Work out bro it'll get you girls

>Work out bro it'll get you girls

Literally two messages in and it's listed as a negative thing

She lying

>lifting for girls
pfffft hahahahahahaha people really do that?

>being this insecure

fuck her

if you read a negative out of the image you posted, then you are fucking dense.

She obviously wantst o try out a muscular dude but has been afraid of rejection or having a relationship with a meathead.

The way she lists the other guys (chubby/sickly) shows she wants the muscular guy.

Not negative at all you retard, she just thought anyone in shape would be idiots.

She is intimidated by muscles because it excites her. It's a good thing.

She dates fatties and skeletons because they're passive and pose no threat.

>show your juicy muscles and small steroid cock and BE THE THREAT

It would take an idiot not to realize she means exactly the opposite of what shes saying.

I guess lifting really doesn't cute autism

girls are so full of SSSshit, the less they talk the better desu

shit test


She's telling u she wants to fuck, idiot.

She wants a skinny muscular dude. She does not want a huge fuckin roider.

>She dates fatties and skeletons because they're passive and pose no threat.
so this is the rewards for lifting? dating girls beneath you
holy shit this board is full of cucks

>My standards are low, probably because of low self esteem, and thusly I tend to settle for guys I'm either equal with or better than.

In what way is messing with this girl worth your time, OP?

I am kissless virgin and i can see through that msg that its absolutely not a problem for her

Women dont know ehat theywant, and if they in fact know then they wont tell you


The rewards are that you get to date girls worth while and ignore the ones beneath you.

>skinny sickly dudes

What did she mean by this?

She won't go for someone looking better than her because it makes her look like a sack of shit in comparison

You're more attractive than you used to be but you're still going for girls in the same league. That's why she's intimidated, she thinks you're out of her league. Just like you'd be intimidated if you tried getting laid with a supermodel. Doesn't mean you wouldnt want to fuck the supermodel.

She is basically telling you that she likes your personality and if you dated her you would have all the power because she would feel insecure and be desperate to make you stay with her. You need to start making yourself see things as positive my dude, it will boost your confidence.

Grill here to translate
She knows you're attractive, but is trying to make you feel like you're not worthy of her. (Usually date blahblah=you are not my target) She wants you to need her and want her approval that you're "not like these other muscleheads". Trying to make you insecure so she could have a stronger hold on you.
If shes awesome otherwise, don't mind it, some girls subconsciously do this shit.
Could be a red flag for a manipulative bitch if these things add up.

This + from my point of view this usually can mean 2 things: she is a whore or just wants to make you feel like she is not someone lonely but can date anyone

dude, she's trying to take you down a peg. Girls learn this game when they're five years old and never stop playing it.

It does not matter what she says, only what she does.

This, FFS.

th-thanks Veeky Forums

I am a very handsome young man, and strong and I love sex in all positions and I love to perform sex for long periods of time. Everyone that has had sex with me will testify that they have experienced something they had never seen before. I am going to take off all your clothes and walk my lips over every part I reveal, kissing every inch of your body and I'll carry you in my hands, and hold you close, and tuck you into bed and hold your breasts. I put each tit in my hands and kiss them, and I'll put each tit in my mouth and lick your nipples with my tongue. I'm waiting for you. Please respond.

You need to understand that most women don't know what they want or actively lie about what they want (as a manipulation tactic). Even if a girl claims to only go for fatties or skellingtons, human beings are naturally attracted to physically fit individuals. They can't help it.

as always girls probably without even realising give terrible advice because
>'She wants you to need her and want her approval that you're "not like these other muscleheads".
terrible advice. see how far showing neediness and approval seeking behaiviour gets you with any girl ever.

always seek advice on women from men who are successful with women and never from women who will tell you to be a stereotype disney prince charming because thats what they want, for a CHAD to be so in love with her that he starts acting like a BETA MALE

Wait, women do this shit CONSCIOUSLY?

Buyers aee liars op and you're selling hot stuff

True. Being desperate and clingy will instantly turn off any girl. You gotta find a balance of showing interest and acting like you don't give a fuck about her. You can't go too far in either direction, the balance must always be maintained. Even if you're married to some chick for 20 years, the balance must still be upheld.

I find the balance can be acheived with the mindset of
>I am interested in her and she is very beautiful but I am very important and busy and put my long term goals first

this is where betas go wrong when they try and break out of being beta by imitating 'assholes'. Being rude because your an obnoxious cretin is not the same is being rude because you're too busy with your life/goals that she can't dictate when you give her your attention

>I tend to go for

She doesn't get approached by muscular dudes and she doesn't have the confidence to do it herself. That's what she's saying.

framing everything in a way that validates your ego is a winners mindset. because this way you are a winner already and we create our on realities.

>pffft hahahaha

No doubt

some women will even avoid men who they think are capable of potentially hurting them down the line, even if they seem great

Things women say:

>I usually never do this
>this is my first time doing this
>I'm not interested in muscle
>I'm not interested in height
>I only do this when drunk

>Jamal is just a friend

... Is her name Laura?

manipulative women yea

>he doesn't fart to show displeasure in an suggestion and then laugh because farts

>what are you doing in the bushes of my back garden?

lol fuckin women amiryt

>manipulative women

Do you know any other kind?


General rule ive learned when dealing with people, be it women, friends or jews (aka, merchants): actions speak louder than words.

Words are wortless op. Well, not wortless - they are useful in their own way. But actions > words every time.

this so much
i tell ppl im in college for art history but in reality im an engineer major.

>manipulative people are liars

no way

>Literally two messages in and it's listed as a negative thing

dude all girls say that shit
they don't want to be the stereotypical sluts who drool over real muscular men

yet they are

I don't think you understood the post you're quoting


Just like when there's a girl that's an 11/10, you're more likely to not hit on her if you're a 7, you feel she's out of your league and only rich chads can fuck her.

