New CBT /nothingspecial/ edition.

5'11 175



U fockin wat. These PR'S were set at 10 pounds heavier than I am now. I have vids of the squat and diddly.


myron that diddy stats

Starting to look OK i think?

5'11" 195

Bench 260
OHP 170
Squat 395
Dead 420

Mirin' dem aesthetics

>tfw you can't post in cbt cause your body looks like shit

Core and chest look great mang. Height/weight?
Yea once your legs get good it'll look nicer.
Legs look amazing. What do you do for calves?

hard to tell but you probably need more legs. How long you been at it?

pls use all those muscles to clean your room user

>Core and chest look great mang. Height/weight?
thanks, legs are lacking a bit, they look like shit even though i have decent strength in them
6'1 180

I'm 6'2 so have long legs that look tiny in baggy shorts. My hamstrings are one of the stronger parts of me though

6'1 250lbs goal is get back down to 200

squat 405
Deadlift 405
Bench 255
Clean 225

I purposeful took the most alpha picture I could by the way, turned out well

5'6" 170
Bench: 255
Squat: 465
OHP: 155
Diddly: 500

5'10 172.6

5 months lifting




you maybe should do some leg work depending on what you want, I dunno, I like big legs, not everyone does.

mirrin' quad development

current working weights

BP 185 deload to around 155 8 x 12
Squat 120 deload to around 85 8x12
OHP 110 deload to around 85 8x12
DL 265 1 x 5


What's that in your boxers?

that's quite impressive for 5 months

arms are 14.25" dry and fasted.

That's the only measurement I know.

Arms lagging really bad, not sure why, as it's where I spend a lot of my time.

I'm hesitant to blame genetics but...

I am a curl bro that does not have a curl bro physique

Shoulders and hips are both very very wide but I do not have measurements sorry

no problem,maybe try weighted chin ups if you can do 3x8

see what works for you,mirin

I can do 2 chinups with proper form (lol).

I use an assisted chinup machine so I can do more reps.

>weighted chinups

nice meme

these threads always discourage me, because everyone always has such brilliant results after just months of training, while i lift heavy and always go hard just to always look dyel

bad genetics suck, lifting is still fun though

2 chin ups?
I can do 6 with 20 kg and you're quite bigger than me

It's almost like size=/=strength

I train in the hypertrophy rep range with lots of volume so I make a lot more size gains than people will staying much weaker than them

IE bodybuilding vs powerlifting

>lift heavy


well time to switch to 8-12


Any other skellies in this thread?

is this natty? pls dont lie

10 months ago lol

Squat 80kg
Bench 80kg
Deadlifts 80kg
OHP 60kg

All 5 reps

Let the hate begin

And now?

sorry made some oats

nice progress and i actually like your tattoo

How am doing? Started bulking in September 2016. Starting lifting august 2015 but started it taking it really seriously in September 2016

Bottom pics - Nov 2016 top - feb 2017

bretty good

4 months lifting
Started cutting this week

Bench: 265
Squat: 308
DL: 375

Yes been lifting since i was 16 and doing sports before that

SS claims another victim

4 months?

you have legs that developed and squat 120? this is pounds?

damn that's a nice chest and abs.
Veeky Forums will tell you to get bigger but you're the perfect size imo aesthetic af

>i actually like your tattoo
"Gay bird #17"
its so deep and profound

Before October I hadn't been to the gym in 6 months

ah,nice bulk though

8 sets of 12? I would really like to see your routine. You are obviously doing something right to. I lift 3 years and look much worse.

show me the light senpai

This is pounds.

>legs have developed

Because I squat with a FULL RANGE OF MOTION in a hypertrophy rep range for lots of volume.

Squat is always aTg.

aTg meaning as deep as I can go, like, 1 inch or two from the floor.

This burns the fuck out of my quads, even with 110 lbs, it's fucking HARD, for me at least.

I like to end my squatting with some X failure stuff, just do whatever I can, like 80 lbs, and fail after, 7, 8, 9 reps.

Then I do some leg press stuff, which isolates quad, same thing, 8 x 12.

Really burns your quads.

I don't wanna talk shit, but you can see this guy squatting like, 2 million pounds.

And you can see his quads.

That's because he's not training for big quads, he's just training for strength.

ALl I want is large quads, I don't care how much I can squat.

This guy obviously, he just wants to get stronger.

6 months in. Struggleing to get a proper back pump. I should start doing deadlifts.

Here you go, lol.


I changed the routine, it's all 8x12 now. (LOL).

This volume is too much, but volume is good, it's key for gains.

I just lift until I feel like, tired, and depleted, then it's time to stop, or you will overtrain.

Don't lift so much that you feel sick, or tired, or anything like that, that's bad.

Ideally you are in the gym for like 1-2 hours a day, 6 times a week.

You don't need to go to the gym for 3 hours 7 times a week that is autism

> you're the perfect size

Not yet

so high volume upper/lower?
thought you were on a bro split

saved. thank you. I will start this monday.

how much do you eat calories per day?

do you do this same routine when cutting?

