-Guys , We Are Getting Raided -

Fucking /pol/ is fucking the whole site again

Go to the last posts :
"Dont look at me bub , but i think we are being raided by these repressed homos from /pol/ , i saw yesterday a thread about "blue teams , white teams , black teams" who are on a mission to infiltrate other forums/websites , in order to inject their "ideology" and i have been arguing in /tv/ for hours for the pettiest shit ever, "Why are "they" removing blonde guys from Movies and Shit".

This is not some sad /r9k/ guy asking autistic questions, this is an orquestrated effort accross the whole site."

Answer :

NOOOOOOOOOOO thats not whats happening. OP here. Thats what the left have been doing to those boards for the last 3 years. Yes I spend alot of time on pol and other such places but I also lift and have been posting on fit for years. My argument is valid and is Veeky Forums related.

To see the original go to

Proof from /tv/ and just look at the fucking catalog of Veeky Forums :

Just look at the other boards, and you will see this is getting out of hand.

Fuck off nigger

Oldfag checking in. Been on Veeky Forums since August 2005. The site as a whole has gotten much, much worse since /pol/ exploded. Now every other thread on /b/ is about how much /pol/acks want to suck Donald Trump's withered old cock, and any time you mention what a pathetic old sleaze he is people sperg out with the "hurr durrr Hilary" faggotry (as though people who criticize Trump support shillary).

If I were mook, I'd get rid of the cancer that is /pol/. It's not that I simply disagree with their politics, it's the fact that they want to spread board by board.

/pol/ is a board of peace

I have fucking news for you.There is no /pol/ boogeyman around these parts.It's actually reddit and tumblr that hate /pol/'s guts so they swift the blame to /pol/ for all the shit threads.I want to hunt down these fucks and beat the live out of them,I barely even come here anymore and it's always the same fucking shit on the front page,fucks the mods too.

is a fact that guys that lift are more conservative

>Fucking /pol/ is fucking the whole site again

Go back to plebbit you fucking cuck

I've been here on Veeky Forums since 2006 you can go fuck yourself newfaggot.

>Oh no, someone posted something I don't agree with, thereby forcing me to agree with it! This is an outrage!

This desu

Not even amerifar/eurocuck but huge el oh el everytime /pol/tards get triggered hard everytime someone talks shit about trump

This. Remember before /pol/ was infowars 2.0?

Back when Bill Oreilley was calling us a 'far left forum'


I wuldnt give a fuck about /pol/ if they stayed on their containment board. /mlp/ and other similar boards are objective shit, but they keep their shit there so I don't give a fuck what they do or post. Unfortunately /pol/tards can't keep their shit on their board, they have to ruin as many other boards as they can. /tv/ is babby /pol/, Veeky Forums, /k/, Veeky Forums, /a/, and Veeky Forums get off topic /pol/ threads and posts all the fucking time, and those are just the boards I frequent. I have zero doubt more boars than that have problems. I wish the fucking mods enforced the global rules. If they did then off topic /pol/ spam would just get deleted until they lost interest, but instead the mods fuck up board culture and encourage /pol/fags.

>People expressing opinions I don't like "ruins" everything! Waaah! Why can't they just keep it to themselves!

Take your own advice faggot.

I don't care if you express your "opinions" in the appropriate boards. If you were literate, you would have realized it, because I specifically said that I don't care what you post in the relevant boards. I do care about off topic shitposters who blatantly and repeatedly break multiple rules with impunity, and lower the quality of every board they touch.

This. Any politics posts should just be swiftly reported and ignored. Just do what i do: keep ignorin' 'n' reportin'.

But you're doing exactly what you state you don't want others to do. You are announcing your beliefs and trying to censor what you don't agree with.

If someone makes a passing comment in a thread that is somewhat related to the thread, or what someone said in the thread but it also happens to be political then who gives a fuck?

You're fucking cancer.

Stop samefagging newfaggot.

oh sorry I mean

Reporting doesn't do shit. I have never seen an off topic /pol/ thread or post get deleted after I reported it. The mods just don't give a fuck about the quality of the boards or enforcing the rules.

>But you're doing exactly what you state you don't want others to do

Complaining about off topic shitposters once doesn't make me a chronic off topic shitposter.

>trying to censor what you don't agree with.

I JUST said that I don't give a fuck what you say in the relevant boards. You're literally fucking retarded. I am not censoring you by eating the rules to be enforced. You have a safe space echo chamber that let's you post what you want(multiple actually), use it.

You /pol/fags get so fucking triggered the second anybody tells you that you can't spew shit on every board. That's not censorship you illiterate, uneducated moron.

Please user, arguing with /pol/tards is a waste of your time.

>If someone makes a passing comment in a thread that is somewhat related to the thread, or what someone said in the thread but it also happens to be political then who gives a fuck?

liberals are fools. they want to value every culture that isnt western yet most of their policies created are to get minorities to emulate white educational and corporate culture.

conservatives are fools. they want to keep traditional values but want technological advance as well as economical advance. do they not understand that every major tech break through creates a need to change cultural values?

Just expressing my opinion = shitting up every other board with ceaseless Trump dick sucking

>muh censorship!
Christ you faggots are sensitive

[spoiler]trump won.8 years.

>waaah waaah politics exist and people have opinions I don't agree with.

Get rekt liberals. If there was a religion board do you think no one would ever mention God on any other board? People discuss politics everywhere all the god damned time. You just aren't used to Trump and you're still salty. Stop acting like babies and ignore it if you don't like it.

You're cringey as fuck. Did you just come here from reddit? Anyone with half a fucking brain can tell you are samefagging. Suck your own dick some more faggot.

Clearly, the guy is living in a fantasy of oppression and victimhood.

Damn you're triggered.


They all are sadly, hopefully they'll see how useless all this is sooner or later.


>oppression, victimhood, triggered

I find it telling that you choose to adopt /pol/ rhetoric in order to win an argument against /pol/.

>in /tv/
please gtfo and never come back. I would rather have /pol/tards here than /tv/

/b/ sucks. All the lulz are on /pol/ now