Why do few atheists comprehend the seriousness of a disbelief in God?

Why do few atheists comprehend the seriousness of a disbelief in God?

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Because their real problem is a narcissism so profound it rearranges their perception of right/wrong rational/irrational and wise/unwise
Every thing atheists do is for praise and attention, which I is why they naturally hate religion: it emphasizes humility
Asking why an atheist doesn't perceive he danger of "X" is missing the point. The real issue is "what is the psychological problem that is allowing them to internalize such ludicrous beliefs?"
And that's a different answer for each atheist but normally it's just that they hate their dad

I thought this movie was never going to end

Because it's not all that dufficult to recognize reality.
What nlNietcha calls a dilemma, most atheist reject entirely on account of humes law being retarded bullshit.

>talking snake

Some of them are starting to wake up and realizing what they've wrought. This postmodern hellscape where there is no objective truth, everything is relative and the highest position imaginable is to be a victim, it all stems from rejection of God and humanity still being too young and naive to replace him with a value system strong enough to stem the tide of hedonistic degeneracy

For the same reasons 80-90% of Christians dont comprehend the seriousness of their beliefs - at least if church attendence statistics are to be believed.


Which god are talking about?

The one Nietzsche wrote about

who could have predicted this

It's almost as if when the leaders of the Church don't take their doctrine seriously and start bending the ostensible law of God to suit the times people realize it's all a crock of shit and leave, while leaders who stick to their guns at least have credible faith that they really believe what they're selling. Liberal Churches are nothing more than places to have liberal ideology reinforced.

do theists not comprehend that "seriousness" is a condition of their puny minds?

>do theists not comprehend that
Oh maybe this an interesting question
>deerrhgh jgksll pinu miinds hehehe

>missing the point

God is an Atheist, Satan too.
We love Satan and God.
Disbeliever is you.


God & Satan

You have my sword, brother

Because they want to be as contrarian and "intellectual" as possible without actually doing anything, so they believe that if they don't believe in anything they get to be the smartest kid around with a unique set of (non) beliefs when in reality they just look like angsty assburgers who have some weird score to settle with Christianity due to reasons unbeknownst even to them.

>God is what defines right and wrong for you

Welcome YHWH and Lucifer, bet the Disbelievers
start Commanding you on which Organisations
Each of you may join. Fuck all Disbelievers.

Jolly good. Cheerio.

Allah & Iblis


Not dealing with my point user. Besides even Catholic and Orthodox Christians dont even crack the 50% weekly attendance rate. Even the most cult like Christian Groups which shun members like the JWs only manage to get into the mid 80s.

I believe they are focused in moving on. You can't just pretend its existence forever to artificially maintain the overall order of things. It comes a point you have to grow out of it, accept the truth and advance humanity into new heights. Of course you need to have a strong willpower to achieve this. The weaklings who can't, descend into Nihilism.

See that fellow Atheists all the Disbelievers
want is Attendees for Money, bastards.
All you Disbelievers go fuck a duck.

Christ & Antichrist

>Conservative church
You mean Pentecostal/Presbyterian/Baptist obese heroin addict scum packing like sardines in warehouse sized mega-churches, dressed in their sweatpants, with a Starbucks right by the entrance.

It's nothing serious if no belief was the starting point. You don't stay up at night wondering about Zeus, do you?

>there is no objective truth, everything is relative and the highest position imaginable is to be a victim
kek this is Christianity in a nutshell

Why do christfags here act all high and mighty when they are just LARPing wannabe crusaders that only identify as christians because they use it as a clutch to give their lives meaning and adhere to ready-made rules rather than out of genuine faith?

At least i'm honest about my atheism

Because most of them are just pretending not to believe.

This is some quality bait

Absolutely. You mate? Eerie dude.

most atheist are childish brainlets and treat the idea of no god as nothing more than "mom and dad are away this weekend so I can have a party!"

reminder that these are real

>low level reading comorehension
>taking personal slight from a hypothesis
T. Fourteen year old atheist

Obsession over lost political power. The average christian here wails and rages that politically, christiantiy is a shadow of its former influence. Hence the obsession over crusades and making governments kiss the ring

Atheists are like vegans, they never shut the fuck up.

>american "Church"

The desert god is both real and an evil liar. He should be roundly rejected.

What's serious about it? I don't get it.



