Someone explain why is everyone going crazy over Binance and link

exposed how and where?

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We are the LINK marines and we are going on strike!

biz memed a multimillion dollar bank run on binance. LINK withdrawals have been frozen for hours and we're all waiting to see what happens next.

Binance actually sold IOUs instead of real tokens. That is why LINK, ENG, AST and Kyber crashed to almost below ICO price. Since binance literally made the IOUs from thin air, they had no costs and so they could sell below ICO price.

I honestly believe the devs need to issue a statement. This is bullshit.

Pretty much this

Spread like wildfire

This goes way beyond LINK, it's just that our autism discovered it

This better be a Veeky Forums prank or some shit. I can't withdraw right now, but my LINK better be fucking safe.

Seems like Liqui was doing the same shit with AST and REQ.

It's a Veeky Forums prank all right. But it's a prank that revealed that Binance was selling IOUs and caused them to shut down withdraws and suspend accounts.

You never had real LINK on binance, only IOUs. There is literally only 16k LINK left on the binance wallet. Check the address on etherscan.

>What is cold storage

Yes what is cold storage because it's been 2 and a half hours and yet nobody has gotten their withdrawals and nothing has been added from cold wallets.

watch them blame it on a glitch

Literally nothing has even happened its just a bunch of screeching manchildren

All the chink exchanges do this shit lol.
This is why regulations are needed because of greedy scum who don't play by the rules.

I was wondering, how come my Binance wallet is still showing the tokens I already sold?

linkies trying to moon or die trying,
this isnt a well thought out plan.
>crash binance so sergey would be forced to list it in another exchange
>sergey cant cash out if its not listed on other exchanges
>so sergey must list it to other exchanges
they fucked up big time, theres no exchange thats gonna list it after this fiasco
>what binance did was market manipulation
and what do you think you are doing now?

its the linkies death rattle and its fucking hilarious

You fucking idiot larping faggots. Link withdrawal and deposit works fine on Binance.

Can't believe how fucking AUTISTIC you imbeciles are, thinking you somehow REKT Binance. You should all be doxed and killed in cold blood now.

Nice try Binance community manager

>binance damage control team has arrived

nice try, the jig is up fellas.

because they keep everything in the wallets until they need to withdraw,
(times like now)
but now they have to move LINK from thousands of wallets into their main exchange wallet so its going to take some time.

Ok, I'll explain this one last time.
Look at
and the Metal transactions. Notice how they all happen at the same time? Notice how, if you click on the sending addresses, that they didn't immediately drain the Metal?
Like here
13 days difference between deposit and moving it to the hot wallet.

There's LINK stuck on users' deposit addresses and it's going to take some time. How could they know that Veeky Forums was going to coordinate mass withdrawals?

this just does't make any actual sense to a non tinfoil-hatter
what would even incentivize them to do that?

its always the linkies that are deluded

true, but this problem was pointed out on reddit 24 hours ago, that the exchange wallet was running low.
all it took was 1 whale to withdraw to set a chain reaction panic.

These larps are getting out of hand, it's fucking sad. KYS.

>still above ico
>currently being traded in binance
>been trying to buy in, price is going up bought qtum instead
>holding 103’li on binance not falling for whales trying to get the money off Binance for a quick pump and dump


Found the binance coin bag holder