Bought one of these, never realised

Bought one of these, never realised
>That nutrition

Why isn't this Veeky Forums

tastes p good too

holy fuck boys I feel good af

Time to work out.
I've always wanted gains but I've been a pet for guys too much and I needed to stay petite. Time for gains
>journey begins


So it's basically an energy drink?

I had two along with this, maybe that's why I suddenly want to work out and quit smoking

could you have tried to take a blurrier picture?

On my shitty phone atm. You can still read it, right?


I rarely indulge

>making it
pick one

>not putting your body into survival mode
>not showing your body and mind that you're not afraid of death or pain
>not wrapping yourself in a blanket for a week while you cut, cry and work out some times so you're literally working with blood, sweat and tears
>not congratulating yourself for surviving and knowing that until you die you're immortal, so you push yourself

Stay pleb. I'll document my journey here while I get cash, bitches and gains

whats the name of it?

what is it ?


what a fucking cuck

is it tasty ?

damn, people have really begun overusing that meme/word

Goals are both physical and mental.
You and your mind have to take part of everything your body does. You have to work together, else one will fail- halting progress. Come at me

Surprisingly yes. I might get some protein powder and mix it in- I also make chicken sometimes to cut it up, making a pasta/chicken stew with protein stock

Never worked out tho. I just sit in a way that works on my body while on the computer/in the bath

lul this keeps jumping from page 1/2
Bump this shit

Does it say 50g sugar?


That is not good for you man

Per container.

Not him, but you don't cut yourself. this isnt 2006 anymore bro

>when you're so Jamaican you can't even spell nourishment