What's wrong with Sweden?

What's wrong with Sweden?

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The police woman is fucking autistic as fuck. Why not just ask him out? Why the elaborate flirting?



What's right in Sweden?


SJWs and refugees

lmao im always curious in knowing wat frame of mind the ppl that make these pics were in when they made them.

At this point? Everything.


I thought everyone was immune to fake news by now?



>I-it's fake guys!




That's also fake news, literally.


oh boy Sweden...so fuckin radical leftists. if russia actually starts a war with them they'll loose their cock suckin land in under a day

they keep showing such powerful displays of weakness

Alots wrong
Steroids are illegal, owning needles is illegal, peptides are illegal, prostitution is illegal
Next to no women and everything is or must be politically correct as to not offend


Reminds me of a story where a guy was picked up on suspicion of drugs because his pupils were contracted on a sunny day.
Yes, contracted.

russia doesnt get any cool points for being able to wipe out a country 1/5 its size :/

>needles and peptides are illegal


they already BLACKED ukraine. Sweden is asking for it HARD

Sweden is actually begging for a good dicking

Owning needles without a prescription is illegal and SARM type peptides (along with Hcg) are illegal because its pretty much covered under the law against AAS

>It's r-really fake, guys! T-trust me.

>Owning needles without a prescription is illegal

What the fuck? What if I just wanna fill up a watermelon with uzo? Somebody nuke Sweden already.

That has got to be fake news. Nobody is that stupid.

>Owning needles is illegal

KEK I can only imagine the Swedish black market,m seems like a really profitable one.

Besides where I live its illegal not to sell insulin sets to people. Even if they don't have the money to afford them. Because if you don't you are basically committing manslaughter. And thats what most junkies use to shoot up.

They are not illegal. Those exclicity for medical use are age-restricted however.

>lets post this soon 10 year old article and act like this is a thing that happens every day even though the reason it became news in the first place is because it was a weird situation

and yet still incredibly believable.

Because you've fallen for memes on the internet

>cops looked into themselves and decided they didn't fuck up

well I'm shocked

Finally my google fu comes through for me, I didn't even realise this but there's fucking video


>"Mate, the fact that you've got pinpoint eyes and you're looking directly into the sun and they're not dilating due to the sunlight, I believe you to be under the influence of a dangerous drug," Senior Constable Power said in the video.