What are you eating today Veeky Forums?

What are you eating today Veeky Forums?

500g ground beef
1 can of kidney beans
250g (uncooked weight) rice

Some food I didn't weigh with an electronic scale

700g chicken breast
150g brown rice
300g veggies
3eggs into omelette for rice

Some oats with yogurt
Risotto with lentils and chicken breasts
Probs a coffee+croissant
Broccoli and eggs tonight

Omelette with Mushrooms
One serving of pasta with beans and broccoli
tuna patties

>tuna patties
Would you mind telling me your recipe?

give me a sec

Take the tuna
Put it in the patties

Woke up late so:
late bfast: 6 egg omelette, a cup of milk, some cottage cheese
lunch: chicken breast (one side), rice, some veggies
post practice: protein shake and 2 bananas
dinner: chicken breast (other side), rice, veggies
before sleep: a smoothie with casein, cottage cheese, berries and meme shit like that

It's very easy

Handful of bread crumbs
1 egg (can add 2 if you like)
A glass of tuna (that's about 1.5 cans)
some diced onions
salt and pepper

optional: Protein powder, spices

Uhh sorry, not really a handful, more like 2 heaped Tablespoons

Thank you, will try this tomorrow

I've never dumbed down my meals to something this basic before but I can't argue with those macros + the fact that it costs around half what I spend.

How do you find it? assuming you take a multi and jazz the mince up a little with some cumin/chili etc.

today went:

tuna sandwich
chicken curry on rice
pb on toast

What I forgot: You can cook them in whichever way you like, but frying them in a pan is best

I cook the rice in broth and use pepper, chili and paprika for the meat.

Tastes great tbqh and it's really dirt cheap.

Also yeah I am taking a multi daily.

Two cups of coffee
4 pieces of whole wheat toast (2 with butter, cheddar, boiled egg, and 2 with tuna, tomato, and mayo)

2 cups of black beans
Large bowl of potato-leek soup
1 boiled egg on rye

Lunch and dinner:
200g flour
2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds
1teaspun chia seeds i had around the house
100g eggs, whole
115g unsalted low fat cheese
145g mozarella
110g that meat thing on top

1800calories, 109g protein, low sodium, lots of fibres and minerals.

P.S. i already ate half.

2 eggs
8 slices of bread w/ salami
1,5-2litres of milk
220g kidney beans w/salsa
+dinner if I'm lucky and mom makes dinner

1kg of white beans
2 apples

One bowl of salad with some sunflower seeds, and balsamic vinaigrette.

Fasting 'till tomorrow.

Really wanting that cheat meal.

what kind of diet is that ?

I'm broke and not getting paid until 14 days later so i have to do what i can to avoid starvation. White beans are cheap and provide me with a bit of protein until i can afford beef and eggs again.

I once went 3 weeks on a sack of basmati rice and a huge bottle of Smokey BBQ sauce + salt. Those were some fucking dark times, I'd just cook huge batches of rice and fill a bowl/cover in sauce and salt every time I felt hungry.

After around 3 days I started dreading the upcoming rice. I wasn't working and knew Noone in town so had nothing to do, just sit in my room avoiding the rice. Don't know how I made it through without just going out and stealing something etc.

i feel you man, i have multiple months every year where its just rice, beans ans siracha.

> meat tards

Well, enjoy cancer. You can get higher quality protein from beans. You also don't have to eat putrid flesh from an animal that piss, shits, and cums. One that was also tortured and slaughtered by mindless jews.


Any deli meats low cal high protein?

turkey goes for about 100kcal and 17grams of protein per 100grams of meat

>big mac meal (no cheese)
>chicken nuggets
>2x sweet and sour dips
>coke zero (trying to avoid carbs)


Good luck with your hemorrhoids

>hemorrhoids from meat, rice and beans
How do you autists even come up with this stuff?