
And on that day, something in Japan changed greatly... (maybe)
Putting that aside, come play in Akiba!
The details:
From 2017-10-25 to 2017-10-31, a Monacoin promotional video will be playing on the large displays throughout Akihabara UDX and Akihabara's Radio Kaikan!
Apart from that, Ark Akiba will be handing out stickers and have other fun stuff to do! Check Ask Mona for details.
Akihabara UDX - 4 times per hour, 56 times in one day, starting from 8am in the morning until 10pm at night.
Akihabara Radio Kaikan - 2 times per hour, 26 times in one day, starting from 9am in the morning until 11pm at night.
During the duration of this event, if you shop at the electronics shop Ark Akiba, you can receive an original sticker!
The rest of the page is just information about Monacoin and stuff, like how it was born in Japan.
This is a pretty big advertising campaign - Akiba is in the center of Tokyo and Akiba UDX/Radio Kaikan are two large shopping areas right in front of Akihabara Station. It's one of the most visited places by tourists as well.

so what

>it hasn't even hit billboards
>mooned 60%

How much more does it have to go? It's a literal shitcoin.

Not even a meme, but an ACTUAL shitcoin that is popular because nips are braindamaged and will buy anything that looks cute.

never discount weebs and anime

>I do 0 research and complain when something moons, do some more research retard

I feel heavy doubt it could possibly moon any more

Thanks for the update. I appreciated the tip yesterday. I bought right after the post yesterday.

it's at an ATH and from the looks of it it's not gonna stop rising.. is it too late to buy in?

I think it has further to go

Trust me this coin will just keep rising, its unstoppable

Weeeee just got in on that flash dip down to 68k sats

buy the dips

You just made money


buy the more

mona chan is unstoppable!

nice billboards

if you can make some dosh off of it in the process why the fuck does it matter?

We love you Mona

mona was a really good buy today but if you haven't sold by now i dont think it's gonna be a good night.

and then you're gonna start posting pink wojaks when it moons again


it's doing it right now btw
thank god i bought the dip


And with any other coin this would make sense right, this is what would happen. But,
I've seen this happen way too many times with this coin that I really don't know what to think.

Why is anyone surprised that Monacoin has mooned? Crypto is getting big in Japan and Japanese always prefer homegrown products especially if they are seen as more reasonably priced.

Okay I bought back in lol.