/plg/ - powerlifting general

Everything's ok

Other urls found in this thread:



Sheiko Programs:

>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Medium Load

>Intermediate Large Load

>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Advanced Medium Load

>Advanced Large Load

Dietmar Programs (translated by cā€™ā€™,)):

>New to competitions:

>Veteran competitive:

>Guide for competitive programs:

>Volume program:

>Volume program: (by Haugen)

>Guide for volume program:


trappy poll

trappy please stop replying to bait its not worth it

samefagging or MPD?

Don't worry, it dies with the other thread.

Any tips for someone that wants to be a powerlifter someday but just started lifting recently and still has shitty beginner stats?
I'm still weak as fuck but I'm determined. Haven't missed a single session since I started.
Picture so people will actually look at this post.

any LP strength routine

grey skull, SS.

do that for a bit then sheiko beginner

New thread

Consistency, patience.
Set goals.
Participate in powerlifting meets as soon as you can, regardless of how much you lift.
Don't ignore pain.
Train smart.
Compare yourself to your own progress, and not to other people's.
Improve your technique on every workout.
Improve your mobility and flexibility.
Eat well.
Have fun :)

What straps would you guys recommend for deadlifting

Any cotton straps.

I had written something about these before, let me try to find it...


The difference between the straps is not in the brands, but the material and the shape of the strap.
Some people prefer cotton, some people prefer "seatbelt fabric".
Some people prefer the teardrop, some people prefer the unsewn, some people prefer the loop.

No way of knowing which you prefer without trying them out.

Cotton grips the bar like a motherfucker, but doesn't last as long cause the knurling slowly destroys the fabric.
Seatbelt fabric doesn't provide a grip as tight as cotton, but lasts forever.

Unsewn is prefered by weightlifters, as you can quickly let go of it.
The loop is the most common choice, and it's easy to wrap it and use it.
The teardrop is the choice of some strongmen and powerlifters. It is the strap used by Eddie Hall on his 500kg pull, for example.

your hands

It's objectively true, you know that as much as I do and as much as anyone that read the posts.

Your person is provocative and causing a shit storm - your presence does make it a worse place and it does drive people out.

That's all.

at the end of my program I'll be at a 312.5lb squat, 412.5 dl, 217.5lb bench and 197.5 row. what sheiko should I do? madcow btw.

+1 trappy don't take the bait

bw? in kg pls

Thread theme.


How to find meets in my area short of just googling? I live in Ohio, but nowhere near Columbus and that's all I get when I google it.

>need something to stop myself from killing myself
>read powerlifting blogs and youtube videos for a solid 3 months
>have internet access with google
>go to a thread for powerlifters having never lifted anything heavy or respectable and give google advice

I use these. They're easy, lock in tight, no way you'll let go, but on heavier weights the material can cut into your skin a little a bit. Not literally cut as in tearing, but like it leaves deep red marks on your wrist. Still, weightlifters use the straps for 300kg deadlifts and shit so who am I to complain.


>can be manipulated by one person


Just put your state there :)

>call myself trappy
>act like girl because the boys irl don't pay attention to me
>y dose everybody hate me, I dun understand. Me too dumb
>goes back into the real world
>realises he's fucked beyond repair
>kills self

And such is the story of trappy

83 kg even

Tried that. Only non-Columbus results are tomorrow and a highschool championship.

Actually, even those two are actually just outside Columbus. Absolutely nothing up north.

>tfw no Columbus user to lift with

Come to the June 3rd meet anyways. There's gonna be at least 5 /plg/ bros there already. You can't be more than 3 hours away.

>2x5 and 1x4 deadlifts at 95% of true max
I have surpassed human limitations.
I am the perfect life form.
Within me flows the blood of kings.
I am beyond you all.
I am immortal.

I like how he ignores this.

A less bias strawpoll would easily solve the "problem" with user. But that will never happen because that's too easy

Sheiko intermediate large load.
If you're not competing, do prep 1 -> first week of comp cycle -> prep 2 -> first week of comp cycle

After that you can just repeat, or do prep 1 -> prep 2 -> first week of comp cycle.

(first week of comp cycle = testing new maxes)

aw ):

Pretty close. I'm north of Akron.

>implying it's hard to use a free vpn and get as many votes in as you want

I literally used to live in Kent. That drive is nothing. Don't be a baby, user.

if people want help from you, they go here
if they want help from powerlifters, they come here
please leave

if people respect you and your knowledge, you would make everyone in plg happy on top of having your own thread to help ANYONE who wants your help

you piggy backed off of plg popularity after you failed at making other generals months ago, now leave and watch you 404 into the sunset

suggestions for converting sheiko adv large load into a push-pull meet type program

no squats for a while

more direct quad work, use some of the effort that would be spent squatting on back work?

paranoid schizophrenia

this would also support the conclsuion that anyone supporting trappy or asking questions directly or indirectly would be trappy himself.

there are a lot of people who dont reply "thanks" or follow up.

hell, that would mean I could also be trappy.

poll is 30 people in. the majority is split between people who sexualize a trap and post trap images, and people who hate her.

and then two trappy votes.

Who ignores what?

