What's the point of lifting if it's literally all about having a deep, masculine voice? Even if you have a chad face...

What's the point of lifting if it's literally all about having a deep, masculine voice? Even if you have a chad face, if your voice is high no woman will be attracted to you, no other man will take you seriously. It's all about genetics. If you're a voicelet, you're FUCKED.


how 2 develop deep voice? does the elliot hulse shit work?

When I talk deep my inflection is like Clint Eastwood's.

Breath deep into your chest and your voice will naturally be a lot deeper. High voices come from high in the body like the throat.

3x10 deep throat glory hole blowjobs

this sounds appealing desu

how the FUCK i breath into my chest 24/7 uncounsciously

>into your chest
a better way to visualize it is into your stomach, or your balls.

>it's all about height
>it's all about dick size
>it's all about eye color
>it's all about voice

Why are you guys so insecure about the stuff you can't change?

if its all about something I cant change, I dont ever have to try madafaka

John Madden!

>talk like darth vader because you take a deep breath every sentence.


>have been told by many women that I'd be the perfect man if not for my awful voice
>even my wife says my voice was nearly a deal breaker
>used to be able to easily attract women until I spoke and had better success getting laid not saying a word than with conversation
The worst part is I love to talk and am a chatterbox

Post vocaroo

It's a habit you can practice. First you start of by lying on the bed, before sleeping. Put your hands on your belly and focus on breathing through your belly aka through the diaphragm. You can also put some light weight there, like a dictionary or a cat. Focus on raising and lowering your belly, this will strenghten your diaphragm, and doing it look enough will make it a habit, so this would be your default mode of breathing. You could also try breathing like this standing and it might feel a bit weird. That's why the laying in bed position before sleep is recommended.

No, my voice is the only thing I don't want recorded for posterity on the Internet. Hearing it makes me nauseous

>tfw you will never have markipliers voice

that great voice is wasted on such a beta

>cries over fucking everything
>always picks the beta options in games, dating sims especially

At least his voice allows him to get mad youtube money though

Vocaroos get deleted automatically, and no one's going to save it. Get real, I'm just curious what women would consider so bad. No one fucking cares.

>tfw girls get horny just from my voice
voicelets will never learn


:(, actually it's not my voice it's just my accent which makes me sound weird (it's an accent unique to me, idk how I adopted it)

squeeze your nose with your fingers and talk, if it sounds super nasally then you're not speaking from your diaphragm.

Even when doing all of these things you'll still have a bitch voice if you don't have the genetics for it.

>deep baritone voice

>no personality
I can change the bad, but I can't remove my freckles