Shit normies say

>hey bro you shouldn't do deadlifts they are bad for your spine

>counting calories? nah man too much effort and takes too much time
>proceeds to share 43 memes in failbook

He's not wrong.

they demand not being a pussy and using correct form ya know

Any exercise is bad for you if you do it wrong

I eat a lot

>why do you spend so much time on that weird website?
>isn't it full of nazis?
Yet they always share the memes I show them

>I cannot seem to lose weight, I have tried everything!

Fucking THIS

> Doing intermittent fasting
> Friends are over for dinner
> after dinner still have room in my eating window for some fried eggs
> Friends as how the fuck I lose weight when I eat so much
> explain IF
> "Oh you shouldn't do that. Never skip breakfast user. You should also never eat before you go to bed. It goes straight to fat!"
> They keep bugging me about it
> few days later
> Friend asks if I had breakfast
> say no, because IF
> Says he's worried about me starving myself


Make up your mind, first you were telling me I was eating a lot and losing weight and now you're saying I think i am starving myself.

Why do normies always think they know everything there is to know about nutrition while they only know what their mum/grandma etc told them. I'm surprised they haven't started bitching about the amount of eggs I consume yet.

>admitting to anyone you browse Veeky Forums

Might as well fucking kill yourself

>you shouldn't squat to parallel, it's bad for your knees
>anyone bigger than me has to be on steroids
>macros aren't a thing, so it's literally impossible for a vegetarian to get big
>I couldn't squat much so genetically you will never be able to do more than I ever did
Thanks dad

Man how much i understand you. Social life is the biggest obstacle to getting Veeky Forums. People not only do not know what the fuck they talk about, they want you to do things their way

I became a social outcast

> Hiding your power level

Are your friends so vain that they judge you for going to Veeky Forums?

Just tell them "yeah, some boards are shit, but it has some really nice content if you go to the right boards". Done.

isn't that too many butterdogs for one person?

>muh secret internet club

>it has some really nice content if you go to the right boards
literally lol'd. Every board is shit for its respective reasons.

lmao dad cracks me up

> yeah I was always skinny like you son
> I trained alot and ate alot
> gained no weight before I turned 40
> it's how our genetics just are

Bulked from 65kg to 87 in 2 years, am now 24

Fun part is: When you're a normie, noone cares. My friends just imply I'm browsing it ironically.

>it's how our genetics just are
I get this one too. I love you dad, but I'm going to fucking show you

I hate..i hate it..
It's so annoying. They see I am getting thinner and leaner. They compliment me on it even. I AM WALKING PROOF THAT WHAT I AM DOING IS WORKING. WHY ARE THEY EVEN ARGUING WITH ME!?


Intermittent fasting is a meme. Listen to your friends

>intermittent fasting
Enjoy no-gains

>hey bro, you shouldn't eat dog food, it's bad for you
it's probably healthier than your overly-processed meals

>going fat to prove a point

This board

>try to convince friend to go to the gym
>he's almost 30
>tell him once you hit 30 it's going to get harder by the year
>says he doesn't have the time
>he spends 3 hours every night making crafts with his wife
>can't even spare an hour

Have you ever met someone who was TOO normie?

We have crossed a line

>if I take roids i'd look like you
>Roids make your penis small
>I don't like roids because muscles look too exggerated
I don't even take roids kek

Sup Broscientists? How's life?

That's sounds really sweet.

>sharing your food with your doggo
>becoming better friends

your gonna make it bro.

That's not the problem, the problem is you don't want other people revealing their power level after you do. I mean have you met the people who browse this site?
I know two guys who come here and I keep my mouth shut and pretend I don't know about this place because I don't want them to unload a bunch of /v/ and /b/-tier humor thinking I like it too.

ITT: shit normies say
you've done it correctly my friendo

lol my gf knows im browsing Veeky Forums
I even told her once i regret being a normalfag now, since i accuired a gf

>i'm not some tryhard to count calories
but wants to lose weight and buys fat burners and other shitty supplements

>Veeky Forums
>good content

xD nice one1!

They just say the opposite of whatever you're currently doing to succeed to stave off their own subconscious knowledge that the only reason they aren't as good as you is themselves.

i'm new, what you mean by this?

What kind of IF are you on? Are you getting gains or just getting cut?

I've been trying the leangains protocol for a while with reverse pyramid training, and my lifts have actually been going up, though very gradually (at roughly advanced level weight).

> not using a belt

The only way deadlifts are bad is if you aren't using a belt and aren't using your legs for the bottom half of them.

Don't listen to your friends, user.

Intermittent fasting allows you to harness that dark powers of HGH and insulin.

>TDEE? Calories? Oh I don't have time for that, can you just give me some good dieting advice?

>he thinks belts are for safety

Belts are to help with proper form, which = safety

>he thinks deathlylifties are a back excercise and using a belt is nessecary

A lot of people do deadlifts on back day because it is a back exercise, it's also a leg exercise.

