Why French people are gay ?

this guys is a french coach, why he's always naked ? instagram.com/killian___/

>eww le naked man so gay xD
OP you sound like you cringe and look away in the lockerroom when other guys get change because it would be "gay"

Assuming you're not joking...

Europe is not puritanical like America, nudity is not feared, we do not worry about seeing a man's body being gay because we aren't still suffering from christian guilt.

kys you insecure brainwashed faggot.

Being from northern Europe, it's always amazing how sensitive Americans are about nudity.

does coach mean something else in french? he looks like a gay prostitute.

Maybe he wants some new clients.

It's one thing to see a naked guy in the locker room, it's another to look at stylized pictures of some guy posing. This is undeniably gay.

here i was being gay meant were attracted to people the same sex.

His behavior is what is gay, not necessarily the reactions he gets (although there is definitely gayness among those as well, as seen in this thread)

Nothing gay about admiring a physique. It's only gay if you want to bang him

Get out the closet OP

you could have just ignored this, but no you have to save a naked picture of a man and discuss it online

not all americans are closet homos like this dude

>Implying you wouldn't be gay for Jiroo

So he'said gay because you are attracted to his naked photos? Sounds like you're just projecting

It's Jiroud you stupid retard.

its Djiroud you dumb fuck.

Do u think he does g4p ?

Utter garbage
And I guess he's not even from Brittany.

Wouldn't you be as naked as possible as often as possible if you looked like that?

too bad you're still suffering from white guilt lmao

Only gay if you want to marry him.

Yeah, why doesn't he wear a hazmat suit to show of his muscles? Weird.

Implying prostitutes look that good.

It's pronounced Tjsiroud fucking idiot

We do not elect negroes at the presidency of our country , pretty sure the white guilt is also a thing of yours...

Damn he's beautiful

>Kinda homo