Burn your crops because you dont want to share

>burn your crops because you dont want to share
>proceed to starve
>its somehow Stalin's fault
really makes you think huh

Other urls found in this thread:


>threatens to take everything you've spent your life working for


>doing any actual work themselves

>take things that aren't yours
>act surprised when people don't want to give them up
really enlightens the brain case

>falling for soviet propaganda
>implying kulaks were rich by any standard

>you have rights over the soil of your country

>The soil doesn't have it's own rights
Stop treating soil like dirt



>"An offensive against the kulaks is a serious matter." - Stalin declaring war on his own people

If he took the kulaks advice, Soviet agriculture would've improved, they wouldn't have had the famine in 46 or had to import from the US during the cold war. Communists have the ability of hindsight and they still manage to remain ignorant.


kulaks as a class, you forgot to mention.

>threatens to take everything you've spent your life working for

It wasn't "everything" until retards started killing their own cattle and burning their own crops. Also, kulaks spent jack shit working on the field - batraks did it, while kulaks were making geshefts and actually doing the shit stormfags like to whine about when Jews do it
Faggots thought that, like during tzar cuck, state will cave in and either shower the "hardworking" (if you can call usury "hard work") kulaks with money or will collapse, only soviet government was not afraid to actually fight tooth and nails with everyone who would try to subvert it.

Also, considering that hunger riots in Petersburg were one of the reasons Tzar got BTFO, i'd say Stalin's pwning of greedy kulaks was a really cruel case of karma being a bitch. They really have dug their grave for a couple of extra roubles.

>implying kulaks were rich by any standard
Richer than about 80-85% of peasants.

>falling for soviet propaganda
Yeah, right.

>used tk ne independent country after revolution
>USSR reconquers them
>imperially takes their land and food.

How is this not Stalin’s fault?

*to be

>If he took the kulaks advice, Soviet agriculture would've improved

Like it did during Imperial Russia? Oh wait...
By the way, speaking about Empire, Kulaks were outlined as a problem that actually PREVENTS agriculture (and villages) from being developed, as early as 19th century. By fucking conservatives, like Yermolov or even Stolypin, nonetheless.

>They wouldn't have had the famine

They would have this shit every couple of years, instead, because with "muh free hand of the market", kulaks, as always, would have incentive to actually wait until price for bread starts climbing, so that they could grab more. Something, that was done , pretty much, since the end of the serfdom up until bread stachka in 1926.

reminder that kulak was a meme term and liberally applied to basically anyone deemed an enemy of the state and that these leftypol shill threads are pathetic

So the government wanting to take your crops without compensation is now "not sharing"? Commie logic ladies and gentlemen.

>get the fellow villagers into cabal debt and "accidently" burn the houses of those who do not comply to your fat ass
>Autistically screech when government does the same to you.

Like I said, KARMA. IS. A BITCH.

>reminder that kulak was a meme term
t. kulak

And now you're literally just making shit up. Communism will never work out, you should accept it and get that bust of Stalin out of your ass.

it was term that was literally used in the fucking anthem of Karensky's republic

>want to collectivize all the land
>a group of the very proletariat you claim to represent tell you it's a terrible idea
>realize that some of them are slightly richer than their neighbors
>declare them to actually be bourgeoisie and enemies of the state, collectivize their land
>they slaughter and trade away all their livestock before it can be collectivized
>raise the grain quotas
>people start hiding grain so they won't starve
>raise the grain quotas
>call anyone who hides grain a kulak and ship them to Siberia
>a drought hits the region, people are starting to die
>raise the grain quotas
>people are eating rats and worms to avoid dying
>raise the grain quotas
>an actual humanitarian crisis breaks out, millions are starving and will probably die
>raise the grain quotas

>several million dead Ukrainians later
>realize that in the future, people might figure out the true extent
>have propagandists blame everything on those slightly-richer peasants
>recast the story of government incompetence and genocidal malice as a bunch of greedy plantation owners burning the poor hardworking peasants' hard-earned grain out of spite
>tankies continue to repeat it for another seventy years

>just making shit up

At what part exactly? Kulaks never used usury? Kulaks never got their fellow villagers into debts over FOOD? Kulaks never used physical force to "hold the village in tight fist" (btw, that's where the "kulak" comes from)?

Also, I'm Russian, mate, last thing I need is some amerilard teaching me that these faggots dindu nuffin.

>Communism will never work out,

That's why you amerilards were so afraid of it? So much afraid that you fags helped every faggot, from stormniggers to durkas, to shit on Soviets?

>have propagandists blame everything on those slightly-richer peasants

Yeah, especially such notable and known Soviet propagandists as Yermolov and Stolypin, kek.