2x fork dip

Is it logic to assume that the next fork will trigger another short BTC pump and alts will start bleeding like hell again?

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Yes it is. Rather pull out with less alt gains in a week or two than overextending it too long. Then they will be holocausted all over again when BTC suddenly decides to surge to 7k.


just wait until after the real fork. scoop up cheap alts of your choice until some days before the fork and feel comfy.

>Katy Perry used to be hot but now...

Will do. Thanks user

Yeah she definitely looks better with long hair

>implying you wouldn't

Childless women hitting the wall is both amusing and tragic. And cutting their hair to take on an androgynous look is pretty cliche as well.

Probably cause the market is dumb.

But there will be no altcoin this time. Two weeks after the fork there will either be Bitcoin or Bitcoin 2X

Both chains will need to get the same amount of hashes performed before enough blocks will be mined to get to the next difficulty level.

One chain will quickly starve.

i find that hairstyle unappealing. I'd fuck her because she's famous but if she wasn't I'd rather a million other girls over her, at least based on that pic.

You might be suffering from Celebrity Worship Syndrome which is a form of severe mental illness


>Implying she would

yeah but this time the whales all know that everyone is going to be thinking this so they can try to do a double cross and tank BTC and make it look like a "natural correction" while pumping alts the moment every one dumps at a loss.

If you say that again about Katy Perry again I with fucking EAT you. I will TOAST you if you keep talking like that, I will break you down motherfucker

When is the next fork and when’s the major fork?

she's 32 years old, that's disgusting, why would anyone fuck a girl above 25

mid november we dont knlw exactly yet, buy some alts ie ltc.
and sell before 1 week before the fork.

How is that a bad thing m8? You can just tether your shit and get a 20% discount on your favorite alts

Don't forget a good amount of the s2x movement is already priced in because the gold scam pushed it earlier.
A good amount of people including me went back to btc 2-3 weeks ago to protect ourselves and won't jump back in alts.
It's in less than 3 weeks, I don't want to time the market to win 20% and lose them in a few minutes again.

should be around the 15th

wtf are you shilling ? btc is dead for 2 week now. its alts turn :^) u went to late. but yeah i agree 2,3 days before is when btc riders go back to alts. sell after the fork when ppl get their btc out for alts and then when btc is low enought buy again :^)
stop fuding and buy ltc last chance 4u.

ic thanks m8s

my nigger

Repulsive. Anything above 13 is used goods.


I read the BTC death spiral article. Someone tell me if I understand this correctly. Once BTC loses hashrate from the 2x fork, it will take two weeks for the difficulty to readjust and that it's possible that if enough minders continue to leave that this two weeks will just continue to get longer until all miners leave from slow/no transactions and the price tanking from this?

Could the BTC network just stay dead for two weeks and then re-target so both coins can exist simultaneously?

I worked in a hotel she stayed at in Boston like 3 years ago. When she checked out I ransacked her room and collected her towel, wash rag, used chewing gum, and no shit the box and plastic wrapper from one of those fancy fingertip dildos. I sold her room contents online for $200.

Bitch be crazy yo.

No OP, you havn't considered the forks before the last fork

This is another cash situation. In a week we will be bombarded with shills declaring the death of Bitcoin.

Sure thing buddy ;)

BCC was not a hostile, contentious fork challenging the existing Bitcoin network to a deathmatch or murder/suicide. Don't get me wrong, I want nothing more than for S2X to become a curious footnote in BTC history as we boot up lightning and moon to $10k -- but that only happens if the community remains vigilant enough to achieve that outcome.

sorry but i dont believe anyone ever really thought katy perry was good looking, she looks like the average fat girl from middle school. very confused as to why record labels picked her to shill.