Why should I not eat chicken breasts?

Why should I not eat chicken breasts?

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idk i just ate 11oz of them

No one said you shouldn't??????

Because mama only has chicken tendies.

I heard from some vegans that eating meat gives you cancer.

Because thighs taste better and are cheaper.

Sshhh. Thighs recently went up in price because too mant normies caught on

Not at Costco

Did someone say you shouldn't? Personally I have to limit my daily meat intake to 150g because I have dyslipidemia (muh cundishuns!) and am under orders to not exceed 200mg of dietary cholesterol a day. If you're not cursed with this fucking literal gains goblin then go ahead and gobble that shit up. It's fucking excellent.

how do you guys eat your chicken breasts? Usually i dice it up, season it with some ground red pepper and some salt, and then put it in quesadillas or on salads.

Grill than eat.

I just microwave for about 20-25 minutes.

>white people


Ching chong here. Marinate with soy sauce and maple syrup and then stir fry. Add a pinch of paprika. Ground pepper. Diced onion, serrano peppers, and garlic. I'll add bean sprouts if I want more fiber. Can't ever fuck this recipe up.

It's for the mental sustenance as well.

He must be stopped
For humanity

>I just microwave for about 20-25 minutes.
you're going to have cancer by next week, tops


thanks man ill try this, sounds delicious

you realize charring meat actually does give you cancer though right? microwaving wont do anything

>microwaving wont do anything
Does Veeky Forums not have a middle ground betwen tinfoil hat and ignorance

you're not only implying that i char my meat but you're also dead wrong about microwaves not doing anything

I believe factory farms and eating most meat is morally wrong but I eat meat anyway. Am I a piece of shit for that?


whatever, everybody is a sellout to some extent. it's cruel and not okay to put animals through those conditions, but the alternative just isn't a sustainable business model. it's either you eat animals that live in shitty conditions or we produce significantly less meat at significantly higher costs

im in the same boat man. i feel guilty about it but basically at this point im holding out for lab grown meat. all the protein with none of the moral implications.

is there an article i can read about this? im kind of new to Veeky Forums. i thought microwaves just excited water molecules. i dont see how that could hurt anything

that guys pulling your tail, it does not do shit.

suck my balls

bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_industryweapons207.htm here's one that's pretty thorough

shit macros, also it's 35% bone so the price difference is completely neglible when you factor that in.

this fucking hurts to read man. jesus get a better source. im not convinced. come back with a peer reviewed study or scholarly article or something at least

> not buying skinless boneless thigh fillets

if you're not satisfied with a full report including scientific method, citations and several different authoritative perspectives, maybe you should just fucking kill yourself because you're a fucking waste of the organs that are making up the shit factory you call a body

thigh fillets cost the same as chicken breasts and have shitter macros.

it's made for manchildren and fatasses who haven't outgrown their "drumstick and wings" phase.

>marinate in garlic powder, cayenne, and chipotle sauce for a day or two
>fry em up for 5mins each side, put extra cayenne and chili powder on each side
>dice into cubes and eat with brown rice

> juicier
> more flavour
> 90% of the time cheaper

> hurr durr there is a 2 gram difference in protein and fat


People actually boil chicken? I thought that was a meme

yeah i toss it in a pot of water and microwave them both

literally all a microwave does is heat up water particles.

how the fuck would this make water less water

why don't you ask the plant that tried to thrive in microwaved water and died

m8 you can "prove" whatever you want. im not buying it

that website is a ruse m8

>let me exaggerate everything, that will surely make this guy look retarded and not I.

Eating animal meats has been proven to take 39 years off your life expectancy.

Enjoy your colon cancer.

You're right user, i was a fool to not instantly believe a sourceless picture on the internet. I'll never make it.

> he stated facts that I can't dispute. Let me post pictures and pretend I won

>sourceless picture
you fucking neanderthal, not only was a source posted but you can literally google this shit and get infinite results regarding the same thing. whatever you say though, you just keep microwaving your chicken for half an hour at a time


i think i trust harvard over your "source"

>chicken breast fillets, 100g raw
>106 cal
>24g protein

>chicken thigh fillets, 100g raw
>18g protein

fatass pajeet 25% bf nutrition btfo, go cry in a corner while eating your biryani rice and saag aloos.

you mean that fucking microsoft word shit you posted?

A non-peer-reviewed study with no control groups, no attempt to do multiple plants to see if there are issues, and no mention of where the water came from?

not to mention NOT PEER-REVIEWED

the site has a clear bias and should not be trusted for anything. You think I go to Alex Jone's site for a study on why jews aren't ruling the world?

>white people cant cook meme
Why don't you make us some traditional African food Tyrone? Ground up worms right?

>protein powder
>25g protein

it's more efficient, why even eat chicken breast?

>hes not white
>therefore hes black

thats some great deduction you have there

not that user, but any type of chicken is far cheaper per pound.