Sorry to do this, but. Is there a source for this?

the poll.

just use google.com or wikipedia until you find a support answer

any conflicting answers are wrong.

And people say trappy is the one destroying /plg/...

It's Sean. Always was and always will be.

seriously. I don't know if what she says is bullshit but she always answers me with a reasonable answer and if anyone has any arguments no one ever says shit.


you sound obsessed

Genuinely hope you die, never meant it more than I do now.
Tranny cuck


You started too late to ever be competitive, you lack the genetics to make it to the top, you'll wind up like 90% of powerlifters and be a broken mess by your late twenties who can't do basic movements without stiffness and pain and had to give up the main lifts due to terrible back pain.

Drop it and lift for fun/aesthetics/sports and never return to Veeky Forums again.

Is there a reason why conventional programming doesn't seem to "work" well for some people, but retardgramming does?

Hey there's something important I wanna ask you if you're around.

Until they do, then trappy becomes an insufferable cunt and will ignore your posts and resort to

>"nice bait"
>"2/10 troll"
>"wow, textbook projection"

I've never seen trappy admit being wrong in recent history. And that's not because trappy is never wrong.

I want to kill myself but I also want to see how people react

I'm around. Disc?

Okay Dino

>person asking question evaluating reply as reasonable

You are an ok trip but trappy is pure cancer. The only reason you're defending him is because of your sexual fetishes.

Fake your own death then kill yourself afterwards for real, in a quiet place and in your final moments truly alone having already passed to everyone you know.

Plg is now just a thread for tripfags to get each others attention then talk elsewhere.

So trappy ignores the vote? Didnt he quote it here ?

Hey Ice-lee

Who would be better at teaching someone how to squat?

Someone who has squtted once, or someome who has squatted 2x bw and has lifted for years?

The former 99/100

No she's a lovely person who really tries to help people as best she can.

What's blue shoes discord ID?

webcam sex

Can I take part in it?

he regularly shits up whole threads with off topic posting, often because he blows a small argument out of proportion, and attaches homoerotic pedophile pictures to almost every post.

Do you know blue shoes discord ID?
I know it's GAYYY LOL
but what's the number?

The latter is annoying sometimes but she's just trying hard

You're unironically my favorite poster in /plg/ and brighten up my day when you shitpost in Fat Retard's disc. I don't know if you're still dealing with existential and mental issues, but you'll find what you're looking for soon, I promise.

And please, drop that tranny, she's a leech on you. You're stringing yourself along. Drop her and move on since I can guarantee you aren't getting what you're looking for in the relationship.

How does my guitar playing sound? Bodorio likes this song

What did you fags lift on BIG FRIDAY? any PRs?

I did beltless paused skwaats, 295x3, [email protected] (PR), 305x3, 275x3, 275x3

folowed by paused diddlies, 315x3, 335x3, 355x3, 375x3, 395x3, [email protected] (PR)

feelin' gud

Chatting with esme and I have 14 (as of writing) messages from trappy about retraction vs depression in the bench

She tries hard. I love trying hard.

>come home after class
>only slept for 3 hours so decide for a nap before lifting
>accidentally sleep 8 hours
s-should I treat it as if I've started a new day or nah?


22+ now

Going for a squat PR tomorrow lads. 230kg here I come.

thats so ambiguously irrelevant.
superman tried hard
sean tries hard.

Second thoughts are weird. Leaves me feeling a little empty that I didn't achieve what I originally thought was worth doing.

But maybe its for the best?

Wonder what she would tell you in private that you cant say in here?

post log

Any of you niggas have blueshoes' DISCORD ID

help a nigga out

I don't even know what she's saying

Ut it must be good.

Supermang tried hard for a short time.

>told to avoid smashing high volume just before project momentum starts
>accidentally 13 working sets of deadlifts on thursday
I dun fucked up desu
>joff confirmed for doing pm

Hahaha blue shoes is like that. I say one thing, switch to another convo and within 3 minutes I have 41 notifications.

Is this enough protein for the day?

quantity does not equal quality Tbh lad

That's like what, 300 grams of beef? I guess it's "adequate" but unless you're a hyper twink it's not exactly optimal.

Probably ~90g protein.




Just starting out, had 5 boiled eggs before this. Eating a lot is fun.

trappy post that bench shit finally. I'm dying over here. If it's complete bullshit i'll debate you or just stfu whatever you want. I'd also let you blow me.


at what level should a person start sheiko cause u seem to dish it out a lot.


Hey, forgive me for being a fucking newbie, but this is the first time I've looked at the Sheiko programs. What do "Chest Muscles" and "Lat Muscles" mean? Do I just pick an exercise that works those muscles and do that?

kek, i thought the same thing. Yeah basically its up to you. I do chest flys and cable rows for those.

basically pick a chest fly and a pulldown
so yes

I'm a young author writing a novel about postop trannies on the internet. My next book will contain info I picked up from research on Discord. AMA


>young author
LMAOING@URLIFE, you can't call yourself an author unless you've been published.

Oh but my book is hitting the presses as we speak :)

anyone know how supermang has been doing these days? heard he joined a real powerlifting team and they're making him git gud


Are you okay depressed user?