What is Your SIP-irit Monster?

>choose wisely
>i didn't choose my sips, my sips chose me.


2 or 8

My gut is telling me #3


2 get pls

Oh god, how does Ultra Blue, Ultra Black and Ultra Citron taste?? Here in Deutschland we only have the others...

My preference is 6 > 2 > 8 > 3/5

8 pls

3 is my colour

nice subtile marketing posts

9 get

Why can't they make a zero calorie or low calorie one that tastes the same as the original? I want a zero calorie monster, but the white one isn't that great

2 is best

Absolute is that and it's trash

Awwwww fruak brehs is that a sips thread I smell?

Ultra Black is beyond awful
Blue is pretty good, kind of an odd taste that you don't normally get in a drink but I think it's tasty.
Never had citron

>tfw had a java monster with disgusting slimy sludge at the bottom a few years ago and now I can't ever drink them again even though I used to really like them before that

I can recall the memory so vividly on command to this day. Absolutely disgusting.

btw Orange is best


Wow you are new

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7

5 and the regular zero.

Going to be 2. Can feel it.