Did you notice an increased libido when you started lifting?

Did you notice an increased libido when you started lifting?

what is libido

nope, my libido went right over a cliff. i figured it was bcz my hormones were busy building muscle instead trying to get me to waste my life on pointless greedy selfish sluts.

I did. I went from being satisfied with my gf to wanting to fuck all average and better looking girls I see

In the ten minutes since you posted this, I'll just assumed that you googled the term.

i noticed an increased libido when i imagine my face between those cheeks

>that first sniff of the day

I noticed a jump in libido but i also noticed my appetite became all over the place
Some days id bang even a 5/10 amd keep checking out the asses of almost every girl who looks even remotly good
Other days im picky as fuck and find almost no interest in any girl

No, but I did start notice that I was less patient with people and got angrier at them more often when were doing dumb things. That has mostly gone back to pre-lifting levels.

Kind of, but I was malnourished and underweight.
I look at girls' asses and thighs all the time now, but I have no drive to do anything about it. No horniness close to the puberty years. I think depression and being a kissless virgin for so many years has made my brain just give up.

Nah, that's mostly caused by sitting in front of the PC too much, my man. Try living without it for a month (and living a more active lifestyle), you'll be fucking qts in no time

>Did you notice an increased libido when you started lifting?

Your mom sure did

I dunno. I've been more active than ever in the last two years. I lift 4 times a week and work a physical part time job. I used to be a NEET with a backwards sleeping schedule. You are right in that I still spend a decent amount of time on the computer, and I have turned to Veeky Forums to lessen that, but there's nothing for me outside. I live in a small town and I don't go to school, so I have no way of meeting people.


Mine has decreased a lot but I only just started. It's a welcome change though I used to fap every day and now I have no interest.

no brapps only apply to big fat butts

Lifting gave me a shiton of self confidence which increased my libido.

It shut down pretty hard. Lost a lot of interest in my old hook ups. Doesn't bother me too much though.

YES! Even before I started using gear it would jack up my test levels and make me super horny.

No but I did when pants and shorts that show off the asscrack started coming into fashion

>you'll be fucking qts in no time
What if you have no idea how to talk with girls and people in general. I extremely cringy and make ass of myself all the time.

If you wanna get better at lifting you lift more, if you wanna get better at talking you gotta talk more.

But what if people make fun of me every time and it never ever gets better

at this point, you need to stop trying entirely. That is, continue talking to girls, but anything you think you should try to do, don't do it, because it's clearly not working and you're too autistic to correct for it to make it work.

I had this realization at one point, too, and I went from a kv at 22 to over 10 girls in (2 of them were actually superqts, too) at 23. Just saying whatever the fuck you actually want to say is the ultimate form of autism, really, but is easily and frequently misconstrued by women as "confidence".You should have no illusions -- you are not confident, don't pretend to be. Confidence is having a strong belief that you will do the right thing. This is simply not caring that you will probably do the "wrong" thing.

Full disclosure, I am not yet Veeky Forums but I have decent (7-7.5/10 maybe?) facial aesthetics. If you are lacking in this department, you might need to become more Veeky Forums before trying these techniques.

are you me?

You go home and remember what you did wrong, and then you try again tomorrow. You're gonna feel uncomfortable, but so what? Being uncomfortable for a few seconds doesn't mean shit in the long run, you just move on with your day and life.
Beside are you in middle or high school? Adults don't really make fun of you, and if they do they're not people you wanna associate with anyway.

Also stop thinking about talking and start listening. Pay attention to what they say and make them talk more simply by asking them about what they just said. And be genuinely interested, don't be a robot just saying "why?" every 5 seconds. Eventually they will say something you react to, and you start talking. Now you're having a conversation.

No, I retreated more into myself than before and became even more autistic around girls

I haven't started lifting yet
Gyms scare me too much

Build a home gym, that's what I did

Now I let my autism run free

No. It was always high. I'm 28 and still get instant boners that can hold for hours

I live in an apartment with my dad though

Don't think it's possible

It went up a lot. But nothing compared to when I started taking female hormones.

No, I still have very low libido. Although I'm a dyel.


I was NEET when I started lifting and boy oh boy did I start jacking off a lot more.


>Inb4 something is wrong with me
>start lifting weights, focus on compound movements
>middle of the day, decide to go for a fap for some reason, increased strength/libido
>after fap, shower and head to the gym for a cardio session
>after gym, have another desire to fap
>after fap, eat, post workout, enjoy a light movie and take some edibles, an hour after that decide to fap again

three faps n a day, not sure how i did it, blood flow and my dick don't really work that well...

Thank you.

Yes. Maybe I had low test or something. I was pretty depressed. Either way for whatever reason my libido significantly increased. I also always liked thick girls and even more so now. I'm basically the high test meme. Funnily enough I'm right about to fap.