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I still love you

Take Rogaine every day or shave head once a week. Those are your only two real options.

Just buzz all your hair and embrace your new style.
Don't take Rogaine or shit like that because you'll get hooked up and depend on it for the rest of your life

That's weird. You've got crown baldness but your hairline looks alright. That looks like some kind of medical condition, dude.

this, just embrace it. people you already know will know why you did it and joke about it when they first see you, then they ignore it. people you've never met will just think its your style.

>t.25 and bald, now shaved

:3 thanks user
its so expensive tho and once i stop taking it the effects will reverse
theres got to be something else i can do

Hey, if Trump can become president with a comb-over, you can become fit with one.

Contrary to popular belief Trump isn't actually balding. It just grows in a bizarre way.

hairline has seen better days m8
i would get whatever surgery i could before that honestly, i need my locks

if you're this insecure then theres really no helping you. plus you keep saying no to every piece of advice you've gotten so far. are you just looking for cheap (You)s? then congrats. if not either do one of the things already suggested or try to find a way to not be such a beta. all you're doing is finding ways to lower your already low as fuck self esteem

>fat and balding

Nigga's a billionaire, even if he did bald he'd just inject stem cells or some shit into his scalp to make his hair grow again.

hi ian

"every piece of advice" has been to shave it off. if i wanted to shave it off i wouldnt have posted lol its doing that on its own. and idk why you think i have low as fuck self esteem, just want my hair lad stop projecting

some people recommended rogaine. someone mentioned plugs. fuck off faggot, take the advice or don't, you're just being an attention whore here because women ignore your ugly bald ass in the real world

>theres got to be something else i can do
The new generation of hair loss treatment should be available within next 5 years. As for now, just buzz all your shit to not look embarrassing

you're joking right? if your hair is this far gone you are beyond help. you could get the best surgery in the world and take dosages of finasteride so high that you might as well have castrated yourself, and your hair will still look like shit

stop being delusional and shave your head.

no1 mentioned plugs m8 take ur pill. and i have had no problem with grills, i want to fix it for me. again stop projecting im embarrassed for u

thats what my homosex cosmetologist friend said, also recommended some other bro science sounding things in the mean time. only useful post in this thread rlly
t cueball

>realized I'm now ugly, small, poor (wearing glasses cuz can't afford real eye care), AND balding
>troll Veeky Forums to feel better
one less of us who will make it. sad.

buzzed or bald fit dudes are hot, so start lifting

don't worry user, I'm here for you. you can tell me to take a pill or claim I'm projecting. I'm ok with that, because i know you need it. you need someone else to feel pain so you don't feel alone. you need them to take the heat so you can keep telling yourself there is hope. after all, how bad can your life be if there is someone else you can call more delusional online? and in this way, i will suffer for you. i will be your own personal christ. your savior. and i will do it gladly because, unlike you, i can find joy in reality. i come to these boards to relax, troll, and be trolled while you come here to live. for that you have my pity, and for that reason i will bear your cross. godspeed.

he came here to whine like a whore that didn't get a tip, he's never gonna be proactive about anything. don't waste your hope on those who fear success

Shave your head, grow a beard, lift more. Hair Transplant surgery leaves a big nasty frankenstein scar on the back of your head then you gotta take dick killing propecia forever to maintain it.

Just shave it and wait for better hair loss treatment to come along. That's what I did and was much happier for it. Lots of chicks dig guys with a shaved head.

use to have hair past my shoulder blades. Constantly worried about my receding hair. One day I just buzzed that shit off.

Look and feel 100% better. Complete load off my mind. Nobody has even mentioned my hair in a negative way. Just accept it and more importantly OWN IT.

Why does he always have his lips ready to suck cock?

Hop on Fin ASAP

Your hair should be the least of your worries judging by that pic.

Damn it feels good to have hair.

>Lots of chicks dig guys with a shaved head.
My ex-wife is actually fell in love with such guy. We talked about that, because I'm balding myself and feel insecure about it and she's saying some women really don't find bald\bearded guys hot and it's WAY better than a balding fag

He's too far gone, don't be delusional.

this desu. hopefully you mainly hang on Veeky Forums and don't assault people with that appearance irl

That's how it looks when it's surgically implanted. He doesn't even look like a human being with that shitty fake tan and fake hair.

really fired up my neurons. im doin ok and im happy in life, just wouldnt mind having having that hair back

thanks user, if it comes to that point ill give u a call xox

honestly didnt read, stop bein mad lol

just came to see some input but got assblasted folk instead

im considering it but i think ill try some meme remedies first user, thanks for that sounds promising

>some women really do find bald\bearded guys hot

Call your tits woman, we get it, you've got some sand in your vagina. Vent it out on reddit, not here

I'm and i'm telling you know no "meme" remedies will work, if there were a cure all there would be no bald guys.

