/plg/ Powerlifting General

Thread dedicated to the SPORT of POWERLIFTING!


>madman edition

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Sheiko Programs:

>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Medium Load

>Intermediate Large Load

>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Advanced Medium Load

>Advanced Large Load

Dietmar Programs (translated by cā€™ā€™,)):

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>Veteran competitive:

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>Volume program: (by Haugen)

>Guide for volume program:


Trappy is a man

Trying hard - not a meme

Kermi squat test

Previous PR 227kg

1st attempt: 230kg RPE 7 (ATG)
2nd attempt: 238kg RPE 8 (ATG)

3rd attempt: 249.5kg

Will he get it?

why not 250? dont blame ameripooo plates

lbs plates :P

but wish him the best

i told you not toooo reeeeee

550=250 thats what im dking

That judge is hoog

550 pounds =
249.475804 kilograms

sorry froggo

Reminder that Isley isn't natty

so close


Didnt get 550 but was close maybe next time 525 was my goal today anyway

could you have gotten say 540?

Yea i was so close to getting 550 but i just got stuck half way and gave up too soon

Yes, it was REALLY close. He was almost out of the sticking point when he failed.

If he hadn't gone ATG he would've gotten it easily, in my opinion.

In any case, it means at least 245kg is certain.

does anyone have renaissance training template?


Here's a snap of the 249.5kg attempt. Last frame is where he failed, after grinding for a bit.

Pushing the hips forward here would've passed the sticking point.

>Pushing the hips forward here would've passed the sticking point.
you make it seem so easy
yeah why didnt he just do that

I didn't say it's easy, but sometimes a small cue is all the lifter needs to get past a very nearly-beaten sticking point.

Shoveling snow really fucks up my bicep tendinitis

>it's been snowing nonstop for the past 2 days
Its not much better here in the west.

i read about some nootropic here and i've forgotten the name
it had the double effect of being a nootropic and reducing anxiety. I think it was maybe in green tea or something?

Frog post skwat

how the fk is he so strong

Being an orphan adds +50 to str

Will after im done with all my lifts

Dedicating the best years of your life to powerlifting

I hope all of you die

>Its not much better here in the west.

I'm actually living in B.C. lad.

>lives in BC
>calls himself Captain Poutine
You should change your name to Captain Weed

BC is warm as fuck though. I went there a couple weeks ago and was in shorts and shirts for the most part.

I bet it's still warm there even with the snow

How the Fuuuuuuuck is he even attempting that

his squat is exceptional he may set some records if he keeps at it

nvm, found it. L theanine

Question: If you beat the equipped record in a raw comp, can you claim the record for equipped as well?

We've been getting shit on this year. Almost a foot here, which for us BC lads is p much apocalyptic.

But I love poutine, not weed.

Trip on tranny

You have to have competed in the equipped category, which you are allowed to do completely raw.

I missed my 230 squat today. The gym I was at was shit. It was either unrack on my toes, or squat it out, and then re-squat.

Oh well, better luck next time.

>"""""""""""record""""""""" (sub junior)

>age classes

In gbpf, you can. So probably in usapl too

>being alive

What do normal people with depression do

The open record is 255 :3c


Basically got around 18kg progress on the squat in two prep cycles.

He's going on the bench now. We'll see how he does there~

>good genetics
>wastes his potential on this instead of a real sport
Powerlifting is for washed-up athletes and GDEs

You will regret this frog

i would play rugby but i can't catch
so powerlifting it is

Do wrestling.

or become a fat smelly prop

I want to die




I hate sports so powerlifting is good for me
Did 2 years of wrestling before i lifted didnt like it but i wasnt that bad at it

just bring youre tendo

Kermi bench test (comp commands)

Previous PR 116kg

1st attempt: 125kg
2nd attempt: 127kg
3rd attempt 131.5kg Fail

Let's have a wrestling match in 6 months frog. I'll bring lube.

>Hate sports
Good lad

>hate sports

lol, be more of a numale will you

Thoroughly enjoying offseason Sheiko lads.

if you play football from your lazy boy you can shut the fuck about 'numales'

What were your stats before cutting of 5/3/1 last year?

I play tennis and ice hockey weekly.

I've been Sleeping on the floor and my back pain has gotten worse

Thanks teappy

haha same lol

.blue shoes.

cold blooded MUSCLE killer

watch out. watch your mouth. watch yourself.

>plays tennis
>call others numales

Lmao. Sean so mad that kermit gets all of livia's attention

And that he doesn't share his gay handegg fandom

I want to die more than you

Im an upper middle class white male.
Of course I play tennis, and there is nothing numale about it.

shouldn't you have gyno with all that estrogen

Any popular sport is infinitely more complex, multi-faceted, and skillful (and thus, in my opinion, more rewarding) than powerlifting. High school is pretty much the last time to learn team sports competitively. You can autistically perform repetitive moments to impress a Brazilian tranny and her friends at any point in your life. I hope in a couple years that you can look back and still be happy with your decision.

Stop being a close-minded nerd


how do into house mode

>knees start burning from doing fucking sumo deadlifts

I am begging to get really mad at these shitty fucking joints, fuck my life why do i have to be born with this shit.
1200mg ibuprofen every day i dont even care, i will deadlift 300kg in my life or i will kms

are you an upper middle class white male or a desk jockey
posting on Veeky Forums but also playing tennis "cuz im white" sounds p numale to me
ill just give you a special injection of my patented THICCC juice

>Stop being a close-minded nerd

yeah why are you so close minded disliking something that the majority of people enjoy in some form, either participating or watching

stop having your own opinions dude, you're so close minded. you have to think like me

lets do it together

>sport of powerlifting

I dont play tennis because im white.
But because of my priviliged uppringing i was taught tennis at a young age(and hockey) and grew to love it.

Im more man than youll ever be and ill kick your hiney in every sport you can name.

dum squat pig

Imagine being so much of a brainlet that you'd consider sports complex.
>doesn't know what infinitely means

295x5/250 3x5/365x5

>Close minded
I've given most things a try. Just not a fan, whatsoever

im in the uk m8, nowhere to train it, though it'd be ideal

OK when do you plan on killing yourself

brazilian jiu jitsu

i'm shaking in my boots at ur ability to hit dog toys out of the air because of your massive priviledge

>close minded
Ive tryed sports and i dont like them being close minded would mean i never did or will try them

>impress others
I only do this for me lmao you know ivr been lifting way before i knew trappy

I dont get you fags why i cant i just do what I enjoy why would i play a sport i hate

>he doesnt follow sports for the social aspect
the banter is the most fun part

Holy fuck how can you sound more of a faggot than me?

How about you stop being jealous and closeminded, and just let Kermi do what he wants to do.

>doesn't have fun banter with his gym bros
missing the best part desu

yeah id say generalizing all sports under one umbrella and saying you hate them all just because youre on Veeky Forums and sports are for le normies is pretty close-minded! glad you agree with me

>tfw to smart to understand hyperbole

>they hate powerlifting

HAHAHAHA just fucking leave Nigga

>1200mg ibuprofen every day
Stop this.

Literally none of those are sports, frig off

shut your piehole, mister.
just because you are jealous of my status, doesnt mean you can reply to me.

This. Take the equivalent in Tramadol instead.

Goddamn it no matter how much I try you're still beating me in faggotry.

I give up... Please teach me your secrets. Is it daily cum drinking?