I’m not Butthurt that I sold my Bitcoin...

>I’m not Butthurt that I sold my Bitcoin. I’m actually butthurt that I didn’t record Phil Potter drunk and admitting to shorting on his own exchange during the Bitcoin ETF denial, and how he was bragging about all of the money he was making from shorting Bitcoin on Bitfinex.

That quote alone makes me think that this could be just some gay relationship that went wrong. There is tons and tons of anecdotal evidence (social media snapshots are not hard evidence). Boring


How so? It's not the only exchange.

Salty fag

Their BTC volume always higher than Bithumb but price always behind

Yes, it is only the biggest one and the one that started literally every bitcoin bull run for some weird reason.

cool ad hominem brah. I'm convinced

i witnessed this too

inb4 the whole market collapses one day because BItFinex closed down and Spoofy bot died

because blockstream and the corporate takeover of Bitcoin development. the bear market is coming.

it's annoying, but not really market manipulation.

>wash trading without fees isn't market manipulation.


It is the definition of market manipulation

who said they don't pay fees?

to me a orchestrated pnd is market manipulation. playing funny business with the order book, has been going on for so long in so many markets since they became fully electronic that nobody cares anymore.
if you think these wash trades are bad go watch the level 2 of any bluechip stock for 5 minutes, it's a riot.

no one gives a shit about some fake wash trading, and these articles are garbage anyway, just guesswork by some amateur who thinks he's found some huge conspiracy.

don't cry like a little faggot when you find out whales are able to move the market, because that happens even in markets that are supposed to be regulated.

Look another FUD article by same salty guy

Refute him instead of parroting "FUD" like a retard

You will care when 95% of the market collapses one day because it turned out to be a huge ponzi like it already happened once with MtGox and willybot.

bfx has 95% marketshare?

It has pumped prices to this level

is this why they're banning americans?

stay poor

How is that an argument?

Can you refute anything said in the article?

Now you are thinking...