He's not straight edge

>he's not straight edge

Explain yourself.

Im an adult. I do what I want.

My life sucks, but it is good enough so that I can afford drugs to forget about how much my life sucks

I'll straight edge my wrists in a minute you little bitch

In other words
>I make up shitty excuses for my lack of self control

I tried the lifestyle for the first 6 months of 2016, like really tried it out. No drinking, already didn't smoke weed/do any drugs. It was cool to be able to say I was completely sober, but I ended not feeling completely comfortable with how I was living my life. I'm more of a moderation type of guy. I can have a couple drinks and enjoy myself without getting completely fucked up and acting like an idiot.
Straight edge was always about living your life how you want to live it, but most people took Ian MacKaye's personal lifestyle of no drugs/alcohol as the entire point of straight edge.

Its whatever really. The problem happens when people youre hanging out with start talking about drug use (like doing group projects in uni) and you dont know how to answer any of their questions. Do you lie or do you tell them the truth. Most people get mad/change their body language when you tell them youre straight edge and totally change how they act towards. But you dont want to lie and say anything wrong or they might think that youre a virgin. Which I am a virgin and I know they can fucking sense it.

But I am user

No drugs, none, not even ibuprofen.
I don't even take caffine

Ok I get not smoking but drinking? I only do it on the weekends and have had no health problems, and am still making gains compared to when I never drank.


Fuck off cm punk

I like smoking cigars and drinking alcohol.

Because I can have an alcoholic beverage with dinner and not have another the entire week.

Or I can get shitfaced on a Saturday night, and lay off the alcohol for months after.

It takes a complete fucking idiot to get addicted to something.

i have done it all. drink and smoke and try drugs in clubs; surrounded by beautiful people. i cant do that stuff anymore now that i am older. i cant party til sunrise like i used to. it gets real tiring. i hit up the local bars; have a drink and converse. my advice is live it up until you cant. youre only young once.

liek the post before... everything in moderation. just dnt stay in and stare at the screen all day. you really think all those sport junkies are sober? think again.. hitting the waves and snowboarding all hammered is kind of fun.

I like drinking, smoking, and doing drugs. I only eat healthy and work out to make up for this.

Used to be a pothead and think nothing of it. Smoked all day, everyday. Had the same mindset as but just replace booze with weed (never really found drinking as enjoyable as psychoactives/dellics).

I made up excuses for the side effects. Brain fog? Just didn't have enough sleep. Motivation? The system is made to trap you in. Lung issues? Weed is just a plant. The list of justifications continue on and on.

I just woke up one day and it clicked to my head that this isn't where I wanted to be. So I stopped, everything. Weed, nicotine, caffeine, everything.

It was a rough month but damn was it worth it.

I'm nearly 30 and I have never done either.

1. I've had asthma since birth so that kept me away from smoking.
2. I've always been to afraid to do drugs
3. I tasted a sip of alcohol when I was 10 years old and the taste scarred me for life

Add on top of this parents that made me paranoid about everything I just never got into any of the stuff.

I never gave into peer pressure because no friends to peer pressure me.

>Explain yourself
almost every human has vices that they use to ease tension after a long day
vices that have little effect health-wise are literally a non issue
a joint at the end of the day is the calorie-free beer after work

>calorie-free beer
No such thing mate

what's your life like?

i know, I'm just saying that marijuana is the alternative to beer, except zero calories friendo
i mean if you're retarded and get munchies you can throw yourself a week off when youre cutting, but still

Beer makes people want to talk to me

You're overthinking it mate. Back when I had never even tried weed/alcohol or anyrhing (was 19 at time) I always told the truth. The stoner degenerates whose lives revolved around drugs were the only ones who'd treat me different but they were scum anyways. Even frat bros didn't mind that I never drunk.

Then I tried weed to see what the fuss was about, and edibles, and robot tripped. Hated weed. Edibles were a bit much. Etc etc. I like drinking vodka to get trashed here and there too. But yeah I do it all rarely. Kinda realized being straight edge doesn't mean you're better than anyone else. but the truth is, unless you have good self control and can moderate your use really well that kind of shit will fuck you up. I understand that the suicidal depressive retards need drugs to escape, but hey.

I have a lot of money

Because a few beers with my family, friends or even by myself every now and then is fun.

Fuck you

I quit smoking. I drink occasionally. I smoke weed to forget how much my life sucks shit. I quit porn and masturbating altogether.

Step it up.

>Straight edge
Is it 2009?

As a 27 year old i realise it doesnt really matter how you treat your body up until your mid 20s.

The negative effects are only and if felt once youre in your 50s. Just think about it why restrict yourself when youre young just so you could be healthy in your 50s?

Fuck out of here op. Live hard die young. Longevity is so overrated.

