
Thread for all questions, advice and general conversation regarding weightlifting.

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>tfw just powercleaned 60kg
I was just focusing on pulls, but somehow I managed to get it up on my shoulders instinctively.

Just recently got interested in Olympic lifting.

Bench - 240
Squat - 360
Deadlift - 455

Lately I've been really working on my flexibility and practicing the Olympic lifts. I would really like to find a routine that would allow me to progress on the lifts but also allowing me to do some Dumbbell work, occasional bench and deadlifts as well.

Any advice? Much appreciated.

will OW get me pussy?

do I have to go to a weightlifting gym or can I just fap around in my own area?

Great job! How long you been lifting for?



I can deadlift a respectable amount. But grills love seeing you clean and jerk. It's just so much more impressive to them. Even if it's just 1pl8.

Don't patronize me pls

Olympic lifting, 1-2 months. Powerlifting, 10 months before that.

I have bought a seminar from Aleksey Torokhtiy for 2 days in Anaheim

what do I expect

I can barely snatch 135lbs and c+J 205, but this is why I want to learn from him

Bro I really wasn't patronizing you. I legitimately meant good job.

Love that man. His online videos and free routines are great.

I am self conscious that I am a bad oly lifter, but then again, thats why Im enrolling

please hold me and make me feel okay

Come here bro

none of those numbers (yes even squats, you're probably doing them weird) matter

go to a weightlifting gym, talk to a coach or an experienced lifter. the only thing that makes sense in your post is your acknowledggement of flexibility training.


How does me stating I have a decent strength base in my powerlifting numbers make me not make sense?

I want to improve my clean and jerk and snatch but incorporate some powerlifting and dumbell movements so I don't look DYEL.

I guess squatting lowbar is "weird" but I have been focusing ATG Highbar. I bet my form is better than yours. I was seeking advice on programming not technique.

you literally just went full dunning kruger my based retardbro

Any one have any recommendations for a starting routine aimmed towards aesthetics? Long story short I've lurked Veeky Forums for a while, lost weight and am now trying to make some aesthetic gains.

>powerlifters unironically believe this

60kg powerclean is nothing. I'm still training for a 100kg powerclean.

I've been lifting for two years, and I got interested in oly lifts; however there are only crossfit and commercial gyms in my area, should I join a crossfit one, or am I better learning by my self?
Also any type of progression/routine to learn the lifts? Mainly asking for the snatch

Crossfit is better then going alone. You can also do online training with some larger gyms.

Where are you located?

My goal is to clean and jerk 2 pl8. Just got a 230 power clean the other day
I'm obviously not getting deep enough with it, so I think I have so more weight in me. I hate practicing jerk with heavy weight though because it always gets me thinking about injuries.

>split clean

Is this normal ?

Who dis?

GymBull.com has what you need, buddy

This. Why?

Your pulling angles are all fucked up You're all back from, like, halfway up your shins. Not efficient.

You also don't fully extend.

You, do, however, utilize your arms nicely after you finish (again, too soon) your pull.

Your feet in the split are too close. Catch wider. Your placing a lot of pressure on your knees, and especially the forward one.

Also, if you can power clean 230, you should be able to CJ 225.

cute legs my dude. Also, what were you doing to get a bruise?

Power cleans

If you dropped the bar off your shoulders and let it hit your thighs then yes, it is probably normal. If your power cleaning and you feel a pain in your thigh and a bruise appears with no impact then you've probs pulled your quad. Just be careful and if the bruises don't go away or continue to grow then get checked out.

I mean it's hip contact tho....I was just asking because I don't got a bruise on my left leg so I don't know if I'm using more power with my right ?

eh, I wouldn't be too worried then. Just make sure your consistently checking your form for left right dominance and lift sensibly.

critique thx

Thanks, I appreciate it. I feel like if I get my form down I could actually hit some decent numbers. Only been oly lifting for about 2 months now. Don't do snatch though. I'm mainly using this to build explosion for track.

Can't really lift my right arm above my shoulder, shit hurts. Started hurting after doing handstands one day, even though I've never had problems with bw exercises before. The fuck do I do, Veeky Forums? Am I fucked?

I was "stuck" on a ~60kg power clean for a couple of weeks. then one day I just added weight and went up to a comfortable 75kg x3. Even if your technique is shit (mine definitely is), you can probably clean more than you think, you just have to not hesitate.

Stewart Gilbert

>you just have to not hesitate.
This desu. Trust the technique.

you do realize that this doesn't apply to anyone who isn't around five foot two right? I'm not being facetious.

Lanklets don't make the same gains as manlets and the training has to be different.

that sheet consists only of very rough guiding principles behind programming, which I'd say work just as well for short and tall people. Sure overall volumes, exercise selections and intensity may vary, neither of which are concretely specified in the sheet

100 power isn't much either tho really

Don't listen to them there will be ample time to continue building upper body strength, overhead pushes, chin ups, rows etc... but yea find a wl club.

i am so fucking sick of not making any progress on back squats. it actually makes me want to cut my throat

100kg is also nothing. stop trying to show off on anonymous message boards