least a week

>leg day today

>mfw protein fart

>What is gluconeogenesis
Take bio chem bro.

This. I only just started taking stretching seriously in the past couple of weeks and I feel amazing now. Stronger too.

>being a clueless retard who actually does "bodybuilding" splits

enjoy being a twig boy bitch LMFAO.

That pinky toe makes me want to puke