My vice is working out. I don't drink, use tobacco or do any drugs. I just don't enjoy them. When people ask I just tell them I don't and they're surprised but don't act differently because we're all adults. It sounds like most people in this thread are in uni and that's what their life revolves around. I have a family and job along with uni. My friends are adults with actual careers and not part time jobs so we accept our choices.

>27 years old
>mind of a 14 year old

Rather use steroids, if I'm gonna fuck my body somehow.

I smoke/drink socially and when it will enhance the fun I'm already having
If either of those ARE your fun, dont do them, find real enjoyment and use them as an enhancement

Let me guess. You assume when people get older they suddenly behave like "adults"

Exactly. It's cute when uni kids look at people 8-10 years older han ey are and expects those older people to behave like the adults that they projected from their minds. Uni kids are the most opinionated yet the most powerless to enact anything

but are YOU straight edge? Do you know anything about the origins of straight edge? Are you a part of your local hardcore/punk scene? Being straight edge is more than just being sober.

I'm 25 and I understand "living in the fast lane" is a childish mentality. You probably work at a low paying job where the only requirement is a high School diploma . you probably get shit drunk by yourself or with degenerate friends on the weekends because you don't have a real hobby. Try to improve yourself. Mind and body. Grow the fuck up

I can see where your assumption comes from esp since you mentioned the low paying job comment. I gave up my job as a senior accountant to be a personal trainer. Suppose i stayed in my accountant job it wouldve, over time, changed how i view life.

It takes guts to not follow the herd.

>Smoked all day, everyday
>Had the same mindset as

Did you fry your brain with drugs?

But I AM STRAIGHT and I EDGE all the time.

Actually, contrary to what you may think and which is also exactly why i think youre uni aged as opposed to 25 is that as people get older, they realise they don't have to prove themselves to anyone. The need to prove yourself to society or your peers is mostly a high school to uni mentality. Once you get to the real world you eventually realise no one is forcing you, whether directly or indirectly, to become a certain person.

I grew up in a competetive environment where i have to so well. Understandable, i was a high schooler looking to define myself and the mentality got carried into uni and the workplace but eventually you stop and realise "im not 18 anymore, i dont have to be anyone for anybody" who the fuck is going to judge me at 27?

Sometimes you have to stop and think. The past experience you went through as a teen or early 20 something is irrelevant now. It's ridiculous to think you have to be this or that person at an age where you do t have to hed to anybody.

Some people get into it so deep they never stop to think "i dont have to be what my peers, friends, parents want me to be anymore"

>Having to justify my decisions to a random stranger on an Asian basket weaving forum.

This guy

>takes guts not to follow the herd
>does what literally everyone does when they have no job and workout
I'll just pay $60 for an online course and I'll be with you bud.


Because munchies with clean snacks make my bulk so much easier

nice excuse to smoke weed senpai

I left my senior accountant job. I never got sacked. Nothing was stopping me from climbing higher if i wanted.

Not many people would have the guts trade a senior accountant position for which theyve spent their whole life groomed for in exchange for a self employed pt. so yes it takes guts to not follow the herd. It's easy for you to say because you haven't established yourself yet. Come on user, it wasn't hard to figure out the difference between you and me.

>don't have to prove themselves to anyone
>replies to stranger with a multiple paragraph explanation


Defending my position isnt the same as proving myself like youd think, user.

I just moved out of Washington State to a state that doesnt even have medical mj. They have pretty stiff penalties if you get caught too so i decided to quit. I used to smoke about every other day back home. Now I drink a lot more. Its stupid. Id trade alcohol for weed anyday. Its been 6 weeks and i dont notice any difference. I miss my 0 calorie inebriant

also this

I left my job as a senior financial advisor to become a McDonalds employee because I love serving people and fast food

I too am like this

I'm not a teenager

since time began, humans have enjoyed getting off their tits. i am a human.

>let me defend myself and prove to user that I don't care what he thinks.

only one kind of drug worth doing bros

Sure, why not. No one can make you to be a specific mold of a person

Bringing a point across on the internet can hardly be compared to making an already established career change, user.

I'm fairly straight edge. Last time I drank was around a year ago, and it was just for a buzz. Never smoked, never will. Going to Colorado for spring break, so while I'll definitely be living it up then, it'll probably be through edibles and (maybe) vaping.

Actually on second thoughts that's kind of fucking dumb. And thats assuming you'd even get hired.

>calls everyone who drinks alcohol children
>actually adheres to a meme pseudo-philosophy called "Straight Edge"

So much this.

Pic related.

Because drugs are fun tbqh

>Not drinking with your mates
>Not having a nice glass of Mersault with a meal
>Not cuddling with a qt whilst in a benzo-daze
>Not fucking on coke
>Not dancing in a techno dungeon until 3pm on speed
>Not blasting your third eye open with lysergic acid

Don't do these things regularly, but they are great experiences and i see no reason not to.

