What do you think about this transformation, Veeky Forums? It's on the front page of Reddit

What do you think about this transformation, Veeky Forums? It's on the front page of Reddit.

He lost 70lbs and started dressing well. What a change! Fitness motivation thread?

That's a shitty example.

Not to sound like a prick but I can't tell which is the before or after

He has another stone to go, this is great and does wonders for self esteem but being this big and continuing on is the only option. Still has over 100lb to lose
Hopefully, he does it in another year and a half

I hate fat people regardless because I have a hard time gaining and I think losing is easy.

It's easy to lose 70lbs at that weight, probably as difficult as it is for me to put on 5lbs at my weight and literally no one is gonna notice or give me props for doing so.

So fuck these people that ate to excess and then just stopped eating as much.

thanks to reddit hugbox he's gonna get fat again. You gotta be real with those fat motherfuckers or they'll never change


Oh man he went from wearing a 35 gallon trash bag to a 20 gallon trashbag


the dude has fucking 10 stones to go

Same, usually the left is before and right is after. He said he dressed better but in the dressed better (left) he looks more hefty.

On a side note at least his face doesn't look as fat because his beard hides it :)

>dressing well

Is being a half-assed hipster considered dressing well?

Stop trolling, this is why Reddit is better, people aren't complexed there.

>Looking good my man, amazing transformation. Killer beard too

>you're a great cool looking big dude with a strong frame

>Diggin' your look on the right. Totally works for you. Keep it up, my man.

>that's a massive progress brother. it's always so inspiring to see how people who weren't dealt the best hand reverse the game

>I think you went from being like 52 to 28 congrats!!!

Why are you so negative?


Being honest is trolling. Ok

>dressing well
>those shoes

If he lost weight then good for him, but it just looks like he changed his dress style. He still need more to go tho.

What's under the hoodie? Explosive vest?

>started dressing well


>Mid 30s man dressing like a 13 year old


>you're a great cool looking big dude with a strong frame

What the hell does that even mean

>started dressing well

He's dressed like an adult in the before. In the after, he's dressing like a teenager

kek if i lost 70lbs i'd be dead

>What the hell does that even mean
"I'm a self righteous insecure attention whore and gonna give some bullshit compliment to this guy I don't give a shit about to get some le upboats to justify my miserable existence for one more day"