Girls are basically guys with no muscles and long hair

Girls are basically guys with no muscles and long hair

Imagine a bald girl without boobs or a vagina. She's like a weakling little pussy DYEL guy


your point?

They are all manlets

A bald girl with a nice face and nice female figure would be still be hot as fuck. Wouldn't even phase me.

>Girls are basically guys with no muscles and long hair
Also usually dumber and more superficial

What about a bald man with a nice face and a nice female figure?

Yeah but they smell nice.

I'm not into traps, but would be QT and nice to look at until the clothes came off.

You are correct sir, see pic for proof.

still would fuck but looks like an alien tier

sometimes when I look at a girl I imagine how she would look like bald and without makeup and I always see that their faces are really like men faces so I get disgusted and lose interest in women for some period of time until the effect of my imagination dissipates

is that vin diesel

girls are retarded meat sacks user don't forget that

photoshop a girl's hair and makeup away and they def don't look like dudes

>imagine a girl without all the jiggly stuff that makes her a girl holy shit she'd be like a guy or something

how high/retarded are you?

Dogs are basically humans with no intellect and fur

Imagine a dog with our skeletal composition, mind and no fur. Its like a weakling little pussy DYEL manlet


men are basically really firm women that are superior at warfare and that I wouldn't fuck

Babies in the womb basically are universally girls until hormone wash kicks in and the clit turns into a dick.

That's why men have nipples and later on in life gyno if they are unlucky.

>Girls are basically guys
A lot of "girls" (male) these days are basically guys, yes.


This really activated the almonds