Muh flippening

>Muh flippening

Get ready for 1 sat ETH.

Vitalik is a robot, of course he has zero empathy for other people. Everything is just a matter of optimization to him.

he's not wrong though

Legit question.

I think it's agreed upon that vitalik has some sort of savant high functioning autism, correct?

Is lack of empathy a symptom of that? This isn't the first time he's made these kinds of comments.

fuck off central planner

yes, he is.

Vitalik is smart about many things, but not this one.

>Not being logical and rational
>letting your feelings dictate decision making

Vitalik needs to shut up.

Honestly I wouldn't say lack of empathy, but I do think he tries to look for what he believes to be the optimal solution for any given situation with no regard to how others would respond to it.

Makes sense, thanks for your input.


From a pure optimization perspective he isn't wrong but people should have the option to decline based on their feelings. yeah I'm not having this argument because there is no clear answer both are correct it's a matter of which u personally value more.

That’s almost literally lack of empathy.

Why does Vitalik want ETH price to stay sub 400?

That's what lack of empathy means, disregarding how others feel

I truly believe Vitalik doesn't give a fuck about the price of ETH. It could go to $20 tomorrow and he wouldn't give a fuck. Even Vitalik said ETH was overvalued and should be at $15

This is what I mean. He cares about the technology, not the price.

Well I'm about to go all in on ETH I think, because it's going to be at 350 again next week.

but say I buy 3000 worth of ETH, make ~600

how do taxes work? I can withdrawal 3000 freely because its mine, what percentage will government take, is it even worth doing?

He surely is. Idk, the guy who invented Soylent is autistic as fuck (he "quit AC power" because the horrible noise it makes triggers him, runs his apartment off a car battery and solar panel. He doesn't wash his clothes, just buys polyester shit from China and donates to goodwill when it's dirty. Rosy red autistic-as-hell cheeks.

I drink that shit daily. A bunch of tech pioneers are weird autists.


ha ha ha ha ha !

Not paying friend.

Why would you withdraw the ~600? Buy BTC with your profits. If ETH is going to moon as you say, then BTC will have substantially gone down.

He's not wrong? So if you want my house at market value, I have to sell it? Do you realize the absurdity that implies? You give me the money so I buy it back then you buy it back again ad infinitum? That's the stupidest idea anybody ever shit out. Kys yourself for agreeing with it.

Lol what a legend

Wrong. You can empathize with someone, while still believing sacrifices be made for the greater good (however that's defined)

> If ETH is going to moon as you say, then BTC will have substantially gone down.

340 isn't mooning, Eth does this cycle over and over again, lowest of ~270 highest ~340.

I'm talking about when you do withdraw eventually, what percentage are they takign

Anybody on here that believes this is some kind of "optimal solution" is fucking stupid. It's not efficient in any legitimate way whatsoever as there is a cost to moving that is not a given part of the market price of a house. It would be like being forced to trade on an exchange with zero net gain but a loss in exchange fees until everybody goes broke. Vitalik is a certified dumbass and so is everybody who takes this clown's brain fart seriously.

I agree, he's being a complete shithead here. The most basic principle of our economic system is offer and demand. He is literally suggesting to take offer out of the equation. I don't even


That's what efficiency is. Fuck your feelings


They call him the money skeleton because when hes done with crypto there will be nothing left but bones.

lol @ "renters"
everyone has that risk
this kid is an idiot
and hes helped make a shitty buggy platform for me to sell my idiot ideas on to idiots
got your money
why work now

Googled Soylent. WTF that means I don't ever have to eat again just drink this shit?!? My dream was taking a pill each day to not waste time eating but this sounds like a good compromise.
Thx man

Subsisting on a liquid diet of processed whatever?

Good goy.

Cooking fresh meals with veggies, fiber protein and complex carbs is definitely a waste of time and money.

It's not my fucking feelings, you baboon. It's comnunism. If someone makes an offer for your house and you can't refuse, that will only end up in corruption and theft. I bribe every appraisal officer, make them evaluate your house at half price, and you're unable to stop me from taking it from you. Where's the efficiency in that? Fucking neckbeards

Did you even read Vitalik's tweet you fucking numbskull? He said the market value would decided by the owner of the house, not an appraiser. If somebody offers that person what the owner believes to be the monetary value of their house, then yes they should be forced to sell it.

Why would they be forced to sell it?

Are you actually retarded? How many iterations can your tiny pea brain run at a time?
>Oh no! I really like my 200k house, i don't want to sell it
>Hello mister, how much is that house worth, in your opinion?
>Ten billion dollars! Haha, now no one can buy it off of me until i actually want to sell it!

Oh wait, that scenario doesn't change anything, does it? Now the government either steps in and appraises the property or nothing has changed. Is that what you want? For nothing to change? Because it's either that or comnunism, mr. extra chromosome

The point is that you pay taxes based on property value.

Yes, it is.

>>Hello mister, how much is that house worth, in your opinion?
>Ten billion dollars! Haha, now no one can buy it off of me until i actually want to sell it!

So now he has to pay a tax on the basis of his property being worth ten billion dollars. This means people will be rather accurate in assessing their property- they can't be too low because then they'll get bought out for nothing, but they can't be too high because then they'll pay excess taxes. The system would also reduce transaction times and haggling (since valuations would be public). Overall it decreases economic waste. It's a very interesting thought experiment.

That's even worse. Get ready for billionaires declaring their 50 million usd mansions as 200k houses, paying little to no taxes and *somehow* no one ever buys their property off of them. You fuckwits need to stop trusting the government and wanting to increase its already unstoppable power. All that you'll ever achieve is more of your own cucking

>people being forced to go buy a new house and move all their furniture and shit and get the utilities switched over and get their kids registered to a different school district all the time even though they don't want to would decrease economic waste.

This is some basement dweller turbo autismo level shit right here. I used to have a buddy. Cat called Disco Stu. Everytime I would complain about some next level dumbass shit somebody did, he'd remind me of one fact. He'd say Nate, don't get mad at these people. They're your customers. These are the idiots you sell to. Fitting that I read the most obnoxiously stupid string of syllables I've ever seen on a crypto trading board. But your stupidity doesn't make me mad. You're the ones who will buy my bags. That's the purpose of your stupidity. You are what makes the engine of capitalism purr. Thank you and carry on.

it's not efficient, you moron. enjoy the card board box you'll be living in. oh, by the way, the fair market value for your box is currently one barbecued sewer rat, which i just so happen to have right now, so gibs me dat box.