I consider upper lower a brosplit desu.

The principles are the same

>lots of volume
>not full body

You can't train your full body in one day with enough volume to make gains, that's crazy.

You will be in the gym for like 9 hours, not possible natty, you will want to kys, eygeption pyramid slave tier labor.

That's why I don't like full body routines for bodybuilding.

If you are trying to train your entire body in one day, you just can't do enough volume, how is it possible.

yup,how about PPL?6x a week?

>saved. thank you. I will start this monday.

Woah dude, I'm not sure this is an optimal routine, at all, desu.

Might be too much volume,

If you ever feel too tired to keep lifting just stop and go home.

If you experience any kind of fever, tiredness, sickness, then you need to lift less.

>how much do you eat calories per day?

You should cut at -500 to -1000 of your tdee and slow bulk at -250+ 500

Just don't do anything silly like eat +1000 surplus and get super fat or anything.

Yeah that's good, I really don't want people doing my retarded meme routine, I am like 100% sure it is not optimal.

Just do a real routine, pls.


or weighted pull ups,if you can hit 8-10 reps with weight on you

weaker than 90% of Veeky Forums but looks better than 90% of Veeky Forums,really makes you think

so you think the main focus should be any routine but make the rep scheme 8 sets of 12.

Like PxPxLxx but in the high rep high volume range?

>literally putting a sock in your boxers

Everyone that looks good is doing routines that have them training for 1+ hours a day, 6 times a week, in 8-12 rep range.


I'm not even big at all, but the people that are actually big, they are all doing that shit.

Really makes you think.

Lots of volume, lots of effort, sets should feel like actual hard work towards the end.

If you do your set and at no point was it difficult, why would you make any gains.

>if your set isn't difficult you won't make gains
3x5 is difficult yet you don't build that much muscle lol

I dunno, I think a lot of shit has to go right, like

>set is difficult
>lots of difficult sets
>8-12 rep range

Like you gotta have everything.

I don't know how people think they are going to make crazy gains from 3x5 for 3 sets

try doing bench 3x5 with 140 kg and not have a big chest
you can get big with 3x5 and look good if you maintain 12%-15% bodyfat it just takes much,much more time




post nudes cant see well

mutant legs

wtf that guy behind you is fapping


you look awesome, dont let others bring you down

nice despite that ugly tattoo


i love hunky twinks. twunks

my grindr profile 2 years ago

i dont have grindr anymore, lifting for myself no more faggot oneonights

I'm gay and clean of all STDs - waiting for my prince

> it just takes much,much more time

I mean yeah that is the problem is making less and slower gains in size

most people that lurk the board want

>tiny twink body

and people shitpost at them 'starting strength'

yup,pretty much

5'11 85kg

bench: 150kg
squat: 180kg
ohp: 100kg
dl: fuck you niqqa


4 years, training for weightlifting, only started bodybuilding stuff this past 6 months

gay desu


no sorry

no str8 man poses like a gay whore out for cock in sohos

i'll have you know i have a wonderful girlfriend and i very much enjoy her feminine penis

show pics of your penises touching

>"what do you do for calves?"
Late reply, but I hit calves 3 times a week for 8-10 sets each session. Usually do seated calve raises, start with a weight I can do about 30 reps with, then add weight so that for the 4-7th sets I'm only hitting maybe 8 reps. Then hit a few more backoff sets, and crawl home.

5"11 170

you look slavic

Just baltic


Well shit, that's why they look so good

>denying your russian origins

Nah was born in good old Lithuania but look like a slav since everyone there looks like that

which means you're russian
USSR2 when?


inshallah brother
you have 8/10 body btw great job

thanks breh, will get huge in the future though still young and am banging young pussey

Stay small DYEL. If I cut I would have twice the muscle mass you have.

6'5" 229, down from 270. Been lifting for four months. how much more is it going to take to get fucking abs, genuinely concerned it's just not gonna happen for me unless I start running like a 1000cal deficit and would then sacrifice my compounds.
Bench 2pl8x5
Ohp 155x3
Diddly 315x5

Keep at it bro

>how long to abs

Like uh, 22.9 lbs, frankly, so you are looking at 5.25 months at -500

Good job user, keep up the good work!

top kek
>be alpha
>miss quads
Pick one miscreant

6'0 220 lbs

How much do you lift though? I lift more than you I bet, little dyel twink.

I weight 400 lbs at 5'0, almost twice as heavy and shorter.

if I cut, I would have way more lean mass.

>being a skeleton
>being lean
>implying it looks good

No, you look like a GHOUL

I'd say over half of the work to get abs is done at this point, you can have them by summer if you keep your current discipline. Not that abs make any difference when you're skelly-fat, but you're not too far out.

Jesus fuck are those stretch marks?

How quickly did you gain that weight?

more bulge pics please ;)