What do with empty protein powder jugs?

Okay, fatties, wat do with these? Surely you have something more creative than "shove up ass, take pix".

Did you mix up the different plants

Pea + rice. Etc

>Vegan protein
Use them as flower pots? Or use them to hold all your tears, you know, for when you're crying about animal suffering.

Sell them for $30 a piece. I assume they're worth $30 a piece, because a full jug of veganshit protein costs $30 than a jug of whey protein, even though they perform exactly the same

>Gently Kek'd

i use them to store coins/spare change

Yes, for making complete amino acid profiles.

Whey is more expensive, the only reason I use veganshit. That and digests slower so helps with hunger a bit better, being a fat2fitfag this is more important than slightly better gainz.

I use mine for a place to dispense my used needles.

What's with the Naked shilling these days? The pea is the only one worth the price.

use them as back up piss jugs

>What's with the Naked shilling these days?

Now Sports Pea = Naked Pea; Now Sports is cheaper, so get that shit.

Naked Rice > every other rice PP (less powder, far less disgusting) so it's worth the price.


Naked Whey... least overly-priced organic whey found, but still more expensive than either of the above, therefore fat2fitfag grugdingly sticks to veganshit.

Unless someone can link an organic (or euro or whatever as normal euro/etc ~= burger organic) whey PP that is less expensive than Naked Rice and/or Now Sports Pea as fat2fitfag is too fucking stupid to find it without /r/ing a spoonfeeding.

>piss jug
One already is; guess which.

> shilling this hard at the first sign of being called out

You don't know what "shilling" means, do you.

I store dog food in them

>rice protein powder
and I thought I had seen everything

>fill with soup
>take to gym
>take sips between sets

its what i do

how are you still fat2fitfag with all those tubs. that many would last me well over 2 years surly

vegans bfto

I use them to store all my used condoms

I use some of them for bulk food storage, like flour sugar etc

Try making a sweet drum set
Form a band called "Gains 4U"

This. Could conceivably be used as pots as well, get a little greenery going.

I use a gold standard one as a spare change tub. Irony is it's full of copper because I'm poor.

Keep ammo in them

Fill them back up with dirt and resell them at your gym. Nobody will notice a difference in taste and they'll get the same results as if it really were plant protein.