Any advice on how to grow arms

how do i get big arms. my arms wont grow that much and my routine consist of mostly compounds and some isolation and accessorizes.

*armpit fart noises*

What are your stats?

95 atk
97 str
90 def
85 range
93 mage
99 slayer

ive just been skilling lately, trying to get my wc max cape


50 att
76 str
85 range
42 def
72 hp
44 pray

>not voiding in 2017

lots of reps.
Take 30-40% of your one rep max for curl and tricep extension. Start off with 12 sets of 12 reps, with only 10-30 seconds of rest in between. Every week add either another set or another rep. So week 2 you'd do 13 sets of 12 reps. The week after 13X13. If it gets too easy, increase the weight by a little, or decrease rest time.

bicep curls for biceps
weighted dips for triceps
farmer walks for forearms
weighted pull-ups with shoulders width grip

Trying this; will report results later.

more arm volume more often

I give my shoulders and arms their own day and they've easily become my best feature but they're really starting to look like penises.

but I only have time for 8 hours on arm day

>they're really starting to look like penises

Pic related.


GOAT album

chinups and supinating curls for biceps
pushups and skullcrushers for triceps
for forearm growth, superset your curls with shrugs and do more deadlifts

i train with a push pull leg split,
my bicep workout
-concentration curls
-hammer curls
- ez bar curls normal grip

-tricep extension (dumbel behind head)
-tricep extension (rope)

go for muscle faillure
6-12 reps

maybe some one who spots you so you can take it to the max


This is what I do for arms and I have gotten very good results.

4x Hammer Curls (on the heavier side start light move up in weight) 10 each arm rotating
Super set over the head tricep extensions heavy about 12 each set.

Big Bar curls 4x Sets of 12 to 15 with 10 on each side less if you can't finish sets. These are ment to be fast to burn out.
Superset with tricep extensions with a 25 or 45 over your head as many as you can do I am for 30.

4x Preacher curls. Go light you should be semi tired at this point get a weight you get resistance from though. I can preacher curl quite a bit but use 30s or 35s. Aim for 12 each arm and squeeze as hard as you can each time coming up and at the top. Slow as you can until it hurts too much then speed up.

Cable curls and extensions. I personally just use the cable no attachment for this. I grab the clip it gives you a good forearm burn as well. Aim for 15 in each exercise per arm. Do 15 hammer curls with just the cable each arm the immediately move the pulley up and do tricep extensions. There are a ton of different variations you can do for this. You can turn around and tricep extension across your chest or facing it just pulling down. Just do what burns the best.

Sitdown isolation Curls. Get a very low weight. Curl the dumbell between your legs bent over. Go all the way down max extension and a squeeze up. Aim for 8-10
Superset Skull Crushers. You can do this with whatever you want I use the big bar with 30 extra pounds. I lay down on bench press backwards for room. Then low weight almost touching chest then move up to forehead slowly and extend triceps to top positions and repeat. Aim for 10-12

Last Machine Curls. I prefer using both arms not a fan of individual curls on machines. Do a weight you can do 15-20 of at this point. Do 4 sets.
Superset with Machine Tricep extensions of some kind. Same rep aim.
Sometimes I add or sub out exercises in this but this is my basic guide when I do arms.

Look up german volume training

tfw dyel arms even though I've been lifting for a year

Lots of volume.

Do lots of chin ups and curls after
For tris do heavy OHP and finish with rope pushdowns


is there any lift good for triceps instead of bodyweight

overhead tricep press

tricep push downs


diamond push ups

close grip bench