The only UNLESS I can think of is if OP is roided and fucking huge. Girls don't actually like that shit for the most part unless they're Jersey Shore trash. Most girls want a Ryan Gosling, where you look fit with your shirt off but skinny and fairly DYEL in a t-shirt - small waist, big shoulders.

>where you look fit with your shirt off but skinny and fairly DYEL in a t-shirt - small waist, big shoulders.

t. Veeky Forumsggot who lifts to look like ryan gosling.

She's only saying that because she's probly bottom of the barrel and can't GET any fit guys.

post body you roid freak

she wasnt telling him to get needy, you retard.
girls do that thing - want you to become needy and as soon as you become needy they get bored with you

Im not sure about this
My luck in dating has been perfectly negativly correlated to my gains
As i become better looking and fitter dating becomes harder and girls become rarer to find

Girls dont seem to like muscles at all from my standpoint and im not roided huge either

>skinny sickly dudes

what the fuck

it's a ruse to manipulate and belittle

>from my standpoint

Girls aren't attracted to manlets on step stools.

Nice try but im 6'1'' so maybe a manlet by Veeky Forums standards but not IRL

Do you approach women?
maybe its because you have more value now - body wise
(Plus muscles can be a bit intimidating)
But your mindset is still trapped in your former beta self

I do not approach in any sense because i almost never meet any girls whom i can approach.
Ive approached two in the past two years and thats actually been every girl ive met, i had dates with both but they moved away for school both of em
problem is finding girls who i can approach, im not particularly picky but the options are very few

You're just not good at reading people at all. Women say they dont care about muscles and looks all the time yet they keep staring and glancing at my chest and biceps. They also keep grabbing my arms and get really touchy as soon as thry have some alcohol in them.

She gave you tons of compliments in that message. She's literally saying she's intimitated by your looks and that she chooses average joes because she's afraid you're just gonna pump and dump her because you have a far greater market value than she's used to. Then she proceeds by comforting herself and justifying it to herself to go for you with the "but you seem interesting and kinda honest" bullshit. The reality is she afraid you are above her and use her just for sex, but this is EXACTLY what she wants. Just take the lead and fuck her user, she already has no chance anymore and you can practically do to her what you want.

learn to read

>small steroid cock

When will this fable seize to exist.
If anything it gets bigger on roids.

I don't even roid lol

t. Dicklet

She said intimidated. It basically just means she perceives it as a quality above her league. She's insecure and has a type that she's more likely to find the quality she appreciates the most which seems like personality.

So play it cool and fuck her brains out and be good to her if you care. Don't reenforce the stereo type.

>believing woman know what they want

Balls can shrink on test, people assume dick does too.
Tren makes your erections stalwart monuments of manhood.

Exactly what she says, guys who look like their starving

>i tell ppl im in college for art history but in reality im an engineer major.

Second this. They also hate arrogant guys, don't care about money, and just want a human emotion tampon for a boyfriend.

Growing up I was told not to go for muscular men because of the fear that they're stupid, arrogant and untrustworthy. I told myself and others that I didn't care whether men were muscular or fat, it didn't make men more attractive and sometimes it actually repulsed me. I dated unfit guys because they worshiped me.
But it doesn't negate the fact that muscular men are more attractive just because there's a stereotype about them.

Think about this op, what self respecting girl who values herself would describe her previous boyfriends as 'sickly', like wtf.

Accept that you're physique is giving this girl cognitive dissonance. She is disqualifying herself to make sure her wolrd makes sense, she doesn't believe she deserves you mang.

It's because having a juicy and muscular body goes often times hand in hand with being a cocky asshole. Ofc women likes muscles, but women aren't that super-ficial after all and will rather date a skeleton with better personality than someone with a top tier body if he is annoying. You guys always complain how women take pics of their ass and posts it on social media. It makes you think that he is a vapid attention seeking cunt. Well you know what, the same logic applies vise versa.

Muscular and humble yet confident is 5/5.


Women like muscle, you can still put them off by being an autist but they like muscle.

at least half of these are said every time I put my raw dick in a woman for the first time

can confirm, actually.


First decent post I've ever seen by a >grill here


>I do not approach women
>I cannot find a woman
what gives?

I'm lmaoing @ ur autism if you think she means it as a negative. She's just insecure and will suck your pecker at the first opportunity.


the only reason she wouldn't find a fit guy attractive is if he has an ugly face.

I think I just got Autism from this picture

What's the name of that comic?

nvm found it. it's Bill of the Beach

"intimidated" is a huge green flag for you. When a woman is """""""intimidated""""""" by muscles, it's out of insecurity. skinny guys are a comfort zone because she knows they will worship her while the buff guy may brush her off for someone more beautiful.

Lmao haven't seen this in years
Someone post the link to the full comics

'Lift bros do it for girls'

Good thing I want to compete someday

Let him respond yu clinger

First Trump is elected, now a Borg betrays the hivemind? If this is the beginning of some bigger paradigm shift we're in for a bumpy ride.

Low self esteem, insecure and lying.
She is a low estro-high inhibition bitch.
Go for real women, not girls with daddy issues.

Alright you faggot, now show us the rest of the messages where she agrees to try out a muscular guy for the first time and how "I've never done this before :o"

Amplify. She gives you that "you seem interesting and honest" shit test, just toss it back at her with something like "well thats too bad because im as boring as watching paint dry and i have a psychological compulsion for lying."

>pls respond jay
>ur so handsome
>Im straight btw


Tren rots your brain you dunderfuck

>actually listening to and believing what women say
>doing anything solely to get women in the first place

this is a beautiful cuckery combo