TFW fell for the physical meme

>TFW fell for the physical meme
Should I just trade it all in for btc before the fork?
If so, where do I even sell this shit?

dude just hold till 1 oz silver is 600$

take other money and put it into crypto

I lost so much money on that shit.

Utterly trash "investment".

What kind of a retard does it take to fall for this?

How do you lose money on gold or silver?

if you sell now you'll take a loss. at coin shops, they will buy at $1 below spot for silver, and probably $100 under spot for gold.

if you sell on ebay, you'll get hit with 10% seller fee from ebay and 3% paypal fee to accept the payment from whoever buys.

i'm basically in the same boat and regret buying metals instead of crypto. whatever, can't go back in time now.

keep in mind, btc and ltc got a huge marketing boost by comparing themselves to gold and in the end even crypto has to compare itself to physical metals to get a jump start in the mind of investors.

ethereum is another story. i guess they paired their logo with a gemstone.

Ree, I used to buy silver/gold in the early 2000s. Sold it all at a profit 5+ years ago though.

metals aren't an investment. it's insurance against fiat.

Bought ATH and had to sell when I was in a shit situation. But on the bright side I got that shit with gibs.

by selling at lower price than what you bought 'em at...

There's nothing wrong with it. Just keep it. Use other resources for crypto trading, that's my advice.

This was inherited. I don't think it'll climb anywhere near as high as crypto will continue to.
I also barely make enough to get by as a student, so I was figuring it trade it to crypto to get more gains

By buying during the worst of a recession and getting mad at anyone who waited and bought at $14 like I did.

This crypto shit has gotten these limp wristed butt fucked cunts all pussy-plastered that their metals aren't making insta-gains. Metals are the ultimate buy and hold, meant to hedge against market volatility. Stocks crash, metals rise. A big crash is coming, all the energy of 2008, plus the power of the 9 years of fuckery since then. Student loan bubble, bond bubble, new real estate bubble forming, holy fuck it's gonna be hardcore.

>buying metals with gibs

Ultimate Jew mode, I like it. People only get mad at gibs users when they think that they're part of a nation and the State should run that nation. Fuck the State, there is no nation. This is a sinking ship ripe for plunder. Take everything you can get.

>sell it
>market crashes
>crypto crashes too because it doesn't fucking exist

I'll buy your metals for 50% off. You wanna sell?

Been a silver owner/trader for 9 years.
You own it as a hedge against collapse in faith in government, not for any other reason (inflation, etc).
Yeah it hasn't done shit since 2011 but it will moon again in the next few years in the last phase of the metals bull market. Gold will hit $5000 at the top.
Look at the 40-year chart; it's a perfect cup-and-handle pattern (extemely bullish). Hodl until it completes.

sell that shit user. I bought silver back in 2013, it was the worst investment ever. The fucken banks and their ETF certificates don't let the true price of silver and gold be. FUCK THE BANKS.. that's why they don't like BTC cause they cant fuck it up for us yet!!! but with ledgerX i think those cunts are going to fuck BTC for us is some ways. FUCK THE BANKS!! i sold my silver for a loss of half. But i was smart enough to put that into ETH when it was around $25...SELL that shit and put it in BTC or alts. I recommend ETP (Metaverse) this is good advice not BS. put it in ETP you'll be happy with your decision.$$$$

Yeah, I agree. Only stupid people lose money on gold, just like only stupid people lose money on BTC.

Well it is true that they manipulate silver downward, mostly to make the U.S Dollar seem stronger than it is.

It's also true that you bought at the peak of the pump and you should have had some already, so fuck you.

Might as well hold. How many oz silver you have? Might be worth trading for another gold oz

Looks like mr. schiff have scammed yet another goy

Silver will probably make greater gains relative to gold. Almost all my metals are silver.

>loose eagles

put that shit in some plastic dude they'll tarnish. also hodl that shit nigger, silver prices are kept down artificially with ETFs so you might as well wait for a financial meltdown, civil war, total collapse, etc. then it'll moon


Silver will go 11x when paper silver collapses

>tfw at excitement and thrill with bitcoin
i know i wont get out in time...

Once again, I inherited it. So I haven't really lost anything. Is it worth it to trade for crypto?

go to JMBullion and see if they will buy all from you, they love eagles for sure and that gold oz will clear at least 1250usd. that is pretty much my best rec.

some of it maybe, if you know a lot about crypto and aren't just going to throw it at whatever bullshit Veeky Forums tells you to. but you should hold most of it

>muh shiny metal
>paradigm shift in the internet
I think if you are dumb enough to buy silver in the first place you should keep it.

>Implying BTC isn't here to stay

I've just bought heavily into silver.

Personally I'd hold onto it. The comex suppression will stop at some point and then it'll moon.

deluded silvies

Dude... you got scammed. I'm sorry.

Big bamboo it grow smooth and long.

OP just sell for bitcoin. Bitcoin (and the stock market of course) will continue to rise forever and never crash again, while silver will never again rise in price. This is just how the economy works. Trust me I've been browsing Veeky Forums for like 4 months.

>haha crypto cucks, you can't even cash out your gains
Reality is metalfags cannot even cash out their losses.

Silver is not an overnight moon shot type of investment its to hedge against fiat and to hedge against the market falling. You should only have a small amount of your wealth in physical metals. Its not very liquid and it moves at a slower pace. You shouldn't be planning on selling precious metals for another 5 years. If you need the capital then you have weighted too much of your portfolio into physical metals

Learn to balance your investment portfolio you fucking idiots