I know this is not a question about the gym but maybe there are some people who know about nutrition that will be able...

I know this is not a question about the gym but maybe there are some people who know about nutrition that will be able to answer my question.

Before asking my question I will give you a little TL;DR about my life.

When I was a kid I was obese (my family is all obese) and I suffered bullying. That led me to anorexia when I was like 15. Now I am 18 and Im ok I may say but food is still a sensible topic for me.

The truth is that my family seems to not give a fuck about it. Basically 90% of their diet is junk food (Coke, cookies, fast-food, refined flour and sugar).

So I basically just eat cereals and white rice and drink a lot of green tea. It may not be a lot of kcal but I guess its enough or almost enough to survive since I basically spend the whole day in my pc, but whenever I have to do some physical task I get tired really quickly.

My friends always tell me to "just ask my parents to let me buy my own food" but the fact is that I havent spoken to my father in years because he's always been shit to me (and I doubt he gives a fuck about me, I bet he would be happier if I died) and my mother who earns very little almost doesnt talk to him either (they are divorced) and she sometimes buys me fish or something healthy because she knows that I almost dont eat shit.

So I wanted to know the risks of this lifestyle, Its not like I have a choice but I wanted to know at least how long would I survive eating just whole grain cereals and white rice.

>inb4 OP is a fag

Shit diet. No protein. No greens. People have made it through their teens & twenties on worse but you will suffer for it and probably feel weak & tired all the time. Your body will also look like shit. So will your hair and skin. Please eat better than this.

ur a fag OP

Sure bro I will join my family and eat Mc Donalds everyday

Get a job and buy your own food dumbass

Not very long at all.
I suggest spending a few bucks on beans, some beyond cheap veg and a multivitamin.

It's been stated that you really could live off of eating eggs potatoes and butter every day for the rest of your life.

Also find a job somewhere.

here's some of the risks
-ridiculous muscle atrophy
-micronutrient deficiencies
-mental disturbances (brain fog, depression, etc.)
-shorter life expectancy
-lower fertility
-higher blood pressure

too busy to list more because there's probably hundreds. you're eating like shit, and ironically it would probably be healthier if you added 10 mcnuggets to this shit diet like you sarcastically suggested here

But they dont eat "just 10 mc nuggets" kek

>Its not like I have a choice

Sure you do. Get a job and buy your own food

Get a job.

I turned 18 a week ago so thats what Im trying to do m8 but I have to live until I get one

I'm 14 now and fatboy. Doing 2000 cal a day, want to lose weight and then start going to the gym. Very anxious about it.

You have to be at least 18 to post here, kiddo.
GTFO and check reddit or something

Swap the white rice for brown rice, jasmine rice, or quinoa

Add more chicken, fish and turkey

Add peanut butter

Add greek Yogurt

Add kale and broccoli

Sure bro I will pay it with my imaginary money

Fuck yourself. Excuse making loser. You will fail.

Hey not OP, I can't eat peanut butter since I'm severely allergic to nuts, alternative?

When your mother orders junkfood, ask her to get you something as well, just simply choose the somewhat nutritional orders, it seriously can't hurt you. McDonalds has a chicken wrap, hot wings, carrots for example.

Personally, it seems much more healthier to add a little junk food to the current diet you have, than to purely continue the diet you have now. It does absolutely not have everything you need and will eventually get diseases related to lack of nutrition, vitamins, minerals etc.

get some veggies and some proteins in their and you will be alot better off

you are better off having a couple of double cheeseburgers a week than having no other source of protein or fat

> OP posts his shitty life story for a sympy grab
> gets srs answers to his stupid questions
> hurr but I can't because of my shitty life

then why even make this thread if you're gonna dismiss everybody who doesn't give you the answer you were already looking for.

a burger from McDonalds would be healthier than your current """diet"""

Motherfucker I have lived off of 1,000 dollars a year before. No excuses.

You can still eat white rice, Basmati white rice has a low GI comparable to brown rice without taking 50 minutes to cook.

Beans, lentils and split peas are packed with nutrition and protein, and are dirt fucking cheap.

Frozen veggies are really cheap, get stuff like broccoli, spinach, carrots, peas, or anything fresh if you can afford it. A lot of the time it is only a little more expensive.

Buy fruits and veggies seasonally. I live in Arizona and I get mega fuck tons of citrus for free from friends or for dirt cheap.

Quit being a little bitch, we have all been in your position or much worse. I know it seems impossible to get out of that kind of thinking but just bite the bullet and go for it. You will feel so much better once you switch over to a healthier lifestyle. It is the first step to improving yourself

This guy is right.