>protein isolate

yeah no good brand will have that cheaper than chicken breast.


>eating shitty powder that literally digests in 30 minutes

yeah, good luck absorbing anything at all, retard. Go take 10 scoops a day and show phil heath how stupid it is to eat cod, chicken and steak all day.


> Chicken breast-
Calories 110 Calories from Fat 22
Total Fat 2.5g
Saturated Fat 0.5g
Cholesterol 65mg
Sodium 180mg
Protein 23.0g

> Chicken thigh-
Calories 110 Calories from Fat 36
Total Fat 4.0g
Saturated Fat 1.0g
Cholesterol 85mg
Sodium 250mg
Protein 20.0g

> being 20seconds away from autisticly screehing trying to defend breats because leaner.
Gaurentee your not big enough to notice the minisule difference

> everyone disagrees with me
> pretend its just one user samefagging
> if I call them all indian that means I win, r-right

> powder that literally digests in 30 minutes
> good luck absorbing anything at all

I think you might be retarded desu

>posting fake shit

must be american.

> posts american nutrition facts label
> he must be american

A better source? It refers to research from America, Switzerland, Russia, Germany.
What more could you want? Learn to scim read...

i am indian and let me tell you, being indian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off. suck my dick suck my dick.

This could be random, but my parents keep their bananas somewhat close to the microwave and they always get nasty brown spots on the inside when they get ripe. I've been living on my own without a microwave and my bananas never get nasty, even if the skin turns 100% brown. We buy the same bananas.

Probably has more to do with the temperature you keep your place.

most anecdotal evidence ever.

I keep my banannas in the fridge and they get brown spots when they're overripe

and you also come from this weird culture that's obsessed with status but you seem like you've overcome that judging by how many times you told us you take care of people and how great you are
Oh wait

Oh shit I almost forgot





> not holding hands with your friends in the designated shitting street

lmao'ing at your life

You still have a class system mate.


100% this. Perfectly safe and joocy chicken every time

wtf is this from? and why do you have a webm of some shaky hand man cutting up raw chicken

Actually taking this seriously. It's a copypasta you idiot.

u aware?

Soak your chicken in pickle juice

mix Cajun seasoning with water, butterfly the chicken, brush the seasoning onto the chicken
wrap the chicken in greasproof paper and roast until done
wrapping it means it doesn't dry out and is delicious

That photo is literally from a Facebook tier infographic about someone talking about her granddaughter's science fair project studied how microwaving water destroyed the DNA of the water. Of course there is no major study about it, it's a photo from a middle school science project where some dumb bitch probably poured boiling water onto a plant.

It's a jack gif from Veeky Forums, he's a terrible YouTube cook and also a meme.

I kinda agree with the image
divorcing a food from its effect bothers me
coke is supposed to get you sugard up
coffee is supposed to wake you up
and milk is supposed to provide you with fat

diet coke is for the cross-section of the populöatiopn that knows they shouldn't drink to much sugar but lack the willpower not to drink pop


ppl who drink diet whatever are no better then people that 'eat' chocolate by chewing and spitting it into the the trash bc "I just want the taste"

Yeah brah. Is the misc still dead?

blacks are the only ones that spout this we wuz kingz mindset
i guarantee I cook more and better than any of my black friends

I eat chicken breast with my mouth

Arent legs way fatter than chest?


not greentexting

god damn that was such bullshit it made me nauseous

>throws chicken breasts right into the microwave
>I-I'm a good cook

No because chickens only squat, no bench press for them

Want to be my gaysian BF?

Real men like thicc meat

Kys numale

Fatty meat is metabolized better than lean meat. The only thing is has going for it is being something clueless cooks can prepare.

Rate my lunch Veeky Forums

If you know how to cook it would be cheaper to do a whole chicken and then use the carcass for soups.

Judging by your fat ass arm, you shouldn't be eating those potatoes.

3/5 totally edible but fairly basic. Also moar if you want gainz.

You can fully cook a chicken breast in the microwave in 3 minutes using a 100% silicone steamer, pic related. They come out juicy too.

I wish they were fatter user, i think they're too skinny desu senpai. They're sweet potatoes btw.

That and it makes you fat.


Because it hinders spiritual progress to eat meat. The four regulative principles of freedom are:

1. No eating meat, fish, mushrooms, onions or eggs.
2. No illicit sex.
3. No intoxication, including caffeine.
4. No gambling.

I can't say I'm following rules 1-3 very well, but you asked for the reason and there it is.

t philosophy 101 student

There's no reason not to eat them
>I heard from some vegans that eating meat gives you cancer.
That's bullshit and it doesn't
>That and it makes you fat.
It only makes you fat if you don't diet properly and don't work out
>Because it hinders spiritual progress to eat meat.
Yet science says it doesn't hinder gains. I'll take actual properly done research over your bullshit vegan hippie religion