Does Veeky Forums train for the pump, or is it overrated ?
Does Veeky Forums train for the pump, or is it overrated ?
fucking normie
Anyone that says that they enjoy working out is a flat out liar.
Lol dyel. I enjoy working out or else I wouldn't be doing it.
>t. skinnyfat dyel
get some muscle and you'll know what the fuck arnold is talking about
for my sets of 10-12 reps I do 3 min rest in between and focus on progressive overload. still the pump is much bigger than from the strength work
working out is actually the only thing that I enjoy user
im a dyel and i love working out
Anyone who says they enjoy working out is not doing it hard enough*
Ikr, you should literally be going to snap city 7 days a week. Pain is just weakness leaving the tendons
I second this
if you're enjoying it you're doing a half-assed workout, and in that case why the fuck are you even there?
>G-going hard is BAD for you!
You are one sad little cunt, user
I enjoy being able to just focus on training instead of everyday bullshit
I also enjoy the burn and the feeling of endorphins from it
Plus the gym is like the only place a guy can actually use his full strength without breaking stuff and slamming doors and whatnot
I chase the pump with my arms and chest cause it seems to be the way to get em to grow
Elsewhere not so much
You've never felt borderline high after a heavy set of compounds?
back to your elliptical fatty
You can enjoy a workout and still go hard you lazy fuck
>waste of trips
You enjoy the effects of working out, not the activity itself.
>wow it's great fun to tire my muscles until they hurt
Challenging yourself isn't fun?
>beta detected
I know this feel brah
>bet myself I can't eat a bucket of sand!
I train for results.
t. weightlifter
Trips of truth
DYEL cuntminds BTFO
for real tho, learn to push your comfortzone you fags. Pathetic.
working out is amazing
>dem endorphins
feel happy as hell. add the proud feeling of achievement and lifting is a must
That is the enjoyable part, you loser.
it actually is though
its a very satisfying feeling to wind down and relax after physically exhausting yourself
so we're in agreement
>equating that which has no benefit to something which has great benefit
learn how to logic, I'd send you to Veeky Forums but they'd just send you right back
Once I do cardio for about 30-40 minutes, I feel like I turn into a machine. I can pump off set after set of HIIT and feel amazing & not fatigued.
feels good man.
Also crazily enough, when on a cut after a hard session of cardio my appetite is suppressed for a while. So I burn more & feel less hungry.
Stop fighting you bitches. Working out is good for different people for different reasons.
Pack of fucking hissy faggots in a thread about the pump and you all get derailed after about 2 fucking seconds.
well if i eat a bucket of sand my stomach will feel like a boob
Fuck off virgin.
t. dyel
Benching is always fun.
honestly i feel burned out from lifting continuously for the past 4 years
W8, so you force yourself to do something you don't like doing?
I love the gym. Sucks to be you