Trappy Chan General - /TCH/

For all posts related to and asking for help from a transsexual from Brazil.

Other urls found in this thread:


Are weighted dips a meme?

Official Trappy Poll

any pic of you?

can someone give me a quick rundown on trappy chan?

More like crappy chan


imagine you have gender dysphoria.
and nothing else

now, read and watch youtube videos on powerlifting and programming for 3 months

now regard yourself as an expert in powerlifting, never be able to handle any disagreement and contradict yourself repeatedly and cause distress but justify it because you google something for someone 24/7


Fugg she's cute

who is this sexy young lady?

>ywn have a top tier trap gf like trappy



If he can do it, so can you.



This dyel jew is dating trappy?


>"samsung" on phone is mirrored
>IPF logo isn't
fake and gay

i meant more rare trappys, this one is common af

Rear glute spread pls

You could just reverse search it on the archive and you'd see it was made by user.

I don't think he's a jew, more like portuguese or spanish descendent.

>scum of the earth wasting their time on someone they hate

>spanish descendent

>t. spaniard

Brazilllians so either portuguese or spanish.





yeah i don't like this


s-stop! i just want to see her face, not her dick.

moar please

God I would ravage her. Or him. Or whatever

kill yourselves

so QT

sounds like autism
i'm a sperg, but I can't get obsessive over anything. How to find purpose in life and obsess over it?

>doesnt want to see dick
what are you some kind of fag?/

logo was photoshopped in

You guys have never actually gotten a timestamp have you?

I don't believe this nonsense for a second.

This doesn't need to exist. Tripfags don't need generals dedicated to themselves.

>How to find purpose in life and obsess over it?

The only way to find out is try. You can make this process faster by analyzing what you liked and disliked about the thing you tried and look for something other with qualities you like.

containment board to make her leave plg

boy he's in for a surprise

Fuck of Veeky Forums you sicko, you're attracting a lot of filth


I've seen two time stamps before, one of body and one of dick.
Someone might have those.
>should trappy leave plg for all of 4chans existance

this is literally the most perfect image i've ever seen


>implying they don't fuck every day

This is why I lift

Is this a semi? Because if it was bigger than mine i'd be very sad.

trappy has a 7 inch shenis.

Honestly what comes to mind everytime I see pics of trappy

We'll then we are pretty equal. I'd much rather she had a larger clit like dick.

But Mae Whitman is cute and just "tv ugly". Trappy is an obvious hormonal fuck up of a human being

this board really is just r9kbots now...


we've had trappy threads since 2015...

[UTC 2016-11-15 06:27:33] Trappy#0694: well I guess cum swallowing
[UTC 2016-11-15 06:27:35] Trappy#0694: is a fetish I have
