TFW I'll never move out of my parents house

>TFW I'll never move out of my parents house

Why even lift anymore bros?

This is just pure suffering. It's not even worth all the money I'm saving on rent.

Other urls found in this thread:

just move out?


where are ya mate?

im in canada

I know that feel. 28, moved home a year ago from toronto to save for a house, have 50k and mortgage approval but refuse to pay half a mil for a shit townhouse.

I'm hoping I find someone to mercy kill me soon.

tbqh buying a house in this retarded housing bubble is terrible

Just rent brah

Get a job and then start renting?

how do i do this though

i got like $35k from inheritance but im a sheltered manchild otherwise

You need a reason to move out. I was a neet until i was in my early 20s i had no friends and never went out so why would i waste money renting a place when i can live at home and have everything done for me.
Now I've been living out of home for a long time and i couldn't ever go back i make the rules if i want I've cream for dinner that's what i have if i want to go to bed at 3am i do it.

If I'd have not jumped right into college after high school, I'd have been able to take more time to decide what I wanted to pursue. Instead I'm left with a worthless degree and student debt on top of other scholary debt from an online drone university. These monthly payments make saving to move out a bitch.

This person is the reason you need to move out. Before you start thinking like him.

Saving money on rent is stupid if you just spend it. The only reason to stay with the famalama is to make some startup capital and enter commerce.

what did he mean by this

If this is actually genuine, you are the quintessential image of an actual autistic manchild

you make it seem like a negative thing.



you literal retard, you were given a head start
>find job in area with cheap housing (or within bus route)
>find place to rent
>make a budget
this is literally what being an adult is OP
get to it

>cuck myself by wasting money

this is the only issue i have with this """plan"""

Quit being a retard. There is nothing wrong with living with your family.

Except when they try to bring you down to their loser-level