
1 year anniversary of lifting coming up in 7 days boys.

solid gainz user what's your

>sexual orientation
>home phone number
>work phone number
>favorite color

>Favorite color
Favourite colour*

End of month one
6'2" 167
Bench: 130lbs
Overhead: 90lbs
Deadlift: 165lbs
Squat: 135lbs

Please use metric units and post again.
Also, please state if you are including the bar in your benching/deadlifting/etc.

6' 202 lbs, 495 dead, 405 squat, 275 bench.

>not using freedom unites
go back to russia you fucking commie

Mirin that Hitler core.

Yeah, I trimmed it shortly after I took this picture cause I didn't feel I was ready to truly be master race.


He's obviously OHPing 1 plate with those shoulders.

Few more weeks bulking.

Convert it yourself lazy fuck
And of course you count the bar, your lifting it arnt you?

Ya know it sempai
They might look small but don't worry they are quite



how many years of training cause holy shit those legs are insane for a natty

4 years. Lots of hack squatting.

you look fucking huge

do you take insulin?

mirin the quads tho

You have become my new goal, i hope i have the same god-tier genetics as you senpai

6'1 185

>dem quads
myron, never pleased with my legs

Goal body

>Those legs
Mate, you look like fucking upside down Palpatine..
Pretty good mate.
But no 8-pack?

Thanks. I currently eat A LOT of food so I look bloated all the time. For example one of the meals is 1kg potatoes, bread, fruits and minced meat.

u wout m8, he is about half the size of a doorfame in height

turbo manlet detected

6'2" 180lbs, almost 2 years lifting

It's nice to be a guy who has legs. There is too many chicken legs.

Thank you my friend. Just remember to work REALLY hard. Especially on leg days.

182cm. It's pretty hard to have big legs in that height.

redpill me on the effect of insulin and lifting

5'9 175
315x5 squat
275x3 bench
405x5 deadlift
I don't OHP with a BB,but can throw up 90 DBs for 5

How long have you been lifting?

Somewhere between 3-4 years


176 cm. 62 kg.

6ft 184lbs and been lifting for about year and 5 months. Currently cutting to about 175lbs.
Can I also get a bf estimate?

This is a realistic time frame, congrats user.

15% give or take

First three days strength, second volume.
I can't even squat or leg press because of my injuries so I guess you don't need regular squat to make your legs big.


what happened to ur nipples

Lost then in nam.

Where is your penis?

6'0 85kg Lifting for 7ish months

Ps started deadlifts 3 weeks ago due to not being a lil bitch with that lift


Deadlift 110kg 4x3
Bench 70kg 4x3
Squat 105kg 4x3

Any constructive criticism welcome. Where is improvement needed, and what can I do to do it? I believe my abs are pretty shit relative to rest.


dem legs and arms, you look like a mech suit

Your wrist is wrong


Ugly chin

BP280 S360 D420 OHP190

Post shredded picture of yourself


Feels from breakup got me undereating when I'm supposed to be bulking for 2 more months. Fucking cancerous gains goblins.

bodyfat% anyone?


Mirin brah

thx boo.

Im type 1 diabetic and pin 2 types of insulin around 8 times daily and fair enough I don't know how my gains would be without but I don't think there is any benefit lol.

Only people I've heard taking insulin (without being diabetic) are roid monkeys. Roid monkeys make good gains regardless.

But yeah the only noticeable effect I can tell you is that if you pin on your stomach you will get pretty nice looking roid gut. Thanks god I realized that now and have switched to legs completely.

Definitely not 15%.

18-20% is way more realistic.

Aug 2016, Feb 2017
50 pounds lost

I got them same feels brah. We are all going to make it together

Its hard to tell due to the paleness and bad front on lighting but I would say no more than 16%. You can slightly see the upper abs, his Adonis belt is starting to be defined and he doesnt really have any love handles or large amount fat anywhere else on his upper body. His arms do still look a bit fluffy but they dont look like they have a pump and are pretty relaxed.

Can I get a body fat %?


no idea how to bf guess girls cause you have higher bodyfat anyway

maybe like 19? 20? no idea


6' 197#

6"2 250, currently cutting til 235, then slow bulk during meet prep program for first meet in June.

B: 375
S: 500
D: 600

holy shit man fix your goddamn body hair jesus


Thanks. Trying to get to 15% by summer without losing muscle

Am I making it?

Maybe if you took a pic that actually showed your body we'd be able to tell. No homo....

bulky bois ww@

Goal legs. What do you squat?

those nipples are amazing no homo

You're starting to look like a blob.

guize, I'm 6'2", 200 lbs. I'm too fat already (hold literally all of my fat in my midsection) but my lifts are flying upwards eating now. I've lifted just over a year, but most of that was spent cutting, so I feel like I'm tapping my n00b gains now. I do oly lifting+ squats 4x a week, and 1-2 additional days where I hit bench and some isolations. Want to be aesthetic one day but I need to get way bigger too. What do?

feels good man

Not much to be honest. Could probably hit ~400lbs, but due to butt winking (working to fix now) I wouldn't try it at this moment


thicc af, good luck at your meet user

Name of this instagram sloot? I need to pop off a few knuckle children.

What else do you do?

6"0' ~160lbs should I keep cutting and get really lean or bulk?

How am I doing for 6 weeks of SL? Should I eat more?

>T H I G G
bulk prog: 4 mos, +17 lbs

You look a little better but not nearly as well as you would if you ate more

off to le gym. should I train arms or chest? grillz dont care about legs

post progress from skelly to strong


lifts senpai?

Weighted walking lunges (MAJOR key), individual leg leg press, leg extension machine, single leg squat with dumbbells, barbell hack squats. That's about it really.

what exactly do you eat in one day?


lost about 2-3lbs since this pic because was spending all my time because of a stupid sloot but now it's time to get back on the gravy train boyos

Also stats are 5 foot 9, 171lbs

>sideways pose


Damn you really dug in deep to see my nipples

>tree tattoo

why am i seeing this so much lately? what the fuck is the meaning behind it that's so deep it needs to be a permanent part of your body?

The tree thing is just the bottom and front-facing side. This is the actual tattoo.