I have earned 10 million dollars in crypto over since 2013

I have earned 10 million dollars in crypto over since 2013.

I can tell you right now.

The best coin to invest in from now til end of the year is IOC.

It has been under the radar and people who know of it have been accumulating.

In 9 days they will have a block call.

After that block call occurs they will be implementing the DIONS blockchain.

DIONS wallet will be released. It allows file storing, decentralized messaging, alias and much more.

IOC is a platform meant for enterprise systems.

IOC will be attending a huge conference on November 1st.

Currently only on bittrex once DIONS block chain is implemented it will be listed to many other exchanges.

Including international ASIAN market.

This coin is currently at 44k. This will be one of those coins that won't people get there BTG money will start flooding into it.

We will never see it this low again in a day or two.

I hope you take my advice.

Anything questions please ask below.

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I'm balls deep in IOC. DIONS and Project Chameleon will take this beyond $10 (I hope)

i see 10 dollars before EOTY. It is very possible.
If everything goes the way i predict it will.

Things will be great. People selling at 44k are going to be so sad.

I was once like this, until I realized IOC is vaporwave shit that won't deliver anything at all, if they do it will be in 2035

If it doesn't come out in November as it was stated. Then I will agree with you. If it gets delayed IOC is dead.

So far everything seems like its coming together very nicely.

I don't see any reason it would be delayed.

I hope so man. Have you talked with them?

Yes. The team says its going to happen. The block will be called. I don't see it getting delayed.
Also someone from benchmark investment firm is taking interest in IOC.
Which is very promising.

What is benchmark?


Wow that benchmark thing is amazing pretty huge deal if it goes through.

you haven't earned 10 million dollars in crypto you fucking larper, stop embarrassing yourself and the good coin IOC actually is

nevertheless i have about 40% of my money in ioc too, the coin is promising and it's the most realistic 2-3x in 7-8 days, possibly 4-5x mid-november

free money honestly

your full of $hit, join this crypto p&d group and make real money pump that shit discord.gg/tUZVSCv $$

When DIONS was delayed the team took the right turn, as they wanted to develop more technology for a more competetive market. No excuse for delays now though. This either moons or shits the bed

Alright OP. Never heard of this coin...new here...what's so great about it? What will it be used for?

I have alot of confidence that will moon starting in a couple days then it will carry through over the next month.


Here is a great report done by a research company about a month ago.

Don't pump and dumps are scams

i second this

OP but isn't IOC a shit coin?

wut... you literally been here talking about IOC for the past hour now it's a shit coin... k troll. lol

That was actually helpful. Thanks.

it's a great read. Breaks down everything. Glad it could help.

I hope for your sake they deliver. I sold mine at a loss when IOC was below $1.

They seem more interested in hyping their coin than actually delivering anything. I remember talk of an IBM partnership and they were going on about how they were fixing the flaws of ETH with their coin. All this with zero results of it's 3 years in development.

That coin isn't eboost

But i do like Dions. Here's my OC for the cause.

ahaha all these newfags falling for this copypasta. Jesus thats why you guys are losing so much

i don't have anything to worry about. This is a guarentee moon as long as the block call happens in 9 days.

God speed I hope we end up at the moon

9 days to go. see you on the other side brother

isn't IOC just a stupid man's Obsidian?

Obsidian doesn't even use the block chain for sending messages... the ODN coin itself does absolutely nothing. I was in the slack when blackstone told all of us this...

There is no reason for a blockchain to even exist with ODN.

Also IOC been in development for 3 years... releasing product in 1 month. ODN just showed up like a month ago in a pump n dump.. Be careful with ODN since you can't see the block explorer and no smart contracts... the team as stated they are selling there coins in the market to pay for shit... so one day coinmarketcap circulating supply could double and crash the market.

>under the radar
>dions bro was spammed on this board nonstop some weeks ago

And dions is now 9 days away, IOC threads are popping up. Get in my man

You really think they will deliver this time? They have been delaying DIONS for 2 fucking years now.

Bump. Right there with you OP. I've accumulated 30k IOC in the past weeks. So Ready for this rocket ship.

>I'm pretty rich
>But buy my IOC bags pls

>Lead dev is a failed rapper

HAHAhA fuck off...under the radar :D
shill your shit somewhere else!

Ardor is the best coin to hold until 2018!

Joel isn't the main developer u stupid.

Yes it was delayed to add more content into it.

I have spoken with Richard and Team in 9 days this block will be called. Dions will be out in November. It feels good senpai.


Too over top with shilling. This isn't wolf of Wall Street, chill the fuck out. Just say Dion's bro and post the rape picture and we will buy your bags don't worry


This board has IDs you stupid fuck. We see right through your shilling god I wish we could ban these fuckers.

i agree its fucking bullshit

Better buy Obsidian!!!!
It's IOC Stratis Monero on Steroids...
>$5 incoming
Got Yellow Lambo bruh?

Obisidian Messenger isn't on-chain

ODN doesn't even use the blockchain for its app... and its not a platform you have been lied too.

We are ODN MARINE!!!!!






Stop larping IOC is shit and severly overpriced at 30m market cap it sohuld be worth 250k LOL. The core developer has been coding for 3 years you can FUCk right off Pajeet

post your face when you realize a coin with $200,000 market cap already does everything IOC and ODN are trying to do

Mfw I shill cybersex

fuck you pajeet

Bas Wisselink why are you shilling your own project?

Obsidian pride world wide!!!

its a norwegian coin.

Don't forget once the block hits IOC gonna moon

10m and still on biz xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

Very dedicated larp, sounds like one of the team members from IOC discord. Fuck off with your scamcoin

+ 10% last 15 mins, volume increasing

This is listed on bittrex, might be the next vertcoin.

Get in before its too late, leave your wagecuck life

Has the mysterious Derek Hatton come out on stage yet wearing a turtleneck? Until that happens im not buying in.

According to their Slack, devs said that DIONS is pretty much ready, they're just fixing some minor bugs and making final adjustments. It's happening man.

I wish I wasn't a poor fag and I could afford more than 25 IOC. I had to cashout my $50 to $1000 crypto gains to living. Now I only have my 25 IOC left, but I'm hopeful that I will make it.

For all retarded FUDers, here's the wallet demonstration from a week ago: vimeo.com/238303390

Delete this now.

>I have earned 10 million dollars in crypto over since 2013.
Prove it or I don't give a shit. Transfer exactly 0.0004016471 BTC from a big wallet to anywhere, then post transaction or you bullshitting.

this will go big straight after the fork. screencap this

We gonna moon I have no worries