>back day
Hello r*ddit

See, the ONLY mistake you made here, and it's a big one, was to discuss your health/diet/training with your normie friends. I've found this with martial arts training, I've found this with how I eat, I've found this with lifting weights. Literally ANYTHING you do to improve yourself is going to threaten them. Keep it minimal, keep it vague, don't tell them what you're doing. Anytime you do something that isn't immediately hedonistic and comfort seeking will be seen as a threat to them. When people I know want to go out for foodI suck it up and eat less beforehand and BUDGET exactly what fast food I'll be forced to eat. When they come over I turn on the tv and pretend like it's not the first time it's been on in weeks. When they ask me what I'm doing I often lie and say I'm doing something other than what I'm doing, or just say I'm "busy" because there's no point telling them my actual schedule, or they'd think I was a fanatic.

By the way, this doesn't apply to just physical exercise. Not drinking, not watching porn, meditating, choosing to read the classics rather than binge on Netflix. I lie or misdirect about all of these things with all but my closest friends. The few people I actually trust. Don't tell people you're trying to improve yourself. They hate that. Just do it and ignore their reactions.

>Don't tell people you're trying to improve yourself. They hate that.
This is why I only have like 2 or 3 close friends

I make sure girls know I lurk Veeky Forums before we get to talking

I never get to talking with girls

>tfw no gf to marry and do crafts with

Yet you have a small penis


>I can't gain weight, my metabolism is too fast

Since this is a shit normies say thread, can I ask you guys something

Is it weird for normal people to complain so much?

I'm guessing it's just because I'm a pathetic friendless virgin loser, but I can't get over how much the normal people at my place of work COMPLAIN about EVERYTHING. If anything is a little bit difficult, or doesn't go perfectly for them, or any adversity, they complain about it.

I just wonder if because of my loserness that I don't think that their complaints are really worth complaining about?

It's not a normie-only thing, plenty of losers complain a lot too. Look at /r9k/. Just ignore them and make sure to not become like them. No one likes a whiner.

But is it normal for normal people to complain a ton or is it just me thinking that?

And I think the reason r9k complains so much is because they can't talk about their problems in real life to anyone because they get deemed to be school shooters

It's normal, yes. Because they literally do nothing with their lives besides work, go home, drink wine, and watch Netflix.

I find the people who complain and gossip the most are usually incredibly boring and shallow

are you grouping all "normal" people in that?

Not everyone is a complainer but there's always that one person in groups/workplaces that is known as the complainer.

>mastic gum doesn't work

I unironically hope you kill yourself

I'd hang myself but my jaw is too powerful

Or you'd just fail because the rope goes around your neck, you fucking inbred retard

It might get stuck on that huge nose

Dunno if it works or not but I fucking love the taste, texture, and viscosity. Destresses me pretty well.

>implying I can fit my jaw through a noose.

Just be cheeky about it with them. I work with mostly women and when they start bitching too much I just feed it more into them and they liven up and joke around

>Please tell me more about the women you hate that you work with
>That sounds like you should get a divorce
>Light your house on fire with your boyfriend trapped inside
>Just start taking laxatives or throw up till you lose the weight

>implying you had a decent childhood and learned to adjust the size of a loop in a rope or string at the age of 8

Sorry your parents and you are actual fucking pathetic losers

Bosmer gains?

Was this the look you were going for?

Every night sounds like co-dependence.

That shit is once a week tier at the fucking most.

>not being a nazi

Its just a weird angle. My jaw gains frame my face in a way that mere mortals can't comprehend. Next you are going to say something like I am clenching



I can tell you aren't clenching but I bet you don't have your teeth lined up perfectly

>lift with your legs, not your back
leave the lifting to me, manlet

>oh you do 225 for reps?
>yeah well back when *I* lifted I used to bench 400

No you didn't you DYEL little cuck, you've been a bald skinnyfat since your college days and we all fucking know it.

To be quite honest, the mastic gum moved them out of place a bit.

>bro you shouldn't catfish girls on omegle for seven years and create a compendium of nudes

Do people still use omegle?

the camming one has tons of young sluts

Even Scooby recommends deadlifts.

You are a social outcast because you're an autistic sperglord

Lucky you, I only have one and she is my kind of gf..

> she is married and I'm cucking her husband, and all this went bonkers when we 2 caught feelings for each other

kek wtf man thats mental illness tier


>I'm strong for my size.

just tell them what they want to hear, this happens to me as well.i tell them to eat clean LEL

CrossFit is superior

lmaoo those fucking elf looking ears
you literally look like you're from Narnia

"Normal people" includes quite a wide span of people.

In the context of fitness, I've found the people mostly complaining being women over 30.

I have plenty of friends out of shape, most of them skinnyfat. They never complain about diets or staying in shape, they simply don't care.

>intermittent fasting
Sounds like a meme.
Explain the fuck is that pls.

>mfw idiots who have been struggling with dropping 10lbs for years with their meme diets try to lecture me on how IF is bad and doesn't work

No, belts are to lift bigger numbers. If your form is shit, a belt won't fix it for you.

>that nose
>those ears

>not watching porn

It's what happens when elves racemix with their dwarf captives