People, as a whole, used to belive in thousands of gods in Europe. Now they believe in one. I just take a step further...

You fedora wielding baggy cunt. Get an opinion of your own.

Spooked by ghosts. Spirits and ghosts.
OCD psychotics have fixed & bizarre
delusional beliefs & loss of insight.

>'at least I'm honest about being x!'

>You don't believe in god
>Therefore you are a cunt with no opinion of your own and wear a virgin hat

Not that user but the idea that people used to believe in a bunch of gods but now they believe in one so I take the next step is some serious anachronistic thinking my dude

I'm not an atheist anymore, but God doesn't care what you think about him. God's not as petty as people make all deities out to be.

A virtuous atheist is your brother all the same as a sinner theist.

I see, that is not my whole reasoning behind being an atheist. I just see no evidence for a god as described in the bible or any holy book/prophecy for that matter as there is no physical/natural phenomenon in need of devine intervention. The whole "take a step further" shit was more of an joke, sorry I was so misunderstanding

I don't give a shit if you believe in god, gods, or whatevers. The parroting of commonplace internet wisdom really squeezes my puffins, though. Sorry for my venom, desu.

Well, what is your basis to believe in god?

>used to belive in thousands of gods in Europe
Name them, at least 2000 of them, give me a list right now.

I'm not sure I do, but I think that the allowance of the supernatural that comes along with it would be the most useful side-effect.

Lol, I'm talking about times like 4000BCE (and prior) until early christian times when every tribe had their own deity and personal gods were still a thing. No way I, or someone else could list them since they are not recorded... It was also a, as I have to confess bad , joke as I explained here

It was an exaggeration, no need to get cocky ffs

this is basically my theological philosophy summed up. be a good and honorable man, honor your ancestors, defend your women and love your nation brothers.

>if there are gods they will not care how devout you have been
But I don't think that's true. And justice is a term that cannot be separated from the divine. Justice does not exist in an atheistic world.

The supernatural, for me, is just imagination. Of course, I can't prove that god, or it's conseption at least, is totally wrong, (I would actually be a fedorra tipping faggot if I claimed otherwise) but if there is such a thing, it can be explained scientificaly. Thus god, if he is there, is no eternal/omnipotent/omniscient being, but just a product of our or another universe. However, as hitherto there is no evidence for such a thing(and please don't mention Aquinas) I don't believe in god.

you missed out crucial part, "if they are just".
i don't think there is objective justice, but it's not up to me.
i want to be good and honorable, and if i do good, i do it because of myself.

Because there is nothing serious about it. It's just the lack of belief in something I find utterly absurd.

Indeed. It might be argued that the allowance of the supernatural frees the imagination and enables it to take a more active part in one's life.

>enables it to take a more active part in one's life.
What do mean? Can you feel Jesus or God? In the times when I was a alter boy myself I couldn't feel them, even as a devout christian. But then I've learned (or as much as a child I was could learn) about the bing bang and the history of YHWH that I have for the first time decided that god doesn't exist.

If I could summon up a belief in a god, which, as I said, I'm not sure I can, it definitely wouldn't be the desert god. All I am saying is that in opening a door to a god - any god - you also open a door to a multitude of possibly enriching supernatural consequences; ghosts, djinn, goblins, angels, fate, whatever else floats your boat.

Yeah, I'm a stoner too, but not that kind :^D.
How are little, reeking, stealing goblins enriching anyway? I think at this point we only derail ourselves into absurdity where both of us don't really know what we are talking about anyway

I believe n the betterment of society to make life more comfy before we go into the endless void. That's something right?
I know atheists can tend to be hedonists, but it's not as if it's a prerequisite. Or that they don't care about people at all.

If you are a mentally healthy person , you will want to do good by others , so fulfilling that want fits in with pleasure anyway. Only mentally bankrupt psychos don't feel this at all.

They bought into the dogma of those who wish to destroy faith where if a lightning bolt doesnt strike them down then its no big deal.
Athiests unironically are brainlets

What makes you think everyone isn't an Atheist and nihilist already? Being religious simply means LARPing that the truth doesn't exist.

Or because Religion is just a way of exerting the state's will.

because they never comprehended the seriousness in any philosophical or theological questions

If you want to sure, there are worse ideas then wanting to make life better for the average person.

No way. Sauce

>what is natural law?

Then again, you could argue natural law comes from the divine, but I don't agree with that idea.