Arnold confirmed to like Tay Tay

Arnold is still Veeky Forums in his old age

he has bigger traps than 3/4 of fit.

Arnold has lost it.

Prime Arnold used to eat meat and listen to dadrock, ArnOld is vegan and listens to a shitty pop from a used up cum dumpster.

kys then leave this board faggot

Did I insult your coal burner waifu, nu-male?

Prime Arnold was trend setter and relevant while current Arnold needs to follow trends to be relevant.

What happened to you Arnold?
You made it, then you changed man.

His pants have more zippers than a final fantasy character

Sad, but inevitable. I'll always remember him as he was.

>makes everything about black dick

You know she's a lesbian, right?

ysl pants with the zippers? yikes


I miss the old days with movies about ripped dudes shooting at armies of man.
Now everything feels like rehash of reference of tribute to something related to "nerd culture" or 80's stuffed with pandering to the left to not offend anyone.
Still that might be nostalgia googles, I don't follow movie releases as I used to.

Nah, you're right. Action movies back then were amazing.

Now we just get the same PG-13 trash based on comic books or other garbage. Only the occasional action kino like John Wick keeps me interested in the genre.

>has at least 4 of these saved
t. obsessed cuck

u mad swiftfag?

Right completly forgot about it. At least where I live ratings seems to be "18+" and "everything else". I wish that some studio one day would make some original old style R rated action movie and market it towards younger audience. Kind of like Deadpool did, but go full on "fuck you" towards MPAA.

We still have them, you can still watch them, Predator will always be a great movie.

Now we get John Wick, which has better fight choreography than anything from the 80s

lmao how many more are there? Pls post the rest I'm filling up my fap folder.

Can you name more?
As I said I don't follow releases that much.
Also they don't feel the same way. They seem to be more rare and not that memorable.
I can give you some quotes from Predator, Terminator, Die Hard or other calssics, but I've got nothing for John Wick. Don't get me wrong, I loved the film, choreography and visuals were stunnig, but I barerly anything remember plot wise from the film. Only quote or dialog from recent action movies that comes to my mind is Liam Neeson's phone monolog from Taken.
I don't know, these movie just feels like lack this cheeseness or light-heartness of older movies.
Again, it probably is nostalgia, but I do feel that when MPAA changed movie ratings in 80' they did destroy some charm of action movies.

Oh there is definitely a void for that style of movie right now. My favorite recent thing in that style is definitely Kung Fury, but that's all those tropes taken to 11.

All the action movie energy seems to be funneled mostly into superhero movies. Diesel, Statham, and The Rock are still putting out movies today - so its not totally dead.