I lamented and obsessed over my receding hairline for 2 years, shaving my head and embracing it was easily one of the best and most liberating decisions i've ever made in my life.

i can hide it decently when its grown out like in the last pic i posted but its a chore to keep hair that length. i am not gonna obsess over it cuz like i said it rlly has had 0 effect on my social life or pussy ventures, would just be doing it for me. not everyone gets the same results with meme remedies so i think i should at least try them before going and shaving it all off. if it works it works, if it doesnt oh well im not expecting much anyway

>i can hide it decently
Jesus you're delusional faggot. I'm ejecting my ass out of this thread

Well best of luck to you, I naturally encourage you to let it go because its going to go away eventually anyways but do what you think is best.

i am prepared to if it comes to that but i may as well try a thing or 2 before jumping ship. thanks for ur words tho user appreci8 it

ur mad lol

No problem, I've been through it and it was really hard for me so I like to do the best I can to help fellow baldbros.

ur very based user, glad ur happy that way and i probably will be too if the memes dont work

its not that expensive you faggot. sounds like you dont value your hair. any idea how much money women waste on their hair and make-up altogether??

>anyone who reminds me of reality is mad
this is fucking hilarious. nothing better than when someone calls other people mad because they're so fucking angry

i know but like i said, once i stop taking it effects will go away. would sooner drop a few thousand on surgery and have it fixed for ~6 years
truly embarrassing lol

What's the matter, did I offend your daddy figure? I hope you get over it soon.

trump looks decent for 70 desu

Shave it.

You may not feel beta but that hair makes you look beta.

im 6'2 so nobody can really see it. will shave it if all else fails

Start using Toppik or something.

who /weirdskullshape/ here bros?

dreading the day I have to shave and look freakish

unless you get an official scrip,

download tor

go to alpha bay

search for koptevo

buy finpecia .5 a cap

buy a few years worth

start growing it back

your welcome

>tfw scalp acne

Take Fin + Minoxidil. It will stop you balding, and in one in three it will regrow your hair. You can have both of them for 40 eur / month.

Many guys here hate Fin because they see it as altering your hormones (funny thing when many of them are on roids), but the truth is you won't see any side effects unless you're among that 1% of the men who naturally produce low levels of DHT. In any case, if you have side effects you just stop taking it and go back to normal.

ITT: neurotic boys in their early-mid 20s confusing a maturing hairline with balding.

Yes it recedes a bit once you stop being a kid. That doesn't necessarily mean it's all going to fall out.

Castor oil before bed everyday
And massage forehead + hair to better the blood-circulation up there.
Also, be alerted that some shampoos have harming chemicals. Google it, because I cba w/ that now.

It won't rid you off of baldness, but nevertheless will maintain.

Sources: personal experience.

my aforementioned cosmetologist bud recommended a castor oil shampoo to me, ordered it last night along with a dht blocker cowash ting. will try to massage my head now and again, thanks mate!

How does that work?

I had that, scared me pretty good since my dad started balding for real in his early 20s.

Turns out it was just a widow's peak, and I still have a thick, lush head of hair at 35.

OP is legit balding though, his crown is thinning pretty bigly.

>so nobody can really see it

The world laughs at you.

You put that fiber shit in your hair and boom, it looks like you have way more hair than you actually do.

>Shave head
>Grow out facial hair
>People think you're a badass instead of a fat loser

Do it, OP.

>Shave head
>Grow out facial hair
>People think you're a numale or a homosexual if you're built.

You can
A. Shave it (erryday to prevent shadow, gets tiring)
B. Take fin (might get shitty sides, brain fog, low libido, ect...)
C. Hair transplant (expensive and you have to run fin anyway to prevent further loss
D. Hair system "wig" (have to glue/tape it down and clean it periodically)

Ive done everything but the hair transplant, so far my favorite of the shitty choices is the hair system.

Minox is $30 for 6 months you poor piece of shit.
Doesn't seem to be working for me though.

holy shit the before after photos for this stuff is amazing!!

that picture looks bull though, one is damp and the other is dry, ofcourse the dry one will look puffier and thicker

Does fin really kill labido?

My hair is thinning but nowhere near OP's I was going to try it out.. I've talked to some people who have taken it and they said not many people get the side effects?

Has anyone experienced side effects from fin?

shave your head. yesterday. completely.

if you have a weird head shape and don't look good, don't worry-- you didn't look good before, fag.

now lift and practise martial arts

let's see. it's literally something that changes your endocrine system.

so yes, it can do all kinds of shit.

i can always tell when guys are on fin-- their faces are puffy like this dyel

Are you seriously saying that OP's hair is a "maturing hairline"? If so you're retarded

He's got a great hairline doe

Jon Cryer uses Toppik, too. Same as Hugh Laurie.

I went bald in my early 20's. it only looks like shit if you let your hair grow. Get a decent set of clippers and cut your hair on the shortest setting at least once a week. I also have a strong jawline tho and rocked a shaved head even when I had all my hair. Seriously tho, it's not nearly as big of a deal as you think, as long as you have a decent face...