Amerimutt general

Really makes you think huh?



La bestia...

Why is racism against Americans tolerated?

el monstruo de la americas...

Why do people obsess so much over race here?

I'm American and I know plenty of mixed race dudes. They're all nice people who go about life the same as you or me, not some sad parody like what you see posted on this site. Why can't we all just get along?

This is Veeky Forums, racism against everyone is tolerated.


>americans are a race

they're 100% 56% white

Because people with neither accomplishment nor ideological convictions have to have SOME way to feel superior

...Die Kreatur...


>be yuropoor so-called "master race"
>get btfo by patriotic American mutt soldiers

How can eurocucks compete?


I fucking love the amerigoblin meme, it kills me every time I see it. Not even in the condescending "wow how pathetic haha" way, it's just genuinely entertaining imagining Mexicans in the year 2050 nervously whispering "la atrocidad..." as they hear "whiter than u muhammed" bellowed in the distance by some hilariously deformed abomination.
t. burger

You know, I feel bad for black service members. They fought in both world wars to try and prove their loyalty to their country and it still took years for them to get their rights.

It's even worse after WWI. Black service members were actively targeted when they returned home from fear that they'd get to uppity and expect more for serving their country.

Half of it is Europeans trying to fight back against claims that they're dominated by Muslims and the other half is meming against American white supremacists who aren't as white as they think.

That image makes no sense.
Is it bait, or is it because he is old?

>proving his point

I feel the same way about the Jewish German soldiers in WWI who sacrificed life and limb for the Kaiser and were shat on by a small Austrian poopy pants soy boy as a reward.

>El Americano racero
Ay caramba

it's because they look the same

No it's not, it's a demonstration that race mixing is the definitive end of a nation. Mutts should be exterminated, race mixers should be killed. The kikes want a race of slant eyed, brown, nigger lipped, fat, curly haired, consumerist mutts with no identity.

Look at the picture of the mutt, you really think a nigger should be looking at a white woman? Race mixing and producing these ugly fucking shitskin mutts should bring the death penalty.

Real edgy brah, I'm impressed.

But they really don't look alike at all.