Why are you still natty Veeky Forums?

Why are you still natty Veeky Forums?

>want kids
>plenty of natural test
>plenty of genetic potential

That image: what the hell did he do...0 hypertrophy for 6 years?

That's the natty limit for lanklets

I don't have a job atm also I'll juice in my 30-40s

shit genetics, probably low T af because hes trying to be lean af the whole time which fucks with your hormones.

Cant get blood work in my state

I'm recovering lanklet, Already bigger than that.

>plenty of genetic potential
how the fuck do you even know if you have any genetic potential when this shit comes out only after you hop on gear?

It was more of a guess
Good insertions
Good recovery
Good cardiovascular health despite not doing cardio.
Strength has grown quickly.
But you're right.
I guess I won't really know untill i've been lifting 5+ years.

nope, and glad for it

Is that Tsim Fuckis?

>Tsim Fuckis

holy shit hahahah

top kek

Because I like having my natural manhood, test and virility.
Besides, I'll never ever do what those people are doing as pro "natural" bodybuilders.
I just want to put on a bit of muscle, get strong flexibile, healthy, and get down to a relatively low bodyweight.
Can do that without the steroids.

photo from younger days when not so shredded

He looks absolutely disgusting

t. Actually Ripped




I work in health. If you roid come see us at the mental part of your hospital, we will help you put your life together again

And yet, i dont see you posting any pics you fucking fagot

I said bigger, not more lean or in as good of shape.
Why the fuck would i post CB in this shitty thread.

>good insertions
>good recovery

yeah recovery must be really taxing on your body benching 70kg you shitbag

cause you got called out for it

How do I avoid ever looking like this?

don't have body dysmorphia.


Real question is what is his height?

This is why.

he's 6'1

Don't roid

Then in real life he wouldn't actually look so bad.

He actually doesn't. Someone posted a pic of his tricep flex, and I was mirin.