This, man. Experience life for a bit..

>"Hey user, drink me and your anxiety ill disappear."

>you lack self control
>says the faggot who has to cut out everything because he doesn't trust himself to drink in moderation.

I'm not a leftist beta cuck.

This, it's great fun, and as most people do, I'm assuming I'll keep it under control, as it hasn't been a problem thus far.

I mean, coke and speed I could probably do without, but MDMA and LSD's benefits far outweigh the downsides, if you ask me.

pretty much my reasoning. youve got one life, might as well experience some crazy shit before your meat prison fails on you. lifes a bitch and then you die.

non-drinkers arelooked down upon by literally everyone in western society, and that for good reason

I started doing yoga 3 years ago and gradually lost all desire to drink and do drugs. Feel better sober now tbqh

What does taking drugs have to do with experiencing life?

I'll never understand this meme.

Sounds like you're just rebelling for the sake of rebelling.

Like you probably "get off" on jay-walking as well?

I don't get it. You people make no sense to me at all.

>Squatting Slav Nun


Altering states of mind can lead you to discoveries about yourself and who you are.

Drinking helped me realize how much my anxiety was getting in the way and how much more successful I could be if I overcame it.

Don't listen to them user. Drugs are degenerate. End of story.

>Do drugs in your Mom's basement
>Experience life

Top. Fucking. Kek.

It's a good way to get to know people, and saying no to beer makes you seem suspicious and it's harder to let loose around you. Also, you are perceived as unfunny.

This obviously depends on the scenario, but social gatherings during the weekend usually involves alcohol where I'm from.

>What does taking drugs have to do with experiencing life?

well being on drugs puts you in a state that you otherwise cant reach sober. I want to experience as much as i can in this short time i have on earth.

hey man if you dont want to do drugs thats fine, its not for everyone. for me, psychadelics help me understand who i am, what i believe, where i want to go, that sort of thing. going into a trip with a certain goal or mindset can help you understand yourself.

also if youre doing psychs in a basement youre doing it wrong

Germans are adapted to consuming beer in a good way lmayo

You are edgy

IMO, a lot of people on Veeky Forums are really inhibited and socially withdrawn, a lot of them are virgins who have never been to a party or tried drugs and you can tell they feel insecure about because of how argumentative and defensive they get about it.

I used to party really hard but now I don't anymore. That shit catches up to you so if you are curious I suggest you try it while you're young, even if you don't have friends to do it with. It's interesting, to me, to explore the many different states of altered consciousness.

People are often hostile to what they don't know, or simply "sour grapes", absolutely. I was hostile towards the "degeneracy" of alcohol. and constantly thought of it as "pointless and stupid" until I started trying it myself. The same went for weed, mdma, lsd, cocaine, whatever.

I think this is the same root as for /r9k/'s attitude towards sex. "It's so impure and dumb, all girls are sluts anyways I don't even w-want 3D girls"

I enjoy booze, drugs and casual sex

I just drink very rarely and don't do drugs, I don't need an entire philosophy to justify my viewpoints

weed isn't like booze tho

Benzos are the calorie free booze
I still drink though because I enjoy the taste

What's with all the hate against alcohol lately? Dad beats you up while drunk as a kid?

Caffeine gives me hope

if it's what I like to do then why would I stop doing it just because you consider it 'childish'
>falling for the degeneracy meme

seriously if you don't live how you want to then that's how you end up with a breakdown

I can go out with a housemate bro of mine and get drunk downtown or do the same and play cards here with a couple people but I prefer getting drunk at my computer with Veeky Forums threads open. Clubs, and bars are full of dumb Stacey bitches and lower guys who define themselves through that scene. At 27 that shit has worn thin, I don't like loud music shitty drinks and dumb uneducated people. I force myself to go occasionally in the hope of meeting new people but I never do. Thank God I have 7 housemates
R9k IMO is mostly guys under 21, they still really care about grills as a life defining event this doesn't last

But don't you think you'd be even healthier if you cut out the alc and smokes and drugs?

the only drug I use is caffeine I find it incredibly hard to get up and go through my day without some kind of boost.

people just realized it sucks... weed is 10x better

The phrase straight edge has been around since the early 80s

i'm the opposite, weed just doesn't feel all that pleasurable, whereas alcohol kicks all my emotions and senses up a gear

Weed is pure shit lmao enjoy being a loser until you realize successful people don't smoke something that makes them lazy and dumb

to each their own

damn sounds like you got some repressed feelings for weed. Weed only makes you lazy and dumb if you smoke it daily.

Im high right now faggot, fight me.

Personally, I don't ingest anything that has a lasting psychoactive effect because it feeds into determinism and makes me feel like I have no free will. So enjoy being a slave like the rest of us.

lsd is the most psychoactive and longest lasting and it is very anti-determinism

When I'm old