
Mock meet edition


Is there a chance frog will squat 550 soon?

Is there a chance frog will hit 550 soon?

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>only worthwhile posters are a 17 year old and some autistic screeching kid

>Is there a chance frog will squat 550 soon?
>Is there a chance frog will hit 550 soon?
i dont care

What's his current max?

user from last thread, still cant find a good program, give me novice-intermediate program thats 3 days and only takes about 90 minutes to complete. Maybe WWxWWxx

Look at the vid he did 525 easy and prob could have pushed though 550 definitely could have got 540
>not caring about one of the few people still on plg with any potential

On nuckols Bench x3 Int Medium you test progression with a AMRAP of 80%.

80% would be 104 for me. The sheet rounds it down to 102.5. Wouldnt it be more representative to do 105 instead?

Blest early intermediate

I'd do 102.5kg to potentially perform better on the AMRAP and build momentum.

I agree with rounding down.
Safer is generally better.

Round down, better that way, no guarantee you'll be able to manage over 80% for 9+, but you should be able to manage slightly under 80%


Fair enough, i guess.

Hope that isn't punished next week - we will see.

I want to wear panties and shove things up my butt while jacking off but my roommate WONT LEAVE

So frustrated

Sheiko skills test yesterday

Ran Prep Cycle 1 of Adv Large Load

Bodyweight 164---->148
Bench 255------>252.5
Squat 400------->Hit 395, failed 425, could've probably hit 410
Deadlift 405------>Didnt test but definitely went up

>hating on Greg

Shit did more for my bench in less time than Sheiko :^)


please be in kilos

Unless you're a giga manlet you should not be cutting to 148

this sport is so bullshit lmao. some little kid who's like 50lbs lighter than isley trained for 1.5 years already outsquats isley who spent a decade training. LOL
fucking joke of a sport. literally 100% genetics

Literally every sport revolves around genetics. What point are you making here

Why am I so much better at OHP than bench despite never training it?

I have short arms brw

that i've wasted so much time on this bullshit because the fucking retarded sentiment that as long as you put in the effort you'll get results. fucking retards in this thread literally wasted years of my life because they're fucking retarded trying to tell me that it's all about 'trying hard'.

>muh genetics
Every sport is like this lmao
Also hes more then a talent chad considering that if he hits 250 at comp he will beat the record by 22.5 kg amd only be 10kg off the jr record

I don't like greg routines because I don't like RPE or [number] rep maxes.

No way am I actually able to listen to my body. I only work in % of 1RM.

Most people powerlift cuz they enjoy it. If you're not enjoying it go collect minerals marie. If you aren't making progress up the volume or quit. Just stop bitching no one cares about your GDE ass

Isley hasnt realized that the only problem with his squat is his stance width and retarded amount of pushing knees out in years - he is probably the absolute worst person to compare people to.

that's literally every single sport

and profession

and music

and everything really

i think practice accounts for like 18% or something of mastery and i'm sure it's much less than that in low-skill things like pl

trappy u here?

no, that's why this thread has been good

If frog fails 550 he has to live in lennys apartment for a month with no lifting

Andrew started a go fund me to clean it and I think it's funded so sadly that won't be a possibility

nah greg is alright. I'm just memementuming.

this was my experience too

did the sheiko over 80, bench didn't go anywhere at maintenance calories

did int med high volume 3x on a 1000 cal deficit, hit a new 8rm PR at 20lbs lighter

Wtf. I hope they make a video of it all clean now

Can someone please tell me the required dimensions for a powercage for powerlifting purposes?

My friend bought a powercage and it is too thin. You can't max grip bench in it.

It got nearly a grand so im assuming Lenny's buying a tranny hooker with that money too

frog needs to beat up the biggest dude in his high school and get some bitches, no one would expect him to overpower him!

Just buy a rogue or elite fts rack

He just tried harder

if only supermang managed to out total isley, that wouldve been gold

Honestly he needs to do some bb and get jacked

hes still twink mode if he stays twink he will hit a brick wall sooner or later


Happy first day of Momentemus everyone

>twink mode
His leg and back size says differently

After putting 20kg to my stalled bench in 1 month on sheiko while cutting 5kg, I'll never believe anyone who says they didn't make gains on it.

i ate at maintenance, did the over 80kg, and got no bench gains at all

deadlift made some nice gains though (which is the opposite of everyone else's sheiko experience, if anything doesn't move it's usually deadlift)

i am an extreme benchlet though

Thank you lad. I hope that next year you too will experience the joy of project mementemus too

theory: the best part about olympic lifting is the fact that all the movements are hyper technical and require a massive ammount of skill

I think the ultimate sport would be a strongman-style sport (in as far as it would be irregular objects) with very technical lifts

Cut is over lads. 215 to 201 in 6 weeks.

As a convert to Wendlerism, I can respect your religion, but I ask that you please respect mine.

ok make it happen

Kek I'm taking a shit in the gym and that just made me laugh audibly

They are not that technical. It's a meme.
It's a lot of luck and variance because any small bad luck can put the bar slightly away from where it should be and you lose the lift.

But the actual technique is easy once you learn it.

It took me longer to get good at bench pressing than it took me to snatch.

Should I adopt a 2 year old Alaskan malamute for £150?

Its such a good deal but I've never owned a dog before and I'm worried I won't take care of it right. ;—;

But it would make me so heckin happy

Wrong thread. Wrong board.

Same, but also some trappy's tips helped. That's why I think anyone who shits on trappy doesn't even powerlift.

Have you been to an? They hate pet owners.
Full of dem hippies.

>taking lifting advice from a skinnyfat dyel attentionwhore mentally ill tranny faggot

Dogs take a lot from you friend. I strongly suggest Cesar Milan's books, lots of self-discipline, and E-collar training.

how strength go during


Nice man. How much did you eat and did you do cardio?

I'm trying to get from 198 to 186 as quickly as possible myself.

you forgot the end:
>... on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard

like this faggot:
>taking lifting advice from a skinnyfat dyel attentionwhore mentally ill tranny faggot on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
i wish he killed himself when we doxxed him and outed him as a failed male poser

In the shitter. But I expected that. Mostly because my energy levels were at about a 2 out of 10.

Last thread was better and trappy was in.

I'll look them up thank you

>>white knighting a skinnyfat dyel attentionwhore mentally ill tranny faggot
do you think he's going to let you touch him if you defend him so much? you're a faggot


So the first thing I will say is that about 5 of those lbs were water weight. I cut at around 500 cals below, stayed active every day, and I've always done half an hour on the stairmaster every Saturday.

Why do you try to hurt?

The second half was great and trappy wasn't in the second half.

Also trip on trappy

>the strongest active poster in /plg/ is being coached by trappy and defends her advice is good

really makes you think

If you have any questions about E-collars, I can answer them, there's a lot of false info out there about them being abusive, etc etc.

>Why do you try to hurt?
because faggot attentionwhore tripfags have ruined this site and the only good thing about them is when you find out they jumped off a bridge in nyc like the last 2 /lgbt/ attentionwhore tripfag trannys

>lith comes back to posting

>suddenly Anonymous starts shitposting about trappy being a shit again 24/7

Fuck off back to discord.

Malamutes are smart and can be unruly. That said a malamute is the dog I want and I would adopt that thing in a heartbeat were I in a good situation to have one.

Added over 20kg to just my bench thanks to her, while all you did was shitpost. Hmmm I really wonder who should I listen to.

I'll read up on them and if I have any questions I'll come to you soon

Thanks friendo

No lad. What actually hurt you?

you misspelled "failed male"

the death of Veeky Forums due to trannies reddit and attention whoring

Its funny how dyel gde user posters are the only ones thatreally hate trappy here lmao

>vicious wild dog growls and attacks an innocent beachgoer


You're arguing with Lith, the obsessed orbiter that kept shitposting for months because trappy blocked him on discord.

>Its funny how dyel
stopped here

This website is 18+
Come back in one year junior

Trappy orbiters are the most cancerous sub humans

kys Lith you're pathetic.

>the death of Veeky Forums due to trannies reddit and attention whoring

Lad, you don't need to lie. Why are you so full of hate?

>You're arguing with Lith
try again. i have never nor will i ever be a name/tripfag

traitors die first

you're trying too hard

>You're arguing with Lith

No lad, I'm listening.

I fucking hate /plg/

trip on lith

>he didnt want to feel bad about being a gde

Ok sean

Anons' autistic screeching at trappy and trappy orbiters' autistic screeching at user is the worst part. If everyone would just shut the fuck up we could be comfy.

what about your autistic screeching at both of them


Slightly less bad, but still bad.

Did you read what I said to you late last night about not injuring yourself?

I want to vote for all 3, but decided to just vote for trappy chan because he is the root of all evil here.

I feel like there's lots of people who never lifted who shitpost on Veeky Forums. You can easily spot them because they never talk about lifts, they just shit talk everyone.

But the third option is as good as selecting all 3?

Yes And did you read my response to that

stop giving him attention you faggots. you're orbiting a skinnyfat failed male. sad!