How does it feel that most of fit will never outsquat this fucking 17 year old twink

how does it feel that most of fit will never outsquat this fucking 17 year old twink

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he's a manlet. who cares


meanwhile Isley trains harder than anybody for 10 years and can't squat that at 50lbs heavier

>3 10kg bumper plate squat

bars don't bend like that with 10kg plates on them

just accept the fact a 78kg 17 year old squats 525 after less than 2 years of lifting

How does it feel knowing this fucking twink is being coached by a literal tranny?

>squat shoes
>knee wraps
HAHAHA I bet he couldn't lift half as much raw.


A suit is the only part of that list that isn't raw

Tard strength is real it seems

Lol? Raw means Raw. No bs pussy equipment like a belt that lifts the weight for you. Just you vs the iron

>i'm jealous
>have to attribute a disqualifying criteria

don't respond to bait


That's not George though

Being a manlet is literally being half a man. Not to mention it makes squatting easier

>height makes a man
Vapid delusional lanklets are hilarious

Google is there for a reason friend. Please research before you shitpost

That's a singlet, not a suit. Without the belt, shoes and wrist wraps he still squats more than you.

>this manlet rage
kek. just kek

all of it is cheating. might as well be wearing a mech suit. fake as hell. also he's going to kill himself with dat dere Valsalva, it's not supoosed to be an airbag for your hip drive


i cant fucking tell what a weird bar placement

who cares

High, but it's not an """olympic style"" squat

>most powerlifting organisations allow wraps in raw lifts
>all powerlifting organisations allow belts and shoes
>user on Veeky Forums does not allow it
I wonder who's right?

Bar is resting on his rear delts, it's lowbar.

he's not even wearing wraps you idiots
knee sleeves are not the same as wraps

Posy >yfw you realise Kermit is batman

That's like Team Norway low bar at best

Confirmed for never having seen an equipped squat ever



No, that's full on regular lowbar.

>full on regular

Look at pic related. It's literally the bar placement on his back.

Literally, his is a bit higher than that.

It's not, just the camera angle.
Trust me, I know.

squating doesnt make up for his downs

But you don't.

why is bodorio's head so big

does it hold his talent?

Who is this?

You don't want to know

How does wearing those things make it easier to lift?

>the judge is in a wheelchair

Fucking kek

Why? This is my first time on this board, so I'm not acquainted with fit memes.

transsexual that posts in powerlifting boards and "coaches"

And he will squat 550 soon he says

Am I supposed to be impressed? Fuck this board, I'm gonna play Morrowind. Bye fuckers.

Thanks for answering my question, I appreciate it.

>implying powerlifting isn't organized cheating

the same way using a breaker bar allows you to bust a lug nut. leverage and support. wraps and suits and braces literally absorb a significant amount of the energy needed to make the lift.

It's exactly the same as saying "I have a 12' vertical leap. on this trampoline."

Hes not even wearing a fucking suit holy shit fit is full of tards

The only thing that im wearing that is supportive is wrist wraps (which does not help squat) and a belt which is considered raw my shoes dont help anything and im not wearing a suit its a sbd singlet theres no support in those and my knee sleeves which are rebands are not wraps they just keep my knees warm they do not help me squat any more weight

Gud one they're falling for it

How do I get ocular gains like this

Can I be you please?

Thus to all lifters who dream too big

basketball shorts and a tee, flat shoes or no shoes, and no wraps anywhere. That is the only real judge of your strength. anything else is a lie.

>search your feelings
>you know it to be true

that's 1ply, retard

What's the point of power lifting when you don't even show it?
This nigga squats 500lbs but doesn't look it

Do you know how I know you're weak as shit and can't even unrack that?

Its not single ply its a sbd singlet no support

How can people really not know what a suit is vs a singlet

>all these baits

Doing it. Looks aren't everything. Besides he looks like he lifts. He might not be shredded but even my fat ass gets female attention without trying. Or are you trying to leave humanity behind?

I feel like that's more impressive for some reason.

tttttbf he does have a pretty sick back

How much can he strict press?

I dont train the press but i have done my body weight on more then one occasion

How much do you weigh?


I compete in 74 but im 78 atm and i did 75 and 77 when i was those body weights

>78kg in less than 2 years without leg drive
How much can you clean?
How interested would you be in trying strongman? You could be like a mini Savickas

that's the most graceful failed squat I've ever seen

most people seem to want to bail it a foot away from the safeties and fuck up the bar

Yea id like to keep my bar unbent so i can try 550 in the future

Uh ive done 125kg clean with a knee injury for fun and did like 115kg powerclean when i had the injury aswell qll self taught i know my clean is shit lol

And i doubt my upper could keep up in strong man

never gonna make it

*keep this one unbent

Yea but my last one wasn't bent because of a failed lift lol

that's because he doesn't squat 505 without mechanical assistance.

why would he look like he could squat 500lbs before he can actually squat 500lbs?

What machincal assistance lol

Elastic kneebands push the body up after rebound

>look who doesn't know actual powerlifting regs
>or what ply means
>or single

how do you even calculate your phone number bruh

Do you know what reband knee sleeves are they do not help you squat at all lmao

is that a joke?

Sure lmao

>reband knee sleeves
Do you know what crowbars are they literally do not help you lift heavy things lmao

Great bait but try harder

OK babygirl, you can continue to LARP weight lifting as long as you want, but you have to understand that it's not reality. You can't actually take out King Ahnuld with your Silver Paladin Grip Straps, +5 Magic Knee Wraps and +9 Spandex Suit Of Strength. You will never be actually huge or strong and that's actually OK as long as you aren't deluded

With your current stats you'd do really well in the Light weight (sub 200 pounds/90 kg) weight classes I think. You'd just have to work on grip strength/maybe upper back strength and you'd have to learn how to push press. It's just something that you should consider if powerlifting ever feels boring to you.

Powerlifting isn't about how strong you actually are.
It's about what you're willing to do to lift a relatively heavy weight while still technically not cheating.

Basically all athletes who supplement their training with weight lifting don't use that stuff. Or at the very least the very very bare minimum.
It defeats the pourpose and brings nothing positive to the table.

Man that is a great copy pasta have fun squatting ay lmao 2pl8 with no """""supportive gear"""" while i have literally reped 4 pl8s naked

I know a 15 yr old whos 10 lbs away from that squat.

Im not lifting in anything that would help me push more weight other then a belt and considering the depth i go i dont do the cheating pl depth fit is so found of talking about

so much cope itt

> but he used knee sleeves and a belt and different shoes than me ITS NOT FAIR
> i could lift twice as much as him if he didnt use all that cheating equiptment

LMAO at coping weak gymcels who cant accept that they have inferior genetics for lifting

I know a 6 year old woth 600lb squat
He's a powerlifter. And yet, this bodybuilder outperforms him at his own sport. LMFAO!!

this is the appropriate answer to learning that grown men take lifting advice from a skinnyfat dyel attentionwhore mentally ill tranny faggot on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard

Ive double overhand dled 440 for fun before my grip is not really the factor and i know how to push press from doing oly wl while injured but yea upper back would definitely need work


is this you? why do you post on plg if you don't lift?

Tom plaz was like late 20s 30s in the vid and he also weighs in the mid 200s

This kid is 17 and in the 160s-170s there's literally no comparison

Also the bber being on huge amounts of roids vs a natty is another story


He did hurt his forearms from that bail though :p
But that's mostly because he bailed the bar back instead of forwards.

go tripfag off a bridge