Hi from /lgbt/, I'm trying to make my body look more feminine, so I read the sticky, cut for a while...

Hi from /lgbt/, I'm trying to make my body look more feminine, so I read the sticky, cut for a while, then I'm trying to bulk my legs and butt, but I'm also getting some upper body muscle and it makes me look manlier. What should I do to minimize bulking upstairs but without losing general strength?

I usually bike and walk a lot, and do some martial arts stuff when it's not cold (I have to go in barefoot and the dojo doesn't have any heating) so right now it's mostly walking and whatever exercise I get while on my job at a convenience store.

Embrcace what you were born as. You are a man, aint nothi g gonna change it. Might as well enjoy it for this little bit of time you get on this earth

this,why would you want to look like a woman

If you don't actually have Veeky Forums advice please don't post stuff like this.

I have to do what I have to do. If you want to know why, well, ask in a nicer way I guess.

Thats my advice man, i dont care. Do what you want, but you should accept your identity you were given at birth, otherwise you will never be truly happy or truly a woman. Take this advice or leave it. idc either way

I'll never understand you

We need to see a picture of you wearing women's clothing to truly determine the extent of your body bulk.

I'm guessing something tight?
I'm in school right now so can't selfie. Also wearing layers because it's cold.
Let me see if I have any older pictures that are recent enough

you're 100% fucked by your skin color/ethnicity alone, not even commenting on your body structure/face.

I'll just leave it as that cause I don't got the heart to flame further.

what a waste

Then stop doing upper body work.

Do incline leg press and experiment with feet position so you can feel the workout in your glutes, dont do squats.

The other user is also right, you will statistically be unlikely to be happy desiring to be something you cant.

It is more extreme and harder on you than the body dysmorphia people typically suffer on Veeky Forums

Something like this?

Actually because I'm a foreigner where I live they kind of have a hard time telling which gender I am, so, I got that going for me. If I were back in my country though... yep, kinda fucked.

My girlfriend doesn't think so.

>be a tranny
>don't shave your armpit
threw up a little

also your question is retarded, stop doing upper body work and focus on legs and ass exclusively. You'll look retarded though because you're still a man

you are a male,deal with it
fucking delusional people

Too baggy. Post more body. Preferably bra + panties.

Thanks for the workout advice. I'll look into it.

As for the happiness advice... people like me, even if they give up transitioning and repress it, it always comes back to haunt them when they're older. By then their body is even more fucked.

I don't really have a choice in this.

It's fucking winter, nobody shaves, get over it.

I think you may not have the best intentions here...

>I don't really have a choice in this.
brainwashing has worked well I see

Wait, is there I way I can do this without a machine?

Here's the tightest clothes I could find without exposing more skin than necessary. I'm still not sure if you're actually thinking of contributing something or if you just want pics of me in my panties.

>this is the modern male

You aren't getting anywhere with that hog looking torso of yours. Right now you are just a creepy man in women's clothes.

I know it's his body and all but its just so creepy.

There aren't specific routines for becoming feminine. That's not what Veeky Forums is about, don't pretend you came here to make a Veeky Forums related thread. Even hormones don't always work.
If your man-shaped plastic surgery is probably your only option.

There are little meme infographs around, but they suggest working glutes and having a highish bodyfat. You either have it or you don't, we don't live in a Disney world where you'll transform into the princess you dreamed you would be. Chicks don't accept that reality either.

I did just want a panty pic. I don't anymore though.

Your first goal should be to lose weight. Start eating at a deficit. Do cardio.


I did though. I lost about 20 kilos.
I decided I wanted to bulk a little but I didn't get to my goal weight before doing that. Still pretty happy with the 20 kilos off.

You need to lose more.

A lot more.

I really never expected to become a princess anywhere in my post. I just said I didn't want to bulk my upper body and thought maybe you guys knew how.

I'm not, deluded I know how I look. I know I'm tall and that I have man hands and man feet and that my face isn't really helping, which is why I want to "help" with stuff I can change, like muscle and fat. It's still not going to be what I wanted but it's something.

Stop it. Get some help.

Well duh

It's not free. Therapy costs money, you know

Fucking faggot kill yourself

It says right on the OP that I'm lgbt and you decide to go for faggot. It's not even the right kind of insult. I actually have a gf so I'm more of a tranny dyke if you want to get harsh.

I bet she's wonderful

You won't like our advice here. It has too much grounding in science. I can tell that isn't your thing.

Fuck off back to your tranny freakshow.

She is, actually.

Anyway, I'm still wondering.
Incline leg press but without a machine(?)

Go fuck yourself faggot queer

Not that guy but I'm having a really hard time understanding your mindset. Like, I can't comprehend it. And I don't say that to be demeaning. You're a man, who wants to be a women who likes women? What aspect of,your self image demands that you too be a woman? Like, what is the thought process that leads to your circumstances?

Again, genuinely curious.

cut the crap,bulk up and become a real man

>He doesn't shave his armpits
I bet you don't shave your upper lip either?
You're never gonna make it.

I guess your gf will have to be the man of the family.

Well, to be honest it's not about who I like. It has more to do with how I feel when I look at my hands or feet, or the horror I went through when my voice deepened through puberty. The fact that I can't really feel comfortable going out with loose underwear because there's a thing hanging down there that feels like it shouldn't. It's also how I interact with my friends, most of which are girls. I also have guy friends but there's definitely something that feels different about them than when I look at my thoughts and personality. There's definitely a barrier there.

In the end I like girls mostly but I also like guys every now and then. Not too often though. But It has nothing to do with how I feel inside.

Actually I tweeze it out. Hurts like hell.


Don't lift. You WILL gain "too much muscle". Be completely sedentary except for some stretchuing so you won't get completely stiff and painful.

I don't understand this mem

Sadly I have to lift stuff up on my job.
I will definitely stretch more, now that I think about it.

holy shit lol

maybe you could pass for an extremely disgusting warhog with horrible genetics


Stretching won't help you get smaller or anything, but it's just nice to not have tight hip-flexors and stuff.

No yeah, I know. I could use some flexibility. Specially hip flexors.

jesus fucking christ

Perhaps you should do a set of body weight neck hangs.

save for surgery
i love ur skintone very much

Go back there, you mentally deranged tranny.

Kill yourself fucking freak


>I have to do what I have to do.
then you can figure out what you have to do for yourself you shit eating faggot.

nigga you look like omar isuf

Fuck these haters, I think you're cute. Post more pics plz :)

How can someone get a pump even once and not be filled with the burning desire to get huge? What the fuck is wrong with you?

A chubby crossdressing shitskin faggot is not "cute"

Yes she is

p.s. Checked :)

OP pls go

>t. obese /r9k/ virgin crossposter who's terrified of women in a real life


I can't really help you apart from telling you to losse Wright, and not lift. But I do have so many questions.
First of all is your gf straight in the sense that she likes dick?
Seconden question, and the hardest.
Forget for a moment that you're set on becoming a woman.
If there was a magic substance that would make you more manly but also make you wish to be manlier (this maling you become who you wish to become) and on top of that it would make you happier in general. Would you take it?

OP your best course of action is to lose weight, I mean a lot of weight, do cardio, maybe running or cycling, eat clean and maybe cut out red meat, and you probably will just end up getting fucked over by genetics.
Some things you just can't force