Bulk sips

Grocery stores regularly have these for $1

How do I get into a position where I can buy using their supplier?

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Why would you want empty cans?

can someone explain me this fucking sips meme

It's just better than coffee

Someone went an entire day shitposting about monster zero a few months ago and it just kinda stuck.

$0.99 each at your local ALDI

VERY comprable to the Monster Zero UItra...

Arguably better

Monster (and any energy drink for that matter) is fucking awful.

I got meme'd and purchased one the other day.

Tastes like a sweetened pocari sweat thats carbonated. aka garbage.

I like sips, but the cans are way too big for me. If only they came in redbull sized cans

this and why the fuck is it carbonated

they want you to do active shit while drinking something that gives you cramps and you can only hve a little at a time?

No energy drink is better than coffee, except tea, coffee with no sugar & added DMAA, and THE FRESH HOT BLOOD OF YOUR FUCKING ENEMIES THAT HAVE COMMITTED HERESY AGAINST COFFEE

You can buy sips direct, but it isn't cheaper or anything.


You can also try Amazon, instal the Honey extension, and pray that there are some sales.
Another idea is Asian supermarkets. Honestly, they get so much shit at once they almost have to move it at a lower price.


Fuck that Deus volt shit

If I go after someone to really Crusade I'm using modern weaponry. The forecast is 100% chance of A-10 with frequent BRRRT

Answer the question

You usually don't

Some regional distributors may sell smaller quantities to small businesses or individuals, but that is almost always because you have their equipment (dispenser/can/bottle machine) from them

Even if they did, you're not saving money. The Coca-Cola distrib we have to buy from comes out to about 2c less per can than what we would pay shopping for this week's specials around all the grocery stores & Wal-Marts

Some YouTubers were plugging zero ultra a few months back. People here picked it up to be ironic, the rest followed because unoriginality.

Right now Rockstar is having a sale where you can get a 24 pack with free shipping for 30 bucks instead of 36 bucks if you buy them by the couple in the store.
You can't just buy directly from a distributor.
You probably have to sign a contract saying you'll buy a certain amount every month or week for a certain time period with them like the gas stations or something.

Or at least that's my theory.

dubs confirm

coffee is great but energy drinks are simply better

>Ultra White

140 of caffeine total. Energy, my ass

Bitch, I can drop 560mg and go right back to sleep in the morning

Good luck with your chronic disease goals of 2017

Protip if your diet, exercise, and sleep wasn't shit you wouldn't have to cover up your complete lack of energy with those shitty chemical filled drinks

Get back to me when you have a life

they are supplied by pepsi, my guess would be to go to your area pepsi distribution center and ask
T.Pepsi employee

Sometimes you can ask the owner or manager of a small family owned convenience store or grocery store to do a bulk order for you at a discount, I know the owner of a local store and put in an order with him and buy stuff at cost

>they don't drink glorious yerba mate for the caffeine without jittery and the shitload of vitamins and minerals

it's cheaper than coffee guys

what is dmaa supposed to do?

probably because it hasnt kicked in yet

Why the hell would yerba not give you jitters?
Caffeine can give you jitters no matter the source.
t. lover of caffeine

Powder caffeine on the tongue kicks in in about 1 second

DMAA was one of the active ingredients of Jack3D and other PWO. Only slightly similar to an amphetamine structure, it's supposedly natural in origin. Takes about 20-40 minutes to really kick in. For me, it has none of the "energy" of caffeine but is about 10x as potent; paired with good music it just feels like all that exists in the world is the rep that you're doing right now.

The caution is that someone recently took Rich seriously and did 4 scoops of something that had roughly 65mg of DMAA per scoop. Stim levels like that ain't a fucking joke, and are why people like me have a stock of powders that you can't buy as openly anymore

you're awful