Oh, so that's what it's like to hold triple your bodyweight in your hands

Oh, so that's what it's like to hold triple your bodyweight in your hands

>mfw just rack pulled lmao4pl8

>he rack pulled 405/180kg
>he weighs 60kg
>he thinks this is in any way shape or form an accomplishment

Holy shit dude you're small and weak.

Don't EVER reply to me again. You're fucking clueless, kid.

So I started browsing Veeky Forums recently after almost 4 years.
What the fuck is pl8?

plate, as in one pair of 45lb weight plates.

so 1pl8 is 135lbs, 2pl8 is 225, 3pl8 is 315, etc.

It means a plate (pl8) of food, or approximately 1000 calories
>lurk more

Nice bait ;-)

i seriously doubt OP could lift 4k calories dude, that's a lot of food

a PAIR?!?

So you're telling me when I hit OHP with 2 10s and a 2.5 on each side, that doesn't = 1 pl8 (45 + the bar?)?

>rack pulled
>implying that's some work harder than sipping water

Maybe OP is a girl?

Busted! OP is exaggerating again

I just benc pressed 1000 kg (OP:s fatass mom) of me get on my level faggot

Sure :3


though a 1pl8 OHP isn't some small amount of weight, i doubt more than a couple people in your gym - assuming you go to a normal one - are capable of it.

so 4pl8 is just 4plates what the fuck did you guys started using l8 is this a new meme from reddit or something

also since when are you guys also adding the bar weight


Probably older than you, back when Zyzz wasnt banned and alive, tiny was here and Squad used to post all the time.

>dude i looked up Veeky Forums on knowyourmeme so i can pretend to be an oldfag lmao

whatever man, you will never know the joy of those days.

Thats really strong for a girl, congrats

1pl8 OHP is fucking bonkers, I can barely reach 0.5pl8

>confused about pl8
>pretends to be an oldfag

Veeky Forums ist fairly nice to newcommers. This isn't /b/, you don't need to pretend m8

m8 means mate btw

>tfw OHP was the first 1/2/3/4 goal I reached

Yeah me too, I hit 3pl8 squat but my deadlift is lacking behind
>I don't bench :-)

>weighing 135lbs

>135lb OHP is fucking bonkers

Are you a woman?

are you in london by any chance, m'lady?

For me my squat is lagging behind bad but I was hit by a car and couldn't squat for a month. Also I'm doing high bar ATG so it's not really comparable to parallel low bar I guess.

I hit diddly for 1 rep and ohp for 4. Bench almost 1 rep. Squat still 15-17.5kg off for 1 rep.