
I pump for TRUMP.
Begone Shillary paid ShariaBlue shitposters

But real gangsta-ass niggas don't flex nuts. Cause real gangsta-ass niggas know they got em.

Trump a bitch ass

Shoo Shoo Shillary Gains Goblin

Donald "trannies should be able to use the girls bathroom" Trump

I add another PLATE for TRUMP

They gotta photoshop pictures of him because at the end of the day he's just a fat guy


true Veeky Forums motivation

so will u just stop in 4 years then? get a longer motivator than a prez..

>being motivated by a sissy coward

8 years bitch, take a screenshot, my fit body will fuck your lib-fat sjw (which ever hole isnt filled with immigrant cock at the current moment.)

No one wants to be a gangsta-ass nigga. He's not in jail.

you spend way too much time on the internet

If that is all it takes.. be very afraid of my gains.

Same is said on anyone on Veeky Forums looking for fitness advice

goals fit waifu here

Nignogs pls go


I make 50K annually for "spending too much time on the internet" I live well with that.

>this is the same people who believes in meme magic


no place is safe


2 tru

>he thinks thats good money


if you're single and NOT loaded with debt or paying too much for rent that's enough to be very comfy indeed

Damn Right, I didnt marry the first butter face I begged to touch my peannuiusus

top kek


Eva Andressa

Jointly Household is 100K we are very pleased

Nigger I'm making more than that straight out of college

Niiga I am straight outta college as well

noticed how you didnt even bother to make up a number

top kek

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

ShariaBlue Poster

Tell me, what motivates you to lift?

You are new.

Answer the question

kek this

I'm not the dude you replied to. I'm telling you that you're a newfag who doesn't recognize probably the single most common pasta of 2016. Lurk more idiot.

I pump for reasonable economic and foreign policy.

This is even cringier than 4chans edgy libertarian phase.

What is the title of that painting?

Spends too much time on /pol/


google image search feggit

Also worth noting that he received five deferments, including a claim of bone spurs, instead of serving his country in Vietnam. This is the same Donald Trump, remember, who mocked John McCain for surviving five and a half years in a Vietnamese prison camp.