ODNboyz where you at?

ODNboyz where you at?

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Damn senpai. Big if true

It's true, but I don't know who they are.


The team looks pretty legit.

Saw this earlier and tried to research but came up with nothing? Who are these people? And what does this mean for ODN

$10 dollar ODN

They'll probably end up re-branding and communicating more professionally, etc. which is a good thing.

Holding strong. ODN can deliver so much more...

Good question. There is no real into on their site

My prediction is that ODN's marketing is going to get a lot better. Also, we have seen how much rebranding can affect the price with Antshares/Neo.

The Haydn guy worked for Fujitsu and several big banks. His LinkedIn looks solid too. This looks good.

Hol' up, we them ODN boyz.


comfy quintuple masternode reporting in

Well now, perhaps these pnd assholes will finally drop their bags soon.



Never heard of this tamico shit before. Should be interesting to see if it manifests any sort of tangible results.

>he fell for the ODN meme

>New marketing partnership just announced
>App release impending
>Team is positive and responsive to community questions / concerns
>Low market cap
>Recently burned coins
>Price suppressed by bad exchange and recent FUD campaign

Sign me up. I'll fall for that meme anytime.

I fell today and bought 7770 ODN at this bargain price.

> $8 million freedombucks for a instant messenger that doesn't have a means to collect advertising revenue or mine personal data.

Unless you're priming for a pump and dump it's not a 'bargain price'.

I like the total supply number. Didn't buy yet but been looking at this coin very closely lately.
And at least they have something up and running compared to the 99% of the cryptos.
They say they will announce more shit on the upcoming months (everyone says that tho).
Let's see what happens.

> Doesn't understand what a use-case is and how valuable true anonymity can be to people when transferring important documents, information, or making payments.
>Also doesn't understand more apps than just the messenger can be built on the platform.

Nice just bought 100k

just bought another 100k, have 1kk now

>8mil is a lot
>meanwhile 90% of 100mil cap coins arent even close to a product

Look, it's fucking nothing.

Currently sitting at a 50% loss on ODN. Waiting patiently until it goes up so I can sell at less of a significant loss. I'm getting out ASAP and never listening to Veeky Forums shill campaigns ever again.

biz, ladies and gentlemen


ODN is already valued at $42 million. There's no where to go but down

What a bunch of dumb faggots. Who would seriously expect to make money off of this trash? All the hype and nothing has come of it. Just consolidating before it takes the next leg down.

>All the hype and nothing has come of it.
That applies to every coin ever.

marketcap is circulation supply x price so its less that 10mil now


thanks i just bought 100k


are you retarded?

>who would seriously expect to make money off of this trash?

aaah...theatricality and deception are powerful agents to the uninitiated... but we are initiated, aren't we user?

>joins up with tamagachi
this is huge, i didnt even know those toys still existed

>total supply of 1 trillion, circulating of 1 million
>invest in my coin goys! Market cap is calculated by circulating!

Without a short position there can be no long. I'm just a simple dream farmer tending to my crops.

>bases long position on short position
>talking about crypto
>retard confirmed


bump for volume

i copied the FUD here and pasted it in a WTC thread. its super effective, kek.

lol this coin has a solid future. Most of the negatively comes from retards that FOMO'd into a very obvious pump and dump.

ICO bros know that this coin has been comfy af.

correct. At least go with one that actually has a product.