
New Run Clubhouse
>Fat People JOGGAN
>Shit shoe SHILLAN
>Marathon TRAINAN
Get in here lads

Opening Volley
>that after morning run shit
feels good, lads

Do heavy deadlift ( 5rm) 2 x a week mess with my legs for cardio ?

And What is the best routine for someone who is looking to increase both his speed end endurance
( preferably speed for medium to short run ( 3 to 10 k ) )

>run for a steady 30min on flat ground
>tackle small but steep hill at the end to finish it
>get to top
>calves absolutely destroyed and had to stop

fucking hell they were in agony, not a single problem all run then suddenly a slight incline and they were gone.

do you think the deadlifts/squats i have been doing has affected them?

>running for the last 3 or 4 months
>still get shin splints

Is there no end to this?

I have a treadmill at home. I want to start incline walking. Is it truly beneficial or is it a meme workout? For both cardio health and weight loss. I plan to run after I hit my goal weight for less stress on knees

did a 2 hour 1 minute half marathon last spring, felt good

then got fat as shit at my new office job

recovering now, back to 30 mile weeks and lost 15 lbs after quitting Celexa

I walk long distances on the train track close to my house. Recently I've begun C25K so I've been running on the track also. The ground is fairly level, stones spread between the dividers. I've been wearing normal work boots or rubber Wellington boots, so I'm looking to upgrade to a
good running shoe. I've got $200 to spend but I don't know where to begin researching what running shoe is good and appropriate. Any broad recommendations? What's a comfortable and tough running shoe under $200?

what to do about pain here? it's bothering me and ruining my workouts

They wont go away if you keep running while you have. You have to take a break (at least a couple of weeks). It blows, but its the only way to be completely rid of them and even then they might return if you dont figure out why you got them in the first place.

If you go to a store, they can recommend you a shoe that fits you perfectly.

About ten days ago I cut up my heel from running in tight shoes. It hasn't healed all that much since. Any tips on speeding up the healing process or to treat it better?

nevermind, the pain is actually in my knee now, right above it. feels like the bottom end of my quad, i think. applied some icyhot and wrapped an ace bandage around it

i had these before, they were caused by the heel part of my shoe being deformed because i kept on putting on my shoes funny. They make band-aids for these things that are kind of pricey, but they stick on well, and let you keep on running. i think they are called blister cushions. Just cover it up and it heal up pretty much in a week

you should stretch out your quads more often

Tip on how to increase my speed from a 30 minute 3k? I dream of one day having a 13 minute two mile.

Just started cross training with running and cycling. This was my afternoon run today, I think easing off my knees really helped. I have been running for a while btw.

What is your weight? You may want to start doing light impact cardio 2-3 times a week(cycling or stationary bike) for at least 30 minutes at a decently hard pace on top of running twice a week. If you are over 250 I recommend only doing low impact cardio until you get below 250, upping it to 4-5 times a week. You can do it man, it just takes time. You will feel great after a few weeks though, it helps your sleep, skin, stress, etc.

I'm a fatty (5'11, 220) with completely flat feet, like my footprints are straight up flat and are my entire feet.

I started doing couch to 5k on a treadmill I got myself recently, but I just can't do it with shoes on. Will running barefoot fuck up my feet any more than they already are, or am I fine as long as I don't have to run outside?

Try to get special orthotics for your shoes. They help out a bunch with arch issues, whether they be too flat or too high.

Its not necessarily gonna fuck your feet, but if youre fat, you need shoes with some support unless you wanna mess up your ankles, shins and knees. At 220lb you put a lot of stress on your joints and underdeveloped muscles. So get some shoes for people with flat feet, im sure it exists.

Thank you.