Swedish study shows that men value sex most in life, women not so much


When asked "What makes you most happy in life?"

54% of all men replied sex. Only 28% of women gave the same answer.

For men, sex is more important than money, friends, children and travels.

For women, sex is less important than music, friends, exercise, nature and dancing.


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The swedish men probably meant to say watching an immigrant having sex rather than themselves

came here to say this

No, women SAY they don't value sex as much.
Never listen to what women say.

probably because only those 28% of women have access to arab and african man. the other 72 only have swedes available so ofcourse they dont know what real sex is.

unironically reading aftonbladet

va i helvete gör du med ditt liv pöjk

Aftonbladet is swedens leftist bullshit media outlet that is known for spreading nonsense and "celebnews lol"

Despite that:
Come on? this is news?
Every faggot on the planet who has ever interacted with women once should know they value sex alot less than men
This is why you get online dating sites packed with men but only a handful women

>swedens leftist bullshit media outlet
Back in my day "x-ist media outlets" were just called tabloids.

do you work for Aftonbladet? is this the only way you can drive traffic to your dying fake news paper nowadays?

Sweden YES


Women cant stand eachother.

Well who gives a shit about the 54% of men they polled in that study? out of how many was it?

What matters is me, in fitness, in life, in social gains, in all things is my own opinion.

Polls dont change me, they dont represent me.

I represent me, and I say this when people try to bring this shit to my door step.

When I walk into a room, thats me. I will be myself, no matter what people think. If they dont like me then they can find someone else to hang with.

Same with lifting, lift for you not someone else, lift for your gains not to catch up to some dude on gear or off gear. Catch up to your goal.

Stop reading right there.

You can be arrested in sweden for having a fit body and they will literally test you for gear even if you are just natty fit.

Just fyi.

So why would women want to fuck when their whole damn nation of men are low test non manly slaves to the system that resides over them?

This honestly sounds pretty accurate though, a lot of women I know are single and never go out with anyone because they can please themselves. They just go out with friends.

>So why would women want to fuck when their whole damn nation of men are low test non manly slaves to the system that resides over them?
Friendly reminder, not all of us are low test leftist faggots
You do however suffer if youre not, dating is alot harder and you will find that women either only go for feminine faggots or are the cock teasing type who doesnt need no man because society takes care of her

>Women don't know what they want; I, a single basement dweller posting on a Sicilian cobbling e-list, know what they want!

>This is why you get online dating sites packed with men but only a handful women
This kind of tempered, even-handed, insightful, basic observation is not welcome on Veeky Forums and has no power here.

Nobody here is saying we know what women want, faggot
Maybe reading is too hard for you but please try
Women dont know what they want means what women want changes all the time, men are most consistent in what they want.

Oh I know all of youa rent friend, but were using the poll, you men of sweden are a much smaller % than the weak feminine fucks.

Keep being manly dude, keep lifting, keep being awesome.