Obese People Must Suffer

Boogie2988 is a fat fuck ain't he? How would you make him fit? Is it even possible?

Lord have mercy on his pathetic soul.

Other urls found in this thread:


he makes more money being a pathetic loser. He'll be saying he's trying to lose weight until he gets a heart attack

Yes, start control food, waiting 3 years,start gym.
Even walk would destroy knees.

The weak must fear the strong

suck all the fat from him leaving nothing but saggy skin restrict food no more magic no more video games.

He has only made 1 million dollars being a fat slob. I wonder how much of that was spent on video games and food...


I wouldn't. I get more pleasure from seeing him be a pathetic fat fuck than I would from helping him lose weight.

he's lost 6 pounds in 5 years

someone his size might shift 6 pounds of water in a single day, so he's still eating whatever his TDEE is, and that must be a fucking LOT.

Why waste time trying to polish a turd?

literally go full auschwitz mode, cut of almost all food. once he gets past the hunger cravings and his body adapts he could live of his own fat for years nigga.

Subway sandwiches and cp

I don't understand why this motherfucker doesn't just buy one of those mini stationary bikes that allows you to pedal while at your desk. He could play his stupid vidya all day while cycling amd still lose weight at his size.

I'd genuinely rather kill myself than live his life

How about we stop posting about this fella.

is this true?

Fuck this fat fuck.

Someone link that Scottish(?) guy in the 1905s/60s(?) that went a year or so on 0 cals, with his micros being delivered by supplements

can't stand this cunt

He's just bulking bro, chill.

>Boogie is such a lazy shit that he literally shits himself sometimes while sitting at his PC because he's too lazy to haul his massive form over to the toilet.
>His girlfriend has to clean his shit up for him and wipe his ass whenever this happens.
>Boogie gets all depressed and says he'll definitely make an effort to stop all this, but never does.
>he got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>wife begged him to stop but he didnĀ“t care
>Finally, the girlfriend has had enough so Boogie gets a colostomy bag installed.
>He never, ever emties it. says it's "too depressing and that it triggers his ptsd"
>One day, it explodes while he's at a convention. The air reeks of rancid shit a mile around, and Boogie tries to play it off as a joke while rushing as fast as someone like him possibly can to get to the nearest toilet to clean himself up.
>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal

Cabbage patch face having

dubs and boogie dies this year



Lmao, quints of truth

You just wiped out his entire family



Is this true or just fiction?


It's a genocide!



How many times has this happened now? If meme magic is real, this guy's stacking way too many death flags.

I sincerely believe he has no fear of death. His nihilism has consumed his soul.

Underrated kek.

I'm pretty sure Diamond Dalla's flew out to train boogie to a reasonable size but boogie had to end the program over reasons unspecified ...


Still not dubs faggot.
I'm unironically convinced some meme magic is real so I'm gonna check it anyway.

also I feel like